• Packages
Results9 packages owned by
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Dart implementation of Googles Polyline Encoding lossy compression Algorithm.
Extended capabilities for collections. It's a bunch of shortcuts to avoid unnecesary boilerplate work with collections.
A Flutter plugin for handling Connectivity and REAL Connection state in the mobile, web and desktop platforms. Supports iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Linux and macOS.
SharedPreferences wrapper for both Mobile (Android/iOS), Web and Desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux). Also provides JSON file storage.
The Directions API is a service that calculates directions between locations. You can search for directions for several modes of transportation.
Flutter package for building responsive layout based on screen sizes and orientation. It could be wristwatch, small/medium/large mobile, small/large tablet or desktop.
Cross platform package that unifies the work with Platform and wrapps dart:io Platform and dart:html to determine platform of the host machine an info about it. charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.
Package that provides an ability to track device stats, including CPU/RAM/Battery/Traffic.