mdcharts 4.5.2 copy "mdcharts: ^4.5.2" to clipboard
mdcharts: ^4.5.2 copied to clipboard charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.

MDCharts #

Build Pub GitHub GitHub stars charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.

Getting Started #

LineChart #


  • REQUIRED data
    • data - set of data with DateTime keys and double values based on which chart will be drawned.
  • There are 2 general types of the LineChart:
    • Periodical grid type (only monthly available for now):

      Periodical means that if there's not enough data to draw full chart (there's gaps between dates) chart will automatically fulfill lacking data based on LineChartDataType.

      • For LineChartDataType.bidirectional data type lacking data will be set to 0.

      • For LineChartDataType.unidirectional data type lacking data will calculated from previous values so, that charts will be looking like ascending (e.g. Progress) or descending (e.g. Burndown) chart.

    • Undefined grid type:

      Undefined means that the chart will be drawned using only provided data.

      Note that LineChartDataType is omitted with this type of grid.

  • Max Value
    • predefinedMaxValue - predefined max value for the chart.
    • maxValueRoundingMap - rounding map for the maxValue that is used by beautification function of Y axis labels.
  • Limits
    • limit - if provided, will be painted on the chart as a horizontal indication line.
    • limitText - custom text to set to the label of the limit line.

    Note that if limitText is set without provided limit, there will be no limit line.

  • Tooltip builders
    • titleBuilder - builds title of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or double value from provided data.
    • subtitleBuilder - builds subtitle of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or double value from provided data.
  • Label builder
    • xAxisLabelBuilder - builds X axis label based on DateTime value from provided data.
    • yAxisLabelBuilder - builds Y axis label based on double value from provided data, maxValue specifically.


  • xAxisDivisions - quantity of the X axis divisions, defaults to 3.
  • yAxisDivisions - quantity of the Y axis divisions, defaults to 2.
  • xAxisLabelQuantity - quantity of the X axis labels to draw, defaults to null.
  • axisDivisionEdges - axis division edges, defaults to AxisDivisionEdges.none.
  • showAxisX - whether to show X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXSelectedLabelIfConcealed - whether to show selected label if it is concealed by xAxisLabelQuantity, defaults to false.
  • showAxisY - whether to show Y axis or not, defaults to true.
  • lineFilling - whether to fill chart between the line and the X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • lineShadow - whether to draw shadow beneath the line or not, defaults to true.
  • altitudeLine - whether to draw the altitude line or not, defaults to true.
  • limitLabelSnapPosition - snap position options of limit label, defaults to LimitLabelSnapPosition.axis.
  • showAxisXLabels - whether to show labels on the X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisYLabels - whether to show labels on the Y axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXLabelSelection - whether to paint with selected style currently selected X axis label or not, defaults to false.


  • gridStyle - styling options for the grid, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartGridStyle.
  • axisStyle - styling options for the axis, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartAxisStyle.
  • lineStyle - styling options for the chart line, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartLineStyle.
  • limitStyle - styling options for the limit, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartLimitStyle.
  • pointStyle - styling options for the point and tooltip above point, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartPointStyle.

BarChart #


  • REQUIRED data
    • data - set of data with DateTime keys and List<double> values based on which chart will be drawned.
  • Max Value
    • predefinedMaxValue - predefined max value for the chart.
    • maxValueRoundingMap - rounding map for the maxValue that is used by beautification function of Y axis labels.
  • Selection
    • initialSelectedPeriod - initial selected period of the bar chart, defaults to null.
    • onSelectedPeriodChanged - callback that notifies if selected period has changed, defaults to null.
  • Tooltip builders
    • titleBuilder - builds title of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or List<double> value from provided data.
    • subtitleBuilder - builds subtitle of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or List<double> value from provided data.
  • Label builder
    • xAxisLabelBuilder - builds X axis label based on DateTime value from provided data.
    • yAxisLabelBuilder - builds Y axis label based on double value from provided data, maxValue specifically.


  • yAxisDivisions - quantity of the Y axis divisions, defaults to 2.
  • xAxisLabelQuantity - quantity of the X axis labels to draw, defaults to null.
  • axisDivisionEdges - axis division edges, defaults to AxisDivisionEdges.none.
  • showAxisX - whether to show X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXLabels - whether to show labels on the X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXSelectedLabelIfConcealed - whether to show selected label if it is concealed by xAxisLabelQuantity, defaults to false.
  • showAxisYLabels - whether to show labels on the Y axis or not, defaults to true.
  • yAxisLayout - layout type of the Y axis labels, defaults to YAxisLayout.overlay.
  • yAxisLabelSpacing - spacing between the Y axis labels and chart itself, defaults to 0.
  • barSpacing - spacing between bars in one item, defaults to 0.
  • itemSpacing - spacing between group of bars, defaults to 12.
  • interaction - describes how user will be interacting with chart, defaults to InteractionType.selection.
  • duration - the length of time animation should last, defaults to 400 milliseconds.
  • alignment - alignment of the bars within chart, defaults to BarAlignment.end.
  • reverse - whether the scroll view scrolls in the reading direction, defaults to false.
  • fit - insription type of the bars within target box (painting zone), defaults to BarFit.none.


  • gridStyle - styling options for the grid, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartGridStyle.
  • axisStyle - styling options for the axis, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartAxisStyle.
  • barStyle - styling options for the chart line, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartBarStyle.
  • tooltipStyle - styling options for the tooltip, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartTooltipStyle.

Examples #

To see usage example navigate to the Example section.

Feature requests and Bug reports #

Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.


  • Add MdDate to all charts (with unit-tests)
  • Add ability to accept custom painters (requires ENORMOUS amount of time)
pub points


verified charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


cross_platform, flinq, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, meta, rxdart


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