pedantic_mono 1.27.0 copy "pedantic_mono: ^1.27.0" to clipboard
pedantic_mono: ^1.27.0 copied to clipboard

[mono edition] Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.

1.27.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to ^3.4.0 🎯
  • Add missing_code_block_language_in_doc_comment
  • Add unnecessary_library_name

1.26.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to ^3.3.0 🎯
  • Remove duplicated lints
  • Remove deleted lints

1.25.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to ^3.2.0 🎯
  • Add annotate_redeclares
  • Remove duplicated lints

1.24.0+1 #

  • Adds pub topics to package metadata.

1.24.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '3.1.0' 🎯
  • Add no_self_assignments
  • Add no_wildcard_variable_uses

1.23.0 #

  • Add matching_super_parameters
  • Add no_literal_bool_comparisons
  • Remove duplicated rules
    • collection_methods_unrelated_type
    • implicit_call_tearoffs
    • use_string_in_part_of_directives

1.22.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '3.0.0' 🎯
  • Add implicit_reopen
  • Add invalid_case_patterns
  • Add type_literal_in_constant_pattern
  • Add unnecessary_breaks

1.21.1 #

  • Add combinators_ordering

1.21.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '2.19.0'
  • Remove deprecated invariant_booleans
  • Add enable_null_safety
  • Add library_annotations
  • Add dangling_library_doc_comments
  • Add collection_methods_unrelated_type
  • Add implicit_call_tearoffs
  • Add unnecessary_library_directive
  • Add unreachable_from_main
  • Add use_string_in_part_of_directives

1.20.1 #

  • Add language/strict-casts and remove strong-mode (Not behavior change)

1.20.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '2.18.0'
  • Add unnecessary_null_aware_operator_on_extension_on_nullable
  • Add unnecessary_to_list_in_spreads

1.19.2 #

  • Update flutter_lints version constraints

1.19.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '2.17.0'
  • Add use_colored_box
  • Add use_enums
  • Add use_super_parameters

1.18.0 #

  • Add avoid_redundant_argument_values

1.17.0 #

  • Add require_trailing_commas

1.16.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '2.16.0'
  • Add use_decorated_box
  • Add no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
  • Add no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers
  • Add secure_pubspec_urls
  • Add sized_box_shrink_expand
  • Add avoid_final_parameters
  • Add unnecessary_late

1.15.0 #

  • Change minimum Dart version to '2.15.0'
  • Add depend_on_referenced_packages
  • Add eol_at_end_of_file
  • Add noop_primitive_operations
  • Add unnecessary_constructor_name
  • Add use_test_throws_matchers

1.14.0 #

  • Set analyzer/language/strict-inference to true
  • Set analyzer/language/strict-raw-types to true

1.13.0 #

  • Depends on flutter_lints instead of deprecated pedantic

1.12.3 #

  • Add use_key_in_widget_constructors
  • Add unnecessary_string_interpolations

1.12.2 #

  • Add avoid_print

1.12.1 #

  • Add avoid_multiple_declarations_per_line
  • Add deprecated_consistency
  • Add use_named_constants

1.12.0-dev #

  • Add avoid_dynamic_calls

1.11.0 #

  • Migrated to null safety
  • Add new lints
    • avoid_dynamic_calls
    • avoid_type_to_string
    • cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
    • null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter
    • tighten_type_of_initializing_formals
    • unnecessary_null_checks
    • unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations
    • use_late

1.10.0 #

  • Add sized_box_for_whitespace
  • Add exhaustive_cases
  • Add no_default_cases
  • Add use_is_even_rather_than_modulo

1.9.1 #

  • Comment out sized_box_for_whitespace, which hasn't released to current stable channel (1.17.1)
    • It will be included in 1.10.0-dev for now

1.9.0 #

  • Add sized_box_for_whitespace

1.8.0 #

  • Disable avoid_types_on_closure_parameters

1.7.0 #

  • Add prefer_final_in_for_each

1.6.0 #

1.5.0 #

  • Update pedantic to 1.9.0

1.4.1 #

  • Split out analysis_options_flutter_samples.yaml
  • It is also valid to specifyinclude: package:pedantic_mono/analysis_options_flutter_samples.yaml
    • More loose rules

1.4.0 #

  • missing_required_param: warning
  • missing_return: warning

1.3.0 #

  • Add many linter rules.

1.2.0 #

Add these rules.

  • sort_constructors_first
  • sort_unnamed_constructors_first

1.1.0 #

Add these rules.

  • prefer_const_constructors
  • prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables
  • prefer_const_declarations
  • prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables

1.0.0 #

  • Fix metadata.

0.0.1 #

  • First release.
pub points



[mono edition] Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.

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