r_crypto 0.5.0 copy "r_crypto: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
r_crypto: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard

Rust backend support crypto flutter library, much faster than Dart-implementation library, light-weight library. Some crypto support hardware accelerate.

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r_crypto #

Rust backend support crypto flutter library, much faster than Dart-implementation library, light-weight library.

Some crypto support hardware accelerate.

Support Algorithm #

Hashes #

  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA2
    • SHA224
    • SHA256
    • SHA384
    • SHA512-trunc224
    • SHA512-trunc256
  • SHA3
    • SHA3-224
    • SHA3-256
    • SHA3-384
    • SHA3-512
    • SHAKE-128
    • SHAKE-256
    • KECCAK224
    • KECCAK256
    • KECCAK384
    • KECCAK512
  • Whirlpool
  • Blake2
    • Blake2b
    • Blake2s
  • Blake3
  • Groestl
    • Groestl224
    • Groestl256
    • Groestl384
    • Groestl512
    • GroestlBig
    • GroestlSmall
  • RIPEMD160 (RIPEMD-320 provides only the same security as RIPEMD-160)
  • Shabal
    • Shabal192
    • Shabal224
    • Shabal256
    • Shabal384
    • Shabal512

More digest will support soon.

Support Platform #

  • Android
    • arm64-v8a
    • armeabi-v7a
    • x86
    • x86_64
  • iOS
    • arm64
    • x86_64
  • macOS
    • x86_64
    • arm64(WIP)
  • Windows
    • x86_64
    • x86(Not support now and feature)
  • Linux
    • x86_64

Example Usage #

Hash #

import 'package:r_crypto/r_crypto.dart';

// For fixed output length digest
rHash.hashString(HashType.MD5, input);
// For dynamic output length digest
rHash.hashString(HashType.blake3(length: 64), input);
// Also accept List<int> as parameter
rHash.hashList(HashType.KECCAK_224, [0,1,2]);
// Hash File
rHash.filePath(HashType.blake3(length: 32), path);

// Encode the list

Note #

  • Windows user needs to download the rcrypto.dll and put it in the same folder with *.exe. It's the limitation of the Flutter Windows Plugin now.


  • Support file input
  • Support encrypt/decrypt algorithm
pub points


verified publishertinocheng.app

Rust backend support crypto flutter library, much faster than Dart-implementation library, light-weight library. Some crypto support hardware accelerate.

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MIT (license)


ffi, flutter


Packages that depend on r_crypto