ms_map_utils 1.1.0 ms_map_utils: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
A dart package that implement a lot of util functions for a Map
Changelog #
[1.1.0] - 03/03/2022 #
- combine: combine two lists as result in new map with list one is keys and list two is values
[1.0.0] - 03/12/2021 #
- NullSafety: upgraded library to use Null Safety
[0.7.0] - 09/28/2020 #
- diff: returns a new map contend only difference between maps
[0.6.0+2] - 08/03/2020 #
- hotfix meta lib version
[0.6.0+1] - 08/03/2020 #
- improved documentation and refactored tests
[0.6.0] - 08/02/2020 #
- doIfExists: do something if exists a key and return something
[0.5.0] - 04/16/2020 #
- containsKeys: is like containsKey but support a list of keys e diferente rules
[0.4.0] - 03/02/2020 #
- putIfAbsentAsync: is like putIfAbsent but with async mode
[0.3.0] - 02/11/2020 #
- RemoveKeys function implemented.
- RemoveKeysExcept function implemented.
[0.2.0] - 02/06/2020 #
- Reduce function implemented.
[0.1.0] - 01/13/2020 #
- First Release.