new_version 0.2.2 copy "new_version: ^0.2.2" to clipboard
new_version: ^0.2.2 copied to clipboard


Check if your user has the most recent version of your Flutter app.

New Version Plugin 🎉 #

A Flutter plugin that makes it possible to:

  • Check if a user has the most recent version of your app installed.
  • Show the user an alert with a link to the appropriate app store page.

See more at the Dart Packages page.


Installation #

Add new_version as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  new_version: ^0.2.0

Usage #

In main.dart (or wherever your app is initialized), create an instance of NewVersion.

final newVersion = NewVersion();

The plugin will automatically use your Flutter package identifier to check the app store. If your app has a different identifier in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, you can overwrite this by providing values for androidId and/or iOSId.

For iOS: If your app is only available outside the U.S. App Store, you will need to set iOSAppStoreCountry to the two-letter country code of the store you want to search. See ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 for a list of ISO Country Codes.

You can use then use the plugin in two ways.

Quickstart #

Calling showAlertIfNecessary with your app's BuildContext will check if the app can be updated, and will automatically display a platform-specific alert that the user can use to go to the app store.

newVersion.showAlertIfNecessary(context: context);

Advanced 😎 #

If you want to create a custom alert or use the app version information differently, call getVersionStatus. This will return a Future<VersionStatus> with information about the local and app store versions of the app.

final status = await newVersion.getVersionStatus();
status.canUpdate // (true)
status.localVersion // (1.2.1)
status.storeVersion // (1.2.3)
status.appStoreLink // (

If you want to present a customized dialog, you can pass your VersionStatus to showUpdateDialog().

  context: context, 
  versionStatus: status,
  dialogTitle: 'Custom dialog title',
  dialogText: 'Custom dialog text',
  updateButtonText: 'Custom update button text',
  dismissButtonText: 'Custom dismiss button text',
  dismissAction: () => functionToRunAfterDialogDismissed(),


unverified uploader

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Check if your user has the most recent version of your Flutter app.

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unknown (license)


collection, flutter, html, http, package_info_plus, url_launcher


Packages that depend on new_version