layrz_theme 7.0.1 copy "layrz_theme: ^7.0.1" to clipboard
layrz_theme: ^7.0.1 copied to clipboard

Layrz standard theme library for Flutter, based on Material You (Material 3).

Changelog #

7.0.1 #

  • Upgraded flutter_map and their dependencies to v7
  • Added number format to ThemedNumberInput to format the number visually in the input field
  • Disabled Google Street View on ThemedTileLayer due to issues with the flutter_map package

7.0.0 #

  • web package threshold changed to web: ^1.0.0

6.0.8 #

  • Fixed issues with ThemedTable on Mobile mode
  • Fixed issue with app bar style (Notification tray) when the theme is changed.
  • Fixed an issue related to the ThemedBottomBar on iOS, the SafeArea generates an overflow on the bottom bar.

6.0.7 #

  • Fixed spelling on searchableAttributes

6.0.6 #

  • Added searchableAtributes to ThemedSelectItem
  • Changes to improve ThemedDualListInput search and sorting

6.0.5 #

  • Add keyboardType as a prop with default TextInputType.number inside ThemedNumberInput

6.0.4 #

  • Fixes related to some overflow on ThemedColumn rendering on ThemedTable.

6.0.3 #

  • Fixed avatar tooltip orientation on the ThemedMiniBar and ThemedBottomBar

6.0.2 #

  • Fixes related to paginator and automatic fit detection

6.0.1 #

  • Fixed an issue with the fixed columns on ThemedTable

6.0.0 #

  • Checkboxes' colors corrected to display white when the app is in dark mode, also changed the design of the switches
  • Fixed sorting of IDs in ThemedTable.
  • Fixes related to ID column width on ThemedTable.
  • Changed ThemedTable to use the package two_dimensional_scrollables to handle multiple scrollables in the table.
  • Added property disablePaginator to ThemedTable to disable the paginator.
  • Fixed Actions column on ThemedTable to show the actions correctly.
  • Fixed multi selection, id and the first column on ThemedTable, you can change it using the fixedColumnsCount property.
  • Fixed MainAxisAligment.spaceBetween on deleteConfirmationDialog. Now will show the buttons with the correct spacing.

5.0.19 #

  • Add a flag to know if the User change _itemsPerPage in ThemedTable.

5.0.18 #

  • Replaced ThemedTextInput for a native TextField to display the search input when asField is true en ThemedSearchInput.

5.0.17 #

  • Added asField and inputPadding props in ThemedSearchInput to change the display of the search input.
  • Finally! Fixed the issue related to the ThemedTable and an unexpected horizontal scroll. Now, the table will not show the horizontal scroll when the content is less than the width of the table.
  • Fixes on ThemedDateRangePicker and ThemedDateTimeRangePicker to focus on selection instead of today.

5.0.16 #

  • Added dialogConstraints in ThemedMultiSelectInput.

5.0.15 #

  • Added ThemedDynamicConfigurableBlock to handle dynamic blocks of credentials or dynamic fields.

5.0.14 #

  • Added onDayNextMonthTap and onDayPreviousMonthTap props to ThemedCalendar component

5.0.13 #

  • Addded height prop to ThemedButton to change the default height of the button.

5.0.12 #

  • Fixed ThemedTable not showing the additionalActions when the onShow or onEdit or onDelete is not provided.

5.0.11 #

  • Changed button style to use a new rounded style, now the styling is rouned square instead of rounded circle.
  • Fixed issues with the ThemedSnackbar and ThemedDynamicAvatarInput, now should work correctly.
  • Adapted design of ThemedCalentar to follow the Layrz design standard.

5.0.10 #

  • Upgraded flutter_map to 6.2.1 and their dependencies.

5.0.9 (RETRACTED) #

  • Retracted due to issues with the flutter_map package and polygon layers.
  • Upgraded flutter_map to 7.0.0 and their dependencies.
  • Disabled (Temporarily) the ThemedStreetViewDialog due to the changes in the flutter_map package.

5.0.8 #

  • Added separatorPaddingto ThemedTabView to handle the padding between the TabBar and the TabBarView.

5.0.7 #

  • New widget ThemedTabView to handle a combination of TabBar and TabBarView in a single widget.
  • New prop child on ThemedTab to handle a custom child widget. Only used in the new ThemedTabView.

5.0.6 #

  • Bug fix related to ThemedMiniBar, now will not show the additionalActions in the bar.

5.0.5 #

  • Fixed an issue with ThemedBottomBar when does not have items and persistentItems.

