papercups_flutter 3.1.1 copy "papercups_flutter: ^3.1.1" to clipboard
papercups_flutter: ^3.1.1 copied to clipboard

Native Flutter implementation of the chat widget.


pub package style: effective dart License GitHub issues

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Demo Chat

button button

Compatible with all platforms: Windows, Android, Linux, MacOS, and iOS

Installing #

To get started simply add papercups_flutter: and the latest version to your pubspec.yaml. Then run flutter pub get

🎉 Done, It's that simple.

Using the widget #

Integration with your app requires just a few lines of code, add the following widget wherever you want your papercups chat window to be:

import 'package:papercups_flutter/papercups_flutter.dart';

  props: PapercupsProps(
    accountId: "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx", //Your account id goes here.
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That should get you up and running in just a few seconds ⚡️.

Configuration #

Available PapercupsWidget arguments #

Parameter Type Value Default
props PapercupsProps Required. This is where all of the config for the chat is contained. N/A
dateLocale String Locale for the date, use the locales from the intl package. "en-US"
timeagoLocale dynamic Check timeago messages for the available classes. N/A

Available PapercupsProps parameters #

Prop Type Value Default
accountId String Required. Your Papercups account token. N/A
baseUrl String The base URL of your API if you're self-hosting Papercups. Ensure you do not include the protocol (https) of a trailing dash (/). ""
customer PapercupsCustomerMetadata Identifying information for the customer, including name, email, externalId, and otherMetadata (for any custom fields). N/A
closeIcon Widget The close button displayed in the header section. N/A
closeAction VoidCallback The function to handle closing the widget. If not null, close button will be shown. N/A
scrollEnabled bool Whether or not to allow scrolling. true
floatingSendMessage bool Wether to have the message box floating. false
requireEmailUpfront bool If you want to require unidentified customers to provide their email before they can message you. Not recommended for apps. false
sendIcon Widget Message send icon in the chat text field. N/A
onMessageBubbleTap void Function(PapercupsMessage) Function to handle message bubble tap action. N/A
style PapercupsStyle Class used to customize the widget appearance. PapercupsStyle()
translations PapercupsIntl If you want to override the default EN translations displayed by the widget. PapercupsIntl()

Available PapercupsCustomerMetadata parameters #

Parameters Type Value Default
email String The customer's email N/A
externalId String The customer's external ID N/A
name String The customer's name N/A
otherMetadata Map<String, dynamic> Extra metadata to pass such as OS info, app version, etc. N/A

