mdcharts 4.5.2 copy "mdcharts: ^4.5.2" to clipboard
mdcharts: ^4.5.2 copied to clipboard charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.

Changelog #

4.5.2 - 08.12.2023 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Adjusted x axis labels painting positions.

4.5.1 - 07.12.2023 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Fixed first and last label positions.
    • Fixed LineChartGridType related issue with labels.

4.5.0 - 06.12.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Replaced axis painting from main painter to grid painter.
  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Reimplemented label painter and improved it's functionality.

4.4.3 - 01.12.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed ValueStream issue.

4.4.2 - 27.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Added new setting BarChartSettings.showAxisXSelectedLabelIfConcealed.
    • Fixed labels positioning for BarAlignment.start and

4.4.1 - 27.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Limited label selection only for InteractionType.selection.

4.4.0 - 27.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Reimplemented BarChart X axis labels, from Widgets to CustomPainter.
    • Reorganized padding and clipping mechanics.
    • Fixed YAxisLayout.displace related issue for BarFit.contain and no bar compression (incorrect item hit testing).
    • Fixed BarFit.none issue with state updating.

4.3.0 - 21.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed user input point interpolation to chart coordinate system.

4.2.1 - 20.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Added titleBuilder and subtitleBuilder of BarChartData to hashCode and equality operator.

4.2.0 - 17.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Added BarChartTooltipStyle to BarChartStyle.
    • Added tooltip builders to BarChartData.
    • Added Tooltip Style section to example app.
    • Implemented tooltip painter.

4.1.8 - 16.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Implemented InteractionType.overview, now in this mode the chart will be able to track the drag gesture to temporarily change the currently selected bar group.
    • Added BarChartSettings.xAxisLabelQuantity that is working in a conjunction with InteractionType.overview mode to limit the quantity of X axis labels.
  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Fixed doc comment of LineChartSettings.xAxisLabelQuantity.

4.1.7 - 15.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed typo of InteractionType.

4.1.6 - 14.11.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Changed from BarChartSettings.showSelection to InteractionType enum.
  • Added RepaintBoundary to all charts.

4.1.5 - 10.04.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed issue with initial animation.

4.1.4 - 09.04.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed check for data equality on didUpdateWidget.

4.1.3 - 09.04.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Added check for data equality on didUpdateWidget.

4.1.2 - 09.04.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Removed redundant animation triggered by didUpdateWidget instantly after initState.

4.1.1 - 03.04.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Improved stability of painter selectedPeriod usages.
    • Moved creation of charts BehaviorSubjects into state itself instead of initState method.
    • Improved stability of subscriptions of chart widget.

4.1.0 - 29.03.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed YAxisLayout.displace issue that caused wrong tap zones when BarFit.contain was set.

4.0.9 - 29.03.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed onSelectedPeriodChanged extra subscriptions and false triggering

4.0.8 - 29.03.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Fixed selected period calculation.

4.0.7 - 28.03.2023 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Reimplemented animations to firstly animate backward with old data/style/settings and then animate forward with new data/style/settings.

4.0.6 - 03.03.2023 #

  • Changes of the GaugeChart:
    • Fixed redundant rebuilds.

4.0.5 - 02.03.2023 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Removed builder functions from LineChartData hashCode and equals.
    • Changed hashMap usage to default hashCode due to unexpected behaviour.

4.0.4 - 07.11.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Fixed temp solution of summer/winter time shifts.

4.0.3 - 03.11.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Added temp solution to fix summer/winter time shifts.

4.0.2 - 03.11.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Fixed typedData dates generator again.

4.0.1 - 28.10.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Fixed typedData dates generator.

4.0.0 - 18.10.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:

    • Fixed documentation.
  • Changes of the GaugeChart:

    • Redesigned section tap handling (moved it from painter to widget).
    • Fixed GaugeChartData hash code generation.
    • Fixed limitation that prevented from drawing more then one chart on the screen.

4.0.0-dev.14 - 14.10.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Fixed initial dot position.

4.0.0-dev.13 - 28.09.2022 #

  • Changes of the GaugeChart:
    • Fixed normalized lists mismatch in case of initial zero only data.

4.0.0-dev.12 - 16.09.2022 #

  • Changes of the LineChart:
    • Added line and point animation.

4.0.0-dev.11 - 08.09.2022 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Redesigned border painting on the bars that are smaller then border stroke plus top bar radius.

4.0.0-dev.10 - 07.09.2022 #

  • Fixes of the BarChart:

    • Fixed padding issue of BarChart with BarFit.contain fit type.
    • Fixed tap handling of BarChart with BarFit.contain fit type.
  • Changes of the BarChart:

    • Redesigned zero bars to use border color as a main color if any provided, otherwise will fallback to normal color selection type.

4.0.0-dev.9 - 07.09.2022 #

  • Changes of the BarChart:
    • Added separate colors for selected bars.
    • Added bar border customizations.
    • Added shadow customizations.
    • Added Y axis label layout customizations.
    • Added bar fitting customizations.

4.0.0-dev.8 - 18.08.2022 #

  • Reverted previous change.
  • Mark custom paint of GaugeChart as complex.