5.0.4 #

  • Fixes on ThemedActionButton to prevent unnecesary Padding
  • Now, ThemedActionsButtons receives a new argument actionsPadding to handle the padding of the actions. By default is

5.0.3 #

  • Removed titleTextFontFamily, textFontFamily and isLocalFont from generateLightTheme() and generateDarkTheme() in favor of titleFont and bodyFont.
  • Removed deprecated class ThemedFileInput in favor of ThemedFilePicker.
  • Removed all @Deprecated warnings in the package.
  • Constant kListViewPadding modified to return in native platforms.
  • New mobile layout mode ThemedMobileLayoutStyle.bottomBar (New default). The previous mobile layout design uses ThemedMobileLayoutStyle.appBar. You can change the mobile layout using the mobileLayoutStyle prop in the ThemedLayout widget.
  • Added isDisabled to ThemedActionButton to handle disable property.
  • New pre-designed buttons, ThemedActionButton.cancel,,, ThemedActionButton.edit, ThemedActionButton.delete
  • Changed design of onlyIcon: true in ThemedActionButton, now use ThemedButtonStyle.filledTonalFab instead of ThemedButtonStyle.fab
  • Fully removal of ThemedDialog and sub-dependencies.
  • Removed _getChildrenUrls() from ThemedLayout, now each sub-layout style will handle the children URLs.

5.0.2 #

  • Changed _getChildrenUrls() invoke in ThemedLayout, now use WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback to prevent issues with the initState.

5.0.1 #

  • Moved the ThemedDateTimeRangePicker internal dialog to an external dialog to use in other widgets.

5.0.0 #

  • Added support for Flutter 3.22.0 (Tested)
  • New pre-designed buttons, ThemedButton.cancel,,, ThemedButton.edit, ThemedButton.delete
  • Deprecated layout style ThemedLayoutStyle.modern
  • Renamed ThemedLayoutStyle.sidebar to ThemedLayoutStyle.dual
  • New to replace the deprecated ThemedLayoutStyle.modern
  • Removed ThemedAvatarInput widget
  • Design changes of ThemedDualListInput to unify the design with the other pickers and fields
  • Changed actions buttons of ThemedSelectInput, ThemedMultiSelectInput and ThemedColorPicker. Now instead of using a classic ThemedButton, will use and ThemedButton.cancel
  • Redesigned list of icons of ThemedIconPicker and ThemedDynamicAvatarInput to use ListView.builder instead of GridView.builder
  • Added SizeTransition to ThemedSidebar to animate the expansion and collapse of the sidebar items

4.3.57 #

  • Enabled optional field textStyle on ThemedTextInput

4.3.56 #

  • Fixes in select_input.dart & multiselect_input.dart, bug in scroll function on lists

4.3.55 #

  • Fixes related to ThemedLayoutStyle.sidebar, the Page name now will be displayed inside of a SafeArea widget.

4.3.54 #

  • Bugfix on ThemedImage SVG support

4.3.53 #

  • Added support for SVG images in ThemedImage utility.

4.3.52 #

  • Changed kLogoWidth from 2000 to 2800.

4.3.51 #

  • Changed favicon to logo in the ThemedDrawer.
  • Changed aspectRatio of the logos in the ThemedLayout and sub-widgets to use kLogoAspectRatio.
  • Added upper constraint on flutter version from 3.19.3 to 4.0.0.

4.3.50 #

  • Fixes related to the SystemUIOverlayStyle to handle correctly the status bar and navigation bar colors on Android and iOS.

4.3.49 #

  • Changed behavior of disabledColor on ThemedButton to change depending of the button style to allow better readability.

4.3.48 #

  • Fixes on ThemedAppBarAvatar related to padding in the OverlayEntry used to display the actions in the avatar icon.

4.3.47 #

  • Fixes on ThemedDrawer related to onTap action

4.3.46 #

  • Add autoFocus inside ThemedSearchInput.
  • Fix overFlow inside ThemedTable and build a new paginator to very small devices
  • Update layrz_models to v2.1.11
  • Update ci

4.3.45 #

  • Fixes related on Android status bar and Navigation bar colors on ThemedLayout.
  • Added shadow on ThemedDrawer only in mobile mode.
  • Fixes related on iOS status bar color on ThemedLayout.

