mongo_go 2.3.0-dev.0 copy "mongo_go: ^2.3.0-dev.0" to clipboard
mongo_go: ^2.3.0-dev.0 copied to clipboard


MongoDB driver based on the official GO SDK via Dart FFI.

MongoDB driver based on the official MongoDB GO SDK.

While there is a wonderful community based MongoDB driver, mongo_dart, this package is a less portable package, but one that includes sessions, which we needed urgently but without the time to actually learn MongoDB's protocol. Therefore, the approach was to leverage GO's existing MongoDB driver, which is an official driver. So, this is the closest we have to get an official MongoDB driver for Dart, albeit probably a very incomplete one for now.

It supports the basic features like CRUD operations insertOne, ..., find, aggregate, some slightly more advanced features like watch. It supports sessions and transactions.

Getting started #

In order to use this package:

  • Add this package to your package dependencies on pubspec.yaml.

  • The package requires a dynamic library,, which is shipped with the package. You will find it under ~/.pub-cache/hosted/

# This needs to be done only once:
dart pub global activate ffi_lib 

# This should be done everytime you update mongo_go package:
ffi-lib mongo_go 

Here's a quick example of the package's usage:

import 'package:mongo_go/mongo_go.dart';

void main() async {

  // you can keep this as a singleton.
  final connection =
      await Connection.connectWithString("mongodb://localhost:27021/");

  final database = await connection.database("some_database");
  final collection = await database.collection("some_collection");

  await collection.createOneIndex({'name': 1});

  await collection.insertOne({
    'name': 'Alice',
    'education': 'bachelor',

  final lst = await collection.find({'name': 'Alice'}).toList();

  try {
    await connection.withTransaction(
      (transaction) async {
        await collection.insertOne(
          {'name': 'Charles', "test": "trxFail"},
          transaction: transaction,
        await collection.insertOne(
          {'name': 'Bob', "test": "trxFail"},
          transaction: transaction,
        throw 'oops';
  } catch (_) {
        'Check that neither Charles or Bob were inserted, because we threw \'oops\'');

  final bachelors = collection.aggregate([
      '\$match': {'education': 'bachelor'}

  await for (final batchelor in bachelors) {