pubviz 2.5.0 copy "pubviz: ^2.5.0" to clipboard
pubviz: ^2.5.0 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Visualize package dependencies in your Dart project

Visualize package dependencies in your Dart project #

Build Status

Make sure you run pub get or pub upgrade in your target project directory.

Example #

Here's an example of pubviz run on itself.

Installing #

Activate pubviz.

$ pub global activate pubviz

Use #

If you have configured your PATH correctly, you can run pubviz directly.

$ pubviz

Otherwise you can use the pub global command.

$ pub global run pubviz

Generate and open an html file for the package on the current path. #

$ pubviz open

Should open your default browser to something like:


$ pubviz --format=dot print /path/to/http_package

You should see output something like:

digraph G {
  node [fontname=Helvetica];
  edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontcolor=gray];

  http [label="http
  http -> path [label=">=0.9.0 <2.0.0",penwidth=2];
  http -> stack_trace [label=">=0.9.1 <0.10.0",penwidth=2];
  http -> unittest [label=">=0.9.0 <0.10.0",penwidth=2,style=dashed];

  path [label="path

  stack_trace [label="stack_trace
  stack_trace -> path [label=">=1.0.0-rc.1 <2.0.0"];

  unittest [label="unittest
  unittest -> stack_trace [label=">=0.9.0 <0.10.0",color=gray];

pubviz -? prints help #

$ pubviz -?
Usage: pubviz [<args>] <command> [<package path>]

  open   Populate a temporary file with the content and open it.
  print  Print the output to stdout.

  -f, --format=<format>
            [dot]               Generate a GraphViz dot file
            [html] (default)    Wrap the GraphViz dot format in an HTML template which renders it.

  -i, --ignore-packages         A comma seperated list of packages to exclude in the output.
  -o, --[no-]flag-outdated      Check for lasted packages and flag those that are outdated.
  -?, --help                    Print this help content.

If <package path> is omitted, the current directory is used.