4.3.44 #

  • Updated permission handler to 11.3.0

4.3.43 #

  • Updated google_fonts package due to a issues with the previous version.
  • Linter cleanup

4.3.42 #

  • Added ThemedInputBorder to prevent rendering issues with Flutter 3.19 changes on OutlinedInputBorder.
  • Changed RawKeyboardListener to KeyboardListener to support Flutter 3.19

4.3.41 #

  • Add a prop dialogContraints for default it is BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 500, maxHeight: 500).

4.3.40 #

  • Add a sort in ThemedDateRangePicker .

4.3.39 #

  • Changed workflow of the layers in ThemedTileLayer to prevent subdivisions in the list of selection.

4.3.38 #

  • Fixed issue with ThemedNotificationIcon in ThemedLayout, now when you use ThemedLayoutStyle.modern, the icon should only appear in the ThemedTaskbar, also, in mobile mode, the icon only will appear in the ThemedAppBar and the ThemedDrawer will not have the icon.

4.3.37 #

  • Updated ThemedNotificationItem to display the at.
  • Updated ThemedNotificationIcon to use the native Badge widget to display an indicator.

4.3.36 #

  • Added padding prop in ThemedDurationInput, ThemedDynamicAvatarInput, ThemedMultiSelectInput, ThemedNumberInput, ThemedSelectInput, ThemedTextInput, ThemedDateRangePicker, ThemedDateTimeRangePicker, ThemedColorPicker, ThemedEmojiPicker, ThemedFileInput, ThemedIconPicker, ThemedMonthRangePicker, ThemedTimeRangePicker.

  • Defined new static getter on ThemedTextInput to standarize the padding on most of the inputs and pickers

4.3.35 #

  • Fix overflow in ThemedDrawer exactly when actions are ThemedNavigatorAction

4.3.34 #

  • Redesigned ThemedCodeEditor to works with other library and prevent issues with setState and markNeedsBuild when the widget is disposed.

4.3.33 #

  • Fixed persistentItems not showing on ThemedTaskbar when the ThemedLayout is ThemedLayoutStyle.modern

4.3.32 #

  • Adjusted design of ThemedCalendar

4.3.31 #

  • Major improvement on ThemedLayout and sub-widgets.
  • Added a state listener on ThemedTooltip to prevent sticky tooltips when the widget is disposed or unfocused.

4.3.30 #

  • Added additional padding based on depth in ThemedNavigatorItem and subclasses on ThemedDrawer to improve the visual hierarchy of the items.
  • Changed the paginator style from # to represent the page to #/# to represent the current page and the total pages in ThemedTable<T>.

4.3.29 #

  • Fixed disabled prop on ThemedCodeEditor

4.3.28 #

  • Added PointerInterceptor Library

  • Added PointerInterceptor widget to improve the navigation through dialogs in utility.dart

4.3.27 #

  • Fixed bug of fonts in generateDarkTheme(), now will use the titleFont and bodyFont correctly.

4.3.26 #

  • Changed typography of titleLarge, titleMedium and titleSmall from bodyFont to titleFont

4.3.25 #

  • Added ThemedOrm access through BuildContext using an extension.
  • New way to load fonts over network, locally or from Google Fonts.
  • Deprecation warnings over titleTextFontFamily, textFontFamily and isLocalFont in favor of titleFont and bodyFont in generateLightTheme() and generateDarkTheme()
  • New ThemedFontHandler to handle preloadFont and generateFont to load fonts over network, locally or from Google Fonts.

4.3.24 #

  • Added scroll to ThemedCodeEditor

4.3.23 #

  • Fixed an issue in ThemedCodeEditor to prevent the cursor re-position when the widget is updated.

4.3.22 #

  • Redefined the error handling on ThemedCodeEditor to use a local class instead of LintError from layrz_models.

4.3.21 #

  • New ThemedCodeEditor with standarized styling.
  • Removed support for LayrzSupportedLanguage.dart.
  • Added run and lint buttons to ThemedCodeEditor.

4.3.20 #

  • New widget ThemedStreetViewDialog to display a Google Street View.
  • New props in ThemedMapToolbar and ThemedTileLayer to handle Google Street View.
  • New event controller called ThemedMapController to handle events from the map. (Does not use Streams or somethnig like that)

4.3.19 #

  • Fixed issue in ThemedMapToolbar to prevent drawing of Divider or VerticalDivider when the buttons and fixed buttons are empty.

4.3.18 #

  • Updated ThemedTileLayer.reservedAttributionHeight to consider the spacing required by the attributions.

4.3.17 #

  • Forcing Google Maps, HERE Maps and Mapbox Maps attributions by static URLs.

