place_picker 0.10.0 copy "place_picker: ^0.10.0" to clipboard
place_picker: ^0.10.0 copied to clipboard

Place picker fully written in dart for Flutter. Comes with autocomplete suggestions and nearby locations list. Localization too.

[0.10.0] - 07 Oct 2022 #

Dependencies updated Changed location dependency to geolocator for current location NullPointerException fix for android devices fixes #39 #75

[0.9.20-nullsafety] - 18 Jan 2022 #

Change body1 to bodyText1

[0.9.18-nullsafety] - 22 March 2021 #

Upgrade to nullsafety

[0.9.18] - 2 Nov 2020 #

Upgraded http package

[0.9.17] - 2 Nov 2020 #

Added custom localization support

[0.9.16] - 2 Nov 2020 #

Bump google_maps_flutter version up

[0.9.15] - 17 Sep 2020 #

Merge geocode reverse fix. (I reset my PC, .14 is jumped)

[0.9.13] - 15 Apr 2020 #

Code clean up. Refactor.

[0.9.12] - 12 Apr 2020 #

Update instructions for installation

[0.9.11] - 9 Dec 2019. #

Dark Theme support

[0.9.10] - 3 Dec 2019. #

Pass custom initial location or previously selected location.

[0.9.9] - 5 Aug 2019. #

Added place id and formatted address to results

[0.9.8] - 29 Jun 2019. #

Hide keyboard on suggestion selection. Refactoring.

[0.9.7] - 10 Jun 2019. #

Consistent UI. Made installation guidelines more clearer.

[0.9.6] - 9 Jun 2019. #

Fixed fatal typo

[0.9.5] - 9 Jun 2019. #

Fixed issue where autocomplete overlay still remain after widget has been disposed until whole app is restarted.

[0.9.4] - 8 Jun 2019. #

Working on library health.

[0.9.3] - 8 Jun 2019. #

Fixed issue with delayed call to searchPlace

searchPlace was being called (sometimes) after the widget has unmounted. This could have been due to some delay caused by the debouncer proceeding after the widget has unmounted

[0.9.2] - 8 Jun 2019. #

Fixed issue where setState from http response callbacks was being called after widget was disposed/unmounted

[0.9.1] - 1 Jun 2019. #

Updated guidelines to include missing configurations

[0.9.0] - 1 Jun 2019. #

Prepared for usage.

[0.0.2] - 1 Jun 2019. #

Fixes to package publication health. Added example.

[0.0.1] - 1 Jun 2019. #

Initial release.

pub points



Place picker fully written in dart for Flutter. Comes with autocomplete suggestions and nearby locations list. Localization too.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, geolocator, google_maps_flutter, http


Packages that depend on place_picker