4.0.0-dev.7 - 18.08.2022 #

  • Increased blur radius from 1px to 2px.

4.0.0-dev.6 - 18.08.2022 #

  • Added blur for the edges of the GaugeChart to remove "sharpened" edges (possibly it is caused by flutter itself).

4.0.0-dev.5 - 17.08.2022 #

  • Added explicitly anti-aliasing to all Paint's.
  • Set filterQuality to FilterQuality.medium for all Paint's.

4.0.0-dev.4 - 02.08.2022 #

  • Changed GaugeChart.onSelectionChanged delegate type from ValueChanged<int> to IndexedPredicate which now allows to control whether animation is needed or not by passing true/false as a return value.

4.0.0-dev.3 - 02.08.2022 #

  • Adjusted GaugeChartBackgroundStyle.borderFilled check before painting border.
  • Removed ignoring of the taps over already selected section as it caused more issues than value.

4.0.0-dev.2 - 01.08.2022 #

  • Fixed GaugeChartBackgroundStyle.borderColor default value.
  • Redo radius calculation, changed constraints from Size.shortestSize to Size.width.

4.0.0-dev.1 - 01.08.2022 #

  • Added GaugeChart.
  • Limitations:
    • Large borders are drawing outside of the path on the bottom side;
    • Only one chart could be on the screen;
    • No documentation for gauge chart.

3.1.1 - 21.07.2022 #

  • Adjusted drawing of limited X axis labels.
  • Adjusted example app.

3.1.0 - 18.07.2022 #

  • Added xAxisLabelQuantity to LineChartSettings which defines the quantity of the X axis labels to draw.

3.0.0 - 30.06.2022 #

Full list of chages:

3.0.0-dev.6 - 30.06.2022 #

  • Added caching of the typedData getter, it will significantly improve rendering performance of the LineChart.

3.0.0-dev.5 - 30.06.2022 #

  • Added caching of the division size calculation method, it will significantly improve rendering performance of the LineChart.

3.0.0-dev.4 - 29.06.2022 #

  • Added negative values support to LineChart.

3.0.0-dev.3 - 28.06.2022 #

  • Fixed grid redraw issue caused by usage of old data due to animation implementation.

3.0.0-dev.2 - 28.06.2022 #

  • Fixed taps on BarCharts bars.

3.0.0-dev.1 - 27.06.2022 #

  • Added animation for the BarChart.
  • Added alignment of the bars for the BarChart.
    • chart data are now drawing from the first to the last item (in previous versions they were drawn reversed), and this change has led to changes in BarChartData.selectedPeriod getter (previously used to get first item as fallback, but now - last item).

2.1.1 - 21.06.2022 #

  • Added ability to tap between chart and x axis label.

2.1.0 - 17.06.2022 #

  • Added handling of taps over the bar chart.

2.0.3 - 03.06.2022 #

  • Fixed selectedPeriod functionality.

2.0.2 - 01.06.2022 #

  • Fixed onSelectedPeriodChanged raising from selection changed.
  • Fixed grid and axis positioning if there's no data initially provided.

2.0.1 - 01.06.2022 #

  • Added TextStyle to the RichLabelBuilder delegate.
  • Fixed zero length data chart drawing.
  • Fixed extra scrolling if padding was provided.
  • Fixed label positioning if there's too few data.

2.0.0 - 31.05.2022 #

  • Added BarChart.

1.4.1 - 05.05.2022 #

  • Fixed LimitLabelSnapPosition.chartBoundary bias calculations.

1.4.0 - 04.05.2022 #

  • Removed bool parameters showFirstAxisYDivision and showLastAxisXDivision and added enum AxisDivisionEdges that provides more complex customization of axis divisions at the edges of the grid.
  • Added snap position of limit label.
  • Added labels to the Y axis of the chart, that caused redesigning of maxValue calculation mechanic.

1.3.2 - 01.04.2022 #

  • Fixed chart drawing with only 1 data entry.

1.3.1 - 30.03.2022 #

  • Added detection of horizontal drag start.

1.3.0 - 30.03.2022 #

  • Redesigned drawing of the first point.
  • Fixed timezone issue.
  • Fixed styles for point drop line stroke.

1.2.3 - 26.03.2022 #

  • Fixed value normalization if all provided data is 0.

1.2.2 - 26.03.2022 #

  • Fixed StackOverflowException for descending unidirectional chart.
  • Fixed xAxisDates getter for unidirectional chart with empty data.

1.2.1 - 26.03.2022 #

  • Fixed typedData getter when data is empty.

1.2.0 - 26.03.2022 #

  • Allowed chart creation with less then 2 points.
  • Added option to set padded value to max value.

1.1.0 - 25.03.2022 #

  • Fixed color/gradient fill.
  • Added to LineChartGridStyle stroke and color for X and Y axis as a separate values.
  • Added option to show first Y axis grid line.
  • Added option to show last X axis grid line.
  • Renamed blurRadius to shadowBlurRadius in LineChartLineStyle.

1.0.1 - 25.03.2022 #

  • Added changelog.

1.0.0 - 25.03.2022 #

  • Added LineChart.
pub points


verified charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.

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unknown (license)


cross_platform, flinq, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, meta, rxdart


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