more_widgets 3.2.2 copy "more_widgets: ^3.2.2" to clipboard
more_widgets: ^3.2.2 copied to clipboard

This package will offer you new useful widgets to use in your apps.

more_widgets #

Add more widgets to use in your apps...

List of widgets : #

GradientBackground : #

Shows a gradient background container. Here is the parameters list:

final Widget child;
final List<Color> colors;       // Default : const [Color(0xffff9800), Color(0xfff44336)]
final List<Color> darkColors;   // Default : const [Color(0xff13191f), Color(0xff262f3c)]
final List<double> stops;       // Default : const [0.2, 0.8]
final AlignmentGeometry begin;  // Default : FractionalOffset.topLeft
final AlignmentGeometry end;    // Default : FractionalOffset.bottomRight
final bool useDarkMode;         // Default : true

RoundedContainer : #

Shows a rounded container. The default color is white. Here is the parameters list:

final Widget? child;
final Color color;            // Default : Colors.white
final double circularRadius;  // Default : 20
final double margin;          // Default : 20
final double padding;         // Default : 20

BottomActionSheet : #

Shows a bottom action sheet. Here is the way to use it:
    required BuildContext context, // The context of the widget
    required List<BottomActionSheetAction> actions, // The list of actions
    String? title, // The title of the action sheet
    String? message, // The message of the action sheet
    BottomActionSheetAction? cancelButton, // The cancel button
    bool useRootNavigator = false, // Use the root navigator

BottomActionSheetAction :

The actions of the bottom action sheet. Here is the parameters list:

const BottomActionSheetAction({
required String title, // The title of the action
required VoidCallback onPressed, // The action to do when the action is pressed
bool isDefaultAction = false, // If the action is the default action
bool isDestructiveAction = false, // If the action is the destructive action

List of dialogs : #

Those dialogs adapt automatically to the OS and display accordingly.

Dialogs.infoDialog #

This shows an informative dialog with only one button. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context,
required String title,
required String message,
String buttonText = "Ok",
bool popByDefault = true,
Function? onPressed,
iOS Android (with material design 3)
iOS Android

Dialogs.dialogWithOptions #

Here is the dialog with options, it's useful if you want to pop up a dialog where you can choose between two options. One of them can be set as destructive action. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context,
required String title,
required String message,
String textLeftButton = 'OK',
String textRightButton = 'Cancel',
Function? onPressedLeftButton,
Function? onPressedRightButton,
DestructiveAction destructiveAction = DestructiveAction.right,
DefaultAction defaultAction = DefaultAction.none,
Color androidDestructiveColor =,
bool popByDefault = true,
iOS Android (with material design 3)
iOS Android

Dialogs.textInputDialog #

This method will display a dialog with one or two buttons that have actions. Here is the parameters list:

required BuildContext context,
required String title,
required String message,
String textLeftButton = 'OK',
String textRightButton = 'Cancel',
Function? onPressedLeftButton,
Function? onPressedRightButton,
DestructiveAction destructiveAction = DestructiveAction.right,
DefaultAction defaultAction = DefaultAction.none,
Color androidDestructiveColor =,
bool popByDefault = true,
bool hasSecondaryButton = true,
String? placeholder,
TextEditingController? controller,
TextInputType? keyboardType,
Function? onChanged,
Function? onEditingComplete,
iOS Android (with material design 3)
iOS Android

Dialogs.loadingDialog #

required BuildContext context,
String? title,
iOS Android (with material design 3)
iOS Android

Left to do #

  • ❌ Adapt dialogs design to MacOS
  • ❌ Adapt dialogs design to Windows
  • ❌ Adapt dialogs design to Linux
  • ❌ Improve code documentation


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This package will offer you new useful widgets to use in your apps.



API reference


unknown (license)




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