pub_release 4.1.0 pub_release: ^4.1.0 copied to clipboard
Automates the release of a dart package to including running dartfmt, creating a git tag, incrementing the packages version no. and pushing the package to
Pub Release is a package to assist in publishing dart/flutter packages to
Pub Release performs the following operations:
- Formats all code using dartfmt
- Increments the version no. using semantic versioning after asking what sort of changes have been made.
- Creates a dart file containing the version no. in src/version/version.g.dart
- Updates the pubspec.yaml with the new version no.
- If you are using Git:
- Generates a Git Tag using the new version no.
- Generates release notes from commit messages since the last tag.
- Allows you to edit the release notes.
- Adds the release notes to CHANGELOG.MD along with the new version no.
- Publishes the package to
- Run pre/post release 'hook' scripts.
creating a release #
To update the version no. and publish your project run:
The pub_release command will:
- prompt you to select the new version number
- update pubspec.yaml with the new version no.
- create/udpate a version file in src/util/version.g.dart
- format your code with dartfmt
- analyze you code with dartanalyzer
- Generate a default change log entry using your commit history
- Allow you to edit the resulting change log.
- push all commits to git
- run any scripts found in the pre_release_hook directory.
- publish your project to
- run any scripts found in the post_release_hook directory.
Hooks #
pub_release supports the concept of pre and post release hooks.
A hook is simply a script that is run before or after the release is pushed to
Hooks live in the following directories:
<project root>
/tool/pre_release_hook<project root>
Where the project root
is the directory where your pubspec.yaml lives.
You can include any number of scripts in each of these directories and they will be run in alphabetical order.
When your hook is called it will be passed the new version as a cli argument:
my_hook.dart 1.0.0
Automatic git hub releases #
You can use pub_release to automate the creating of a git 'release' each time you publish your package:
Install dcli which we will use to create the hook.
pub global activate dcli
dcli install
Don't panic if the dcli install fails it is still a work in progress but it will get far enough to meet pub_release's requirements.
You will need to obtain a github personal access token:
Copy the following script to:
<project root>/tool/post_release_hook\git_release.dart
#! /usr/bin/env dcli
import 'package:dcli/dcli.dart';
import 'package:settings_yaml/settings_yaml.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
var project = DartProject.current;
var pathToSettings = join(project.pathToProjectRoot, 'tool', 'post_release_hook', 'settings.yaml');
var settings = SettingsYaml.load(pathToSettings: pathToSettings);
var username = settings['username'] as String;
var apiToken = settings['apiToken'] as String;
var owner = settings['owner'] as String;
var repository = settings['repository'] as String;
'github_release -u $username --apiToken $apiToken --owner $owner --repository $repository'
.start(workingDirectory: Script.current.pathToProjectRoot);
on linux and osx mark the script as exectuable:
sudo chmod +x git_release.dart
Create a settings.yaml file in:
<project root>/tool/post_release_hook\settings.yaml
Update the settings.yaml file with your git configuration.
username: <your github username>
apiToken: <your git hub access token>
owner: <your git hub repo owner name>
repository: <your git hub repository name>
Modify each of the strings '
apiToken: XXXXXXXX
owner: bsutton
repository: pub_release
Now when you run pub_release it will detect your hook
Attach an asset to a github release: #
You can use pub_release to automatally attach and asset to a git 'release'.
Install dcli which we will use to create the hook.
pub global activate dcli
dcli install
Don't panic if the dcli install fails it is still a work in progress but it will get far enough to meet pub_release's requirements.
You will need to obtain a github personal access token:
Copy the following script to:
<project root>/tool/post_release_hook\publish_asset.dart
#! /usr/bin/env dcli
import 'package:dcli/dcli.dart';
import 'package:settings_yaml/settings_yaml.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
var project = DartProject.current;
var pathToSettings = join(project.pathToProjectRoot, 'tool', 'post_release_hook', 'settings.yaml');
var settings = SettingsYaml.load(pathToSettings: pathToSettings);
var username = settings['username'] as String;
var apiToken = settings['apiToken'] as String;
var owner = settings['owner'] as String;
var repository = settings['repository'] as String;
'github_release -u $username --apiToken $apiToken --owner $owner --repository $repository'
.start(workingDirectory: Script.current.pathToProjectRoot);
Automating releases using Git work flows #
You can automate the creation of git release tags from a github workflow via:
- github_workflow_release
name: Release executables for Linux
# tags:
# - '*'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: google/dart:latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: setup paths
run: export PATH="${PATH}":/usr/lib/dart/bin:"${HOME}/.pub-cache/bin"
- name: install pub_release
run: pub global activate pub_release
- name: Create release
APITOKEN: ${{ secrets.APITOKEN }}
run: github_workflow_release --username <user> --apiToken "$APITOKEN" --owner <owner> --repository <repo>
You need to update the <user>
, <owner>
and <repo>
with the appropriate github values.
You also need to add you personal api token as a secret in github