mailslurp 15.17.22
mailslurp: ^15.17.22 copied to clipboard
Dart MailSlurp package #
MailSlurp is a free API for creating email accounts. Send and receive emails from Dart and Flutter code and tests.
Quick links #
Install #
dart pub add mailslurp
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Configure #
First configure the default api client with your MailSlurp API Key:
import 'package:mailslurp/api.dart';
defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('API_KEY').apiKey = 'YOUR_MAILSLURP_API_KEY';
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Use controllers #
The MailSlurp Dart library exports controllers that map to the REST API. Controller methods return Futures that can be consumed in async methods.
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
// future result
Future<Inbox> inbox = inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
// or async usage
void main() async {
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
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Create email addresses #
You can create real email accounts using the InboxController:
test('can create email addresses', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
expect(inbox.emailAddress.contains("@mailslurp"), true);
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Send emails #
Send emails using the InboxController with an inboxId
test('can send emails', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
var confirmation = await inboxController.sendEmailAndConfirm(,
sendEmailOptions: SendEmailOptions(
to: [inbox.emailAddress],
subject: "Test email",
body: "<html>My message</html>",
isHTML: true
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Receive emails #
Receive emails using the WaitForController with an inboxId
and a timeout.
test('can receive emails', () async {
var email = await waitForController.waitForLatestEmail(inboxId:, timeout: 30000, unreadOnly: true);
expect(email.subject, "Test email");
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Test usage #
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:mailslurp/api.dart';
void main() async {
setUp(() {
// read api key from environment variable
var apiKey = Platform.environment["API_KEY"];
expect(apiKey != null, true);
// set api key and instantiate controllers
defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('API_KEY').apiKey = apiKey;
test('can create email addresses', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
expect(inbox.emailAddress.contains("@mailslurp"), true);
test('can send and receive emails', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var waitForController = WaitForControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
var confirmation = await inboxController.sendEmailAndConfirm(,
sendEmailOptions: SendEmailOptions(
to: [inbox.emailAddress],
subject: "Test email",
body: "<html>My message</html>",
isHTML: true
var email = await waitForController.waitForLatestEmail(inboxId:, timeout: 30000, unreadOnly: true);
expect(email.subject, "Test email");
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