nucleoid 0.2.1 copy "nucleoid: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
nucleoid: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard


nucleoid package

nucleoid #

A library for Dart developers. Create dart web server.

Usage #

A simple usage example:

Sample 1 #

Create sample dart project with Stagehand:

Step 1: create sample project

$ mkdir sample1
$ cd sample1
$ stagehand console-simple

Step 2: add dependencies in pubspec.yaml

  nucleoid: ^0.1.1

Get dependencies:

$ pub get

Step 3: Replace code in bin/main.dart

import 'package:nucleoid/html.dart';
import 'package:nucleoid/nucleoid.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  await Server(router: MyRouter()).start(args);

class MyRouter extends Router {
  Future<Response> builder(Request request) async {
    return Response.ok(
        child: Html(
          lang: 'en',
          children: [
            Head(child: Meta(charset: 'utf-8')),
            Body(child: H1(child: Text('url: ${request.url.path}'))),
      headers: {'Content-Type': MimeTypes.html},

Step 4: run main.dart

$ dart bin/main.dart

Open: http://localhost:8080/hello_world


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>url: hello_world</h1>

Sample 2 #

import 'package:nucleoid/nucleoid.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {

  var server = Server(router: MyRouter());

  await server.start(args);

class MyRouter extends Router {
  Future<Response> builder(Request request) {
    var urlPath = request.url.path.toLowerCase();

    log.fine('urlPath: $urlPath');

    BuildResponse buildResponse;

    switch (urlPath) {
      case 'favicon.ico': return FileData.path('assets/favicon.ico', request: request).builder();
      case '':
      case '/': return _responseOk('Main page');
      default: return _responseNotFound();

  Response _responseOk(String title) {
    return Response.ok(
          lang: 'en',
          children: [
            Head(children: [Meta(charset: 'utf-8'), Title(title)]),
            Body(child: H1('Hello world')),
        headers: {'Content-Type': MimeTypes.html});

  Response _responseNotFound() {
      return Response.notFound(
          lang: 'en',
          children: [
            Head(children: [Meta(charset: 'utf-8'), Title('Page not found')]),
            Body(child: H1('Page not found')),
        headers: {'Content-Type': MimeTypes.html});

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

License #

BSD License license.