more_widgets 3.1.6 copy "more_widgets: ^3.1.6" to clipboard
more_widgets: ^3.1.6 copied to clipboard

This package will offer you new useful widgets to use in your apps.

3.1.6 [13 june 2023] #

  • Adding barrierDismissible to dialogs
  • Dart 3 ready

3.1.5 [17 april 2023] #

  • Turning dialogs into futures

3.1.4 [10 mars 2023] #

  • Fixing readme issues

3.1.3 [10 mars 2023] #

  • Fixing readme issues

3.1.2 [10 mars 2023] #

  • Improving Readme with pictures

3.1.1 [10 mars 2023] #

  • Improving structure
  • Dialogs refactoring
  • Example app is now runnable

3.1.0 [08 mars 2022] #

  • Removing all of the auth screen
  • Min dart sdk version is now 2.19.2
  • Min flutter version is now 3.0.0
  • Upgrading dependencies

3.0.6 [18 mars 2021] #

  • Upgrading dependencies

3.0.5 [26 december 2021] #

  • Bug fix

3.0.4 #

  • Adding a loading widget

3.0.3 #

  • Possibility to display number keyboard on textInputDialog

3.0.2 #

  • Formatting code to flutter format

3.0.1 #

New :

  • Added loading dialogs
  • Added textInputDialog
  • Added dialogWithOptions
  • Added example

3.0.0 #

Restarting this package from start. Don't upgrade if you used some wigets that are not in the package anymore. They'll be back in the future.

  • Adding documentations for widgets
  • Start merging package MyEasyDialog in this one.
  • Updating to latest flutter version

Widgets available : #

  • RoundedContainer()
  • GradientBackground()
  • Dialogs.infodialog()

2.0.14 #

  • Bug fix with brightness

2.0.13 #

  • Bug fix with brightness

2.0.12 #

  • Bug fix

2.0.11 #

  • Bug fix

2.0.10 #

  • Changing gradientButton to make it available in dark mode !

2.0.9 #

  • Bug fix

2.0.8 #

  • Bug fix

2.0.7 #

  • Bug fix

2.0.6 #

  • adding animated overlay
    • AnimatedValidateOverlay
    • AnimatedIconOverlay

2.0.5 #

  • possibility to hide underline formfield

2.0.4 #

  • possibility to change icons from text field

2.0.3 #

  • Added possibility to readOnly text fields

2.0.2 #

  • bug fix

2.0.1 #

  • New Names form field

2.0.0 #

  • First version
pub points


unverified uploader

This package will offer you new useful widgets to use in your apps.



API reference


unknown (license)




Packages that depend on more_widgets