ms_map_utils 1.1.0
ms_map_utils: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
A dart package that implement a lot of util functions for a Map
Overview #
A simple lib to increase Map with useful functions
Whats MS_Map_Utils do #
Add useful functions to map:
remove all MapEntries that's values isnull
it's recursive too.containsKeys
check if map contains all keys of list.diff
returns a new map contend only difference between maps.doIfContains
do some work if map contains a key.listCombine
creates anMap
by using one array for keys and another for its valuesputIfAbsentAsync
put an item if absent or return existent value async.reduce
iterate all items inMap
for reduce to a unique value returned from callbackReduceFunction
remove all entries that NOT contains a key in list.removeKeys
remove all entries that contains a key in list.trim
trim all Strings in a map it's recursive.
Usage #
Just import lib and use extensions, call the functions to starts work:
// Don't forget to import
import 'package:ms_map_utils/ms_map_utils.dart';
Map itsAMap = {'key1' : null, 'key2' : 'just a String'};
compact(itsAMap); // Output: {'key2':'just a String'}
// or using extensions.
itsAMap.compact(); // Output: {'key2':'just a String'}
compact #
The function compact
remove all MapEntries that's values is null
it's recursive.
test('Must return a new empty HashMap without null values', () {
var mapWithNullValues = {
'k1': null,
'k2': null,
'k3': null,
'map': {
'k1': null,
'k2': null,
'k3': null,
'list': [
'k1': null,
'k2': null,
'k3': null,
'k1': null,
'k2': null,
'k3': null,
var mapWithoutNull = compact(mapWithNullValues);
expect(mapWithoutNull, {
'map': {},
'list': [{}, {}]
see more in test file.
containsKeys #
The function containsKeys
check if map contains all keys of list.
test('Must return true if contains a list of keys', () {
var listOfKeyToCheck = ['key1', 'key2'];
var mapToCheck = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3'};
expect(mapToCheck.containsKeys(listOfKeyToCheck), isTrue);
see more in test file.
diff #
The function diff
returns a new map contend only difference between maps
'must return a new map with differences in values with differences is in nested map',
() {
var fromMap = {
'key1': 'value1',
'nestedMap': {'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3'},
'otherNestedMap': {'randomKey': []}
var toMap = {
'key1': 'value1',
'nestedMap': {'key2': 123, 'key3': 'value3'},
'otherNestedMap': 'random value'
expect(diff(fromMap, toMap), {
'nestedMap': {'key2': 123},
'otherNestedMap': 'random value'
see more in test file.
doIfContains #
The function doIfContains
will be call a callback function if the map contains a key ou else it will be a callback function elseIf
if elseIf
is null, null will return.
test('must return a object if contains a key', () {
final testMap = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'};
final newThing = doIfContains<List<String>>(testMap, 'key2',
doWork: (key, value) =>
[value.toString(), 'new awesome thing', key.toString()],
elseIf: () => ['nothing']);
expect(newThing, ['value2', 'new awesome thing', 'key2']);
see more in test file.
listCombine #
The function listCombine
creates an Map
by using one array for keys and another for its values.
test('combine two list as map', () {
final keys = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'white', 'black'];
final values = [0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000];
final newMap = listCombine<String, int>(keys, values);
expect(newMap is Map<String, int>, isTrue);
'red': 0xFF0000,
'green': 0x00FF00,
'blue': 0x0000FF,
'white': 0xFFFFFF,
'black': 0x000000,
}, newMap);
see more in test file.
putIfAbsentAsync #
The function putIfAbsentAsync
put an item if absent or return existent value async.
test('Call async function for empty map', () async {
var emptyMap = <String, String>{};
expect(emptyMap.containsKey('test'), isFalse);
var item = await emptyMap.putIfAbsentAsync('test', () async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1500));
return 'Random String';
expect(emptyMap, isNotEmpty);
expect(emptyMap.containsKey('test'), isTrue);
expect(item, 'Random String');
see more in test file.
reduce #
The function reduce
iterate all items in Map
for reduce to a unique value returned from callback ReduceFunction
test('Multiplies all int values to 120', () {
Map mapNumbers = <String, int>{
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
var value = mapNumbers
.reduce<int>((int acc, _, value) => (acc ?? 1) * (value as int));
expect(value, 120, reason: 'Value reduced must be 120');
see more in test file.
removeKeys #
The function removeKeys
remove all entries that contains a key in list.
test('Remove all entries that has a key in list with recursive', () {
Map mapNumbers = {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
'map': {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
mapNumbers.removeKeys(['key1', 'key2'], true);
expect(mapNumbers.length, 4);
expect(mapNumbers['map'].length, 3);
see more in test file.
removeKeysExcept #
The function removeKeysExcept
remove all entries that NOT contains a key in list.
test('Remove all entries that has a key NOT in list with recursive', () {
Map mapNumbers = {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
'map': {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
mapNumbers.removeKeysExcept(['key1', 'key2', 'map'], true);
expect(mapNumbers.length, 3);
expect(mapNumbers['map'].length, 2);
see more in test file.
trim #
The function trim
all Strings in a map it's recursive.
test('Most trim any Strings values', () {
const mapToTrim = {
'key1': ' random string ',
'key2': ' another random string ',
'key3': 321
expect(mapToTrim.trim(true), {
'key1': 'random string',
'key2': 'another random string',
'key3': 321
see more in test file.