lb_setup 1.3.0 copy "lb_setup: ^1.3.0" to clipboard
lb_setup: ^1.3.0 copied to clipboard

Logbot Setup client to be used for API requests to Logbot Setup APIs to: * Setup and gather informations about the device * Retrieves and personalize configurations about the device and its network sy [...]

Logbot Setup SDK for Flutter #

Service used inside Logbot's devices to:

  • Setup and gather informations about the device
  • Retrieves and personalize configurations about the device and its network system
  • Setup and gather informations about associated services like vpn, firewall and supervisor
  • Exposing a web interface in order to visualize and interact with all the previous points

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Requirements #

Dart 2.17 or later

Installation & Usage #

Add the dependencies from


lb_auth is always required to make authorized calls to the APIs. To use the SDK on you application see the example below:

/// Remember to call LogbotSetup.init() after ensureInitialized()
Future<void> main() async {
  await LogbotSetup.init();
  runApp(const MyApp());

import 'package:lb_auth/lb_auth.dart';
import 'package:lb_setup/lb_setup.dart';

class Example {
  Future<void> run() async {
    /// Initialize Logbot SDK by logging in with Logbot Credentials
    await LogbotAuth.init(LogbotCredentials(
      username: username,
      password: password,
      clientId: clientId,
      clientSecret: clientSecret,
    /// Starts the Logbot Discovery to search for local devices
    await LogbotDiscovery.startDiscovery();
    /// Starts the background service to retrieve device status every minute
    /// (needed to read device status from cache)
    /// Now you can use every API included on the SDK
    /// for example:
    WifiConfig? response = await;

Tests #

To run all tests:

