paperplane 0.6.5
paperplane: ^0.6.5 copied to clipboard
A Flying Telegram Bot API Wrapper created from Scratch and Paper.
// //
// PaperPlane - Just a Telegram Library for Dart //
// Copyright (c) 2020 Nebulino //
// //
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:logger/logger.dart';
import 'package:paperplane/helpers.dart';
import 'package:paperplane/paperplane.dart';
import 'test_values.dart';
/// A simple Example...
void main() {
// => Choose how to create your bot~:
// - BotFile (async)
// - io.File
// - token
var paperplane = PaperPlane.createBot(token: TestValues.TOKEN);
final master = ChatID.fromID(TestValues.MASTER);
// => Turn on the engines. Okay it's a paperplane, but still looks cool?
// If you want to export the bot for future use when turning off.
// I know, this example loads a file, but I guess you know that exporting is
// good if you create a bot using a TOKEN for example.
..then((bot) => paperplane.export(bot: bot, file_name: 'bot.json'))
..then((bot) => paperplane.api.getChat(chatID: master).then((master_data) =>
chatID: master,
text: "I'm departed master ${master_data.username}...")));
paperplane.setLoggerLevel(level: Level.debug);
// => Choose your "flying" mode:
// - polling
// - webhook (to be implemented)
paperplane.startPolling(clean: true);
// => Do you want to work directly with Telegram Methods and shrink the code?
final api = paperplane.api;
// => If you want to work with updates, you can!
// 1. get the updater.
final updater = paperplane.updater.onUpdate();
// 2. set your conditions!
.where((onUpdate) => onUpdate.message.text != null)
.where((onUpdate) => onUpdate.message.text == 'uwu')
.listen((update) {
api.sendMessage(chatID: ChatID.fromID(, text: 'owo');
// => If you want to manage events, just do as follows...
.where((message) => message.text == 'cacca')
.listen((message) {
// Send an image from a URL.
chatID: ChatID.fromID(,
photo: Luggage.withLink(
link: ''));
paperplane.onMessage().where((message) => message.text == 'voice').listen(
(message) => api.sendAudio(
// Send a File. You can also send a blob (Uint8List).
chatID: ChatID.fromID(,
Luggage.withFile(file: io.File('./files/voices/kokodayo.ogg'))));
// For more information about the methods, watch the wiki
// (on!
// you can also directly reply a message entity if you want...
.where((message) => message.text == 'reply')
.listen((message) {
message.replyText(text: 'sure!');
// MORE TO COME... STAY SAFE AND FLY~ (Corona Virus FREE PaperPlanes)
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