Available PapercupsStyle parameters #

Parameters Type Value Default
primaryColor Color The theme color of the chat widget. Papercups blue:
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primaryGradient Gradient Gradient to specify, should be used instead of primaryColor. DO NOT USE BOTH! N/A
backgroundColor Color Color used in the background of the entire widget.
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titleStyle TextStyle The text style of the title at the top of the chat widget.
  color: textColor, // Using computeLuminance
  fontSize: 21,
  fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
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titleAlign TextAlign The widget title alignment.
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subtitleStyle TextStyle The chat widget sub title text style.
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headerHeight double The chat widget header height. N/A
headerPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry The chat widget header padding.
  top: 16,
  right: 20,
  left: 20,
  bottom: 12,
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noConnectionIcon Widget The widget displayed in the chat when there's no Internet connection.
  size: 100,
  color: Colors.grey,
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noConnectionTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the text displayed in the chat widget when there's no Internet connection.
Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineSmall?.copyWith(color: code.grey)
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requireEmailUpfrontInputDecoration InputDecoration The input decoration of the require email text field.
  border: UnderlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(
      color: Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
      width: 0.5,
      style: BorderStyle.solid,
  enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(
      color: Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
      width: 0.5,
      style: BorderStyle.solid,
  focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(
      color: Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
      width: 0.5,
      style: BorderStyle.solid,
  hintText: widget.props.translations.enterEmailPlaceholder,
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requireEmailUpfrontKeyboardAppearance Brightness The keyboard brightness of the require email text field.
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requireEmailUpfrontInputHintStyle TextStyle The text style of the require email text field hint.
TextStyle(fontSize: 14)
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requireEmailUpfrontInputTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the require email text field. N/A
floatingSendMessageBoxDecoration BoxDecoration The box decoration of the message text field when floatingSendMessage prop is true.
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
  boxShadow: [
      blurRadius: 10,
      color: Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light
          ? Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.4)
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sendMessageBoxDecoration BoxDecoration The box decoration of the message text field.
  color: Theme.of(context).cardColor,
  border: widget.showDivider
      ? Border(
          top: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).dividerColor),
      : null,
  boxShadow: [
      blurRadius: 30,
      color: Theme.of(context).shadowColor.withOpacity(0.1),
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sendMessageKeyboardAppearance Brightness The keyboard brightness of the send message text field.
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sendMessagePlaceholderInputDecoration InputDecoration The input decoration of the message text field.
  border: InputBorder.none,
  hintText: widget.props.translations.newMessagePlaceholder,
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sendMessagePlaceholderTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the message text field input hint text.
TextStyle(fontSize: 14)
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sendMessageInputTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the message text field input. N/A
botBubbleBoxDecoration BoxDecoration The box decoration of the bot chat bubbles.
  color: Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light
    ? brighten(Theme.of(context).disabledColor, 80)
    : const Color(0xff282828,
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4),
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botBubbleTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the bot chat bubbles.
  color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge?.color,
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botAttachmentBoxDecoration BoxDecoration The box decoration of the bot attachment (images, files) chat bubbles.
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
  color: Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light
    ? brighten(Theme.of(context).disabledColor, 70)
    : Color(0xff282828,
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botAttachmentTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the bot attachments file name.
  color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge?.color,
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botBubbleUsernameTextStyle TextStyle The text style of bot user name displayed below its chat bubbles.
  color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge?.color?.withOpacity(0.5),
  fontSize: 14,
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userBubbleBoxDecoration BoxDecoration The box decoration of the user chat bubbles.
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4),
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userBubbleTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the user chat bubbles.
TextStyle(color: widget.textColor)
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Depending on the luminance of the provided primaryColor, textColor can be either or Colors.white.
userAttachmentBoxDecoration BoxDecoration The box decoration of the user attachment (images, files) chat bubbles.
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
  color: darken(!, 20),
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userAttachmentTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the user attachments file name.
TextStyle(color: widget.textColor)
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Depending on the luminance of the provided primaryColor, textColor can be either or Colors.white.
userBubbleSentAtTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the "Sent x ago" (or "Sending...") text displayed below the latest user chat bubble.
TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)
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chatBubbleTimeTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the time stamp displayed (on tap) next to the any chat bubble.
  color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge?.color?.withAlpha(100),
  fontSize: 10,
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chatBubbleFullDateTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the date displayed centered in the chat before the chat bubbles of a given day.
TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)
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chatUploadingAlertTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the alert shown when an attachment is being uploaded.
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chatUploadingAlertBackgroundColor Color The background color of the alert shown when an attachment is being uploaded.
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chatUploadErrorAlertTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the error alert shown when an attachment failed to upload.
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chatUploadErrorAlertBackgroundColor Color The background color of the error alert shown when an attachment failed to upload.
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chatNoConnectionAlertTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the alert shown when the chat is displayed but no Internet connection is available.
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chatNoConnectionAlertBackgroundColor Color The background color of the alert shown when the chat is displayed but no Internet connection is available.
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chatCopiedTextAlertTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the alert shown when a chat bubble gets long pressed and its text copied.
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chatCopiedTextAlertBackgroundColor Color The background color of the alert shown when a chat bubble gets long pressed and its text copied.
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Available PapercupsIntl parameters #

Parameters Type Value Default
attachmentNamePlaceholder String Text displayed when an attachment doesn't have a file name "No Name"
attachmentUploadErrorText String Error message displayed when an attachment could not be uploaded "Failed to upload attachment"
attachmentUploadedText String Text displayed when an attachment has been uploaded "Attachment uploaded"
attachmentUploadingText String Text displayed when an attachment is been uploaded "Uploading..."
companyName String Company name to show on greeting "Bot"
enterEmailPlaceholder String This is the placeholder text in the email input section "Enter your email"
fileText String Text displayed on the tile where the user decides to upload a file "File"
greeting String An optional initial message to greet your customers with N/A
historyFetchErrorText String Error message displayed when the customer history couldn't be fetched "There was an issue retrieving your details. Please try again!"
imageText String Text displayed on the tile where the user decides to upload an image "Image"
loadingText String Text displayed when the chat is loading "Loading..."
newMessagePlaceholder String The placeholder text in the new message input "Start typing..."
noConnectionText String The placeholder text in the new message input "No Connection"
retryButtonLabel String Label used in the retry button when the chat history couldn't be fetched "Retry"
sendingText String Text to show while message is sending "Sending..."
sentText String Text to show when the message is sent "Sent"
subtitle String The subtitle in the header of your chat widget "How can we help you?"
textCopiedText String Text displayed when a text has been copied after long press on a chat bubble "Text copied to clipboard"
title String The title in the header of your chat widget "Welcome!"
uploadedText String Text displayed after the percentage value of an attachment being uploaded "uploaded"

Supporters #

Stargazers repo roster for @papercups-io/papercups_flutter Forkers repo roster for @papercups-io/papercups_flutter




Weekly Downloads

2024.09.11 - 2025.03.26

Native Flutter implementation of the chat widget.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


file_picker, flutter, flutter_markdown, http, intl, open_filex, path_provider, phoenix_socket, timeago, universal_io, url_launcher


Packages that depend on papercups_flutter