flutter test

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
DeviceApi deleteLicense DELETE /device/license Deletes license key
DeviceApi getDeviceConfig GET /device/config Get device configuration
DeviceApi getDeviceInfo GET /device/info Get infos about the device
DeviceApi getDeviceStatus GET /device Briefing about the device status
DeviceApi getLicense GET /device/license Get active license
DeviceApi getResourcesUsage GET /device/resources Get device resource usage
DeviceApi listDeviceLeds GET /device/led List device's leds
DeviceApi resetDevice DELETE /device Reset device to factory settings
DeviceApi restartDevice GET /device/restart Restart the device
DeviceApi setLicense POST /device/license Set license key
DeviceApi testLed POST /device/led/test Led test
InfoApi getHealth GET /health Check Logbot Setup status
InfoApi getVersion GET /version Get Logbot Setup version
NetworkApi connectWifi POST /network/wifi/connect/{id} Connect to a WiFi network
NetworkApi deleteAccessPointConfig DELETE /network/accesspoint/config Reset the Access Point to factory settings
NetworkApi deleteBluetoothConfig DELETE /network/bluetooth/config Reset the Bluetooth to factory settings
NetworkApi deleteGeolocatorConfig DELETE /network/geolocator/config Delete the Geolocator configuration
NetworkApi deleteLanConfig DELETE /network/lan/config Reset the LAN to factory settings
NetworkApi deleteModemConfig DELETE /network/modem/config Reset the modem to factory settings
NetworkApi deleteWanConfig DELETE /network/wan/config Reset the WAN to factory settings
NetworkApi deleteWifiConfig DELETE /network/wifi/config Reset the WiFi to factory settings
NetworkApi disableAccessPoint POST /network/accesspoint/disable Disable the Access Point
NetworkApi disableBluetooth POST /network/bluetooth/disable Disable bluetooth
NetworkApi disableGeolocator POST /network/geolocator/disable Disable all Geolocator modules
NetworkApi disableLan POST /network/lan/disable Disable LAN connection
NetworkApi disableModem POST /network/modem/disable Disable all Modem modules
NetworkApi disableWan POST /network/wan/disable Disable WAN connection
NetworkApi disableWifi POST /network/wifi/disable Disable WiFi connection
NetworkApi disconnectWifi POST /network/wifi/disconnect Disconnect from a WiFi network
NetworkApi enableAccessPoint POST /network/accesspoint/enable Enable the Access Point
NetworkApi enableBluetooth POST /network/bluetooth/enable Enable bluetooth
NetworkApi enableGeolocator POST /network/geolocator/enable Enable Geolocator modules
NetworkApi enableLan POST /network/lan/enable Enable LAN connection
NetworkApi enableModem POST /network/modem/enable Enable Modem modules
NetworkApi enableWan POST /network/wan/enable Enable WAN connection
NetworkApi enableWifi POST /network/wifi/enable Enable WiFi connection
NetworkApi getAccessPointConfig GET /network/accesspoint/config Retrieves the Access Point configuration
NetworkApi getAccessPointStatus GET /network/accesspoint Retrieves the Access Point status
NetworkApi getBluetoothConfig GET /network/bluetooth/config Retrieves the Bluetooth configuration
NetworkApi getBluetoothStatus GET /network/bluetooth Retrieves the Bluetooth status
NetworkApi getDevicePosition GET /network/geolocator/position Get device position
NetworkApi getGeolocatorConfig GET /network/geolocator/config Retrieves the Geolocator configuration
NetworkApi getGeolocatorStatus GET /network/geolocator Retrieves the Geolocator status
NetworkApi getLanConfig GET /network/lan/config Retrieves the LAN configuration
NetworkApi getLanStatus GET /network/lan Retrieves the LAN status
NetworkApi getModemConfig GET /network/modem/config Retrieves the modem configuration
NetworkApi getModemStatus GET /network/modem Retrieves the modem status
NetworkApi getNetworkConfig GET /network/config Get all the current network modules configuration
NetworkApi getNetworkStatus GET /network Get the status of every device's network module
NetworkApi getWanConfig GET /network/wan/config Retrieves the WAN configuration
NetworkApi getWanStatus GET /network/wan Retrieves the WAN status
NetworkApi getWifiConfig GET /network/wifi/config Retrieves the WiFi configuration
NetworkApi getWifiStatus GET /network/wifi Retrieves the WiFi status
NetworkApi restartAccessPoint POST /network/accesspoint/restart Restart the Access Point
NetworkApi restartBluetooth POST /network/bluetooth/restart Restart bluetooth
NetworkApi restartGeolocator POST /network/geolocator/restart Restart Geolocator modules
NetworkApi restartLan POST /network/lan/restart Restart LAN connection
NetworkApi restartModem POST /network/modem/restart Restart Modem modules
NetworkApi restartWan POST /network/wan/restart Restart WAN connection
NetworkApi restartWifi POST /network/wifi/restart Restart WiFi connection
NetworkApi setAccessPointConfig POST /network/accesspoint/config Edit the Access Point configuration
NetworkApi setBluetoothConfig POST /network/bluetooth/config Edit the Bluetooth configuration
NetworkApi setGeolocatorConfig POST /network/geolocator/config Edit the Geolocator configuration
NetworkApi setLanConfig POST /network/lan/config Edit the LAN configuration
NetworkApi setModemConfig POST /network/modem/config Edit the modem configuration
NetworkApi setWanConfig POST /network/wan/config Edit the WAN configuration
NetworkApi setWifiConfig POST /network/wifi/config Edit the WiFi configuration
NetworkApi wifiScan GET /network/wifi/scan Scan nearbies WiFi networks
ServiceApi disableHps POST /service/hps/disable Disable HPS server
ServiceApi disableVpn POST /service/vpn/disable Disable VPN service
ServiceApi downloadVpnClientConfig GET /service/vpn/download Download VPN client configuration
ServiceApi enableHps POST /service/hps/enable Enable HPS server
ServiceApi enableVpn POST /service/vpn/enable Enable VPN service
ServiceApi generateVpnConfig POST /service/vpn/config Generate VPN configuration
ServiceApi getHpsStatus GET /service/hps Retrieves HPS server status
ServiceApi getSupervisorHealth GET /service/supervisor/health Get Supervisor health
ServiceApi getSupervisorStatus GET /service/supervisor Get Supervisor status
ServiceApi getVpnConfig GET /service/vpn/config Get VPN configuration
ServiceApi getVpnStatus GET /service/vpn Get VPN status
ServiceApi restartVpn POST /service/vpn/restart Restart VPN service

Documentation For Models #

Author #

Logbot SRL




Weekly Downloads

Logbot Setup client to be used for API requests to Logbot Setup APIs to: * Setup and gather informations about the device * Retrieves and personalize configurations about the device and its network system * Setup and gather informations about associated services like vpn, firewall and supervisor * Exposing a web interface in order to visualize and interact with all the previous points





BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, http, intl, lb_auth, lb_bluetooth, lb_commons, lb_discovery, lb_state_manager, meta


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