4.3.16 #

  • Removed headers on ThemedTileLayer, only will use when the layer is Google Maps.

4.3.15 #

  • Inclues changes defined in 4.3.15-preview1
  • Inclues changes defined in 4.3.15-preview2
  • Inclues changes defined in 4.3.15-preview3

4.3.15-preview3 #

  • Corrections about Attributions of Mapbox Maps in ThemedTileLayer.

4.3.15-preview2 #

  • Optimized ThemedTileLayer to use CancellableNetworkTileProvider (from flutter_map_cancellable_tile_provider) to improve performance and reduce memory usage.
  • Setted panBuffer and keepBuffer to 0 due a performance testing results (Is the better option for now).

4.3.15-preview1 #

  • Optmized ThemedTooltip to use OverlayPortal instead of a custom Overlay widget.
  • New widget ThemedTileLayer, designed to be used in FlutterMap widget (from flutter_map) to display a tile layer using the MapLayer model (from layrz_models).
  • New widget ThemedMapToolbar, designed to be used in FlutterMap widget (from flutter_map) to display a toolbar with some actions to control the map.

4.3.14 #

  • Changed containerColor override of drawAvatar utility.
  • Changed shadowColor override of drawAvatar utility.

4.3.13 #

  • Added actionsOffset on ThemedActionButtons to choose a custom overlay position
  • Added extension ThemedHumanizeDuration to Duration to humanize the duration. This extension is based on the package humanize_duration but fixing some errors and adding some features.
  • Undeprecated translations on ThemedCalendar

4.3.12 #

  • Added customExtensions as a prop on ThemedFilePicker to support custom extensions for the file picker.
  • Added globalMimeResolver to resolve custom mime types and extensions.

4.3.11 #

  • Fixed ThemedSearchInput not keeping cursor position when typing, and set so themed table sets page to 0 when searching.

4.3.10 #

  • Added optional prop showCooldownRemainingDuration to ThemedButton to hide the cooldown remaining duration text.

4.3.9 #

  • Some corrections in ThemedTooltip to prevent the tooltip to be displayed when the widget is disposed.

4.3.8 #

  • Adjusted visual drawing of _drawHeader in ThemedTable<T>.

4.3.7 #

  • Re-enabled onTap from ThemedColumn<T> in ThemedTable<T>.

4.3.6 #

  • Changed all part's to use uri instead
  • Updated google_fonts and file_picker to newer versions
  • Some improvements in ThemedTable<T> management to simplify the way that the translated messages are handled
  • Applied the same translation logic to ThemedCalendar.

4.3.5 #

  • Removed LayoutBuilder in ThemedButton
  • New widget ThemedDialog to handle/standarize the dialogs in the app.

4.3.4 #

  • Fixed ThemedTable<T> width calculation when additionalActions is being used.

4.3.3 #

  • Changed ThemedTable<T> border colors, now use Theme.of(context).dividerColor instead of Colors.grey.shade300
  • Some fixes related to drawAvatar.

4.3.2 #

  • Added context in ThemedSnackbar to backward compatibility with @Deprecated warning.

4.3.1 #

  • New ThemedSnackbar to show a snackbar with a custom messenger called ThemedSnackbarMessenger. Now you can show a snackbar from anywhere in the app only calling ThemedSnackbarMessenger.of(context).showSnackbar(...).
  • Deprecated void functions showThemedSnackbar and setThemedSnackbarScaffoldKey in favor of the new ThemedSnackbarMessenger and ThemedSnackbar widgets.
  • Updated ThemedDynamicCredentialsInput to support ThemedNumberInput instead of ThemedTextInput.

4.3.0 #

  • Refactorized buttons to reduce the number of setStates and improve the performance of the widgets.
  • Refactorized table to reduce the number of setStates and improve the performance of the widgets.
  • Removed "mobile" mode from the table, now, the table will always use the "desktop" mode, aka, the table will always use the horizontal scroll.
  • Deprecated rowAvatarBuilder, rowTitleBuilder, rowSubtitleBuilder, mobileRowHeight, initialPage, enablePaginator, itemsPerPage, paginatorLeading, paginatorTrailing, onPageChanged and shouldExpand from the ThemedTable<T> widget.
  • Added rowsPerPage and availableRowsPerPage to the ThemedTable<T> widget to control the number of rows per page.

4.2.10 #

  • Fix a logic to show index of ThemedTablet<T>

4.2.9 #

  • Added new widget to represent the first index and the last index of the items in ThemedTable<T>

4.2.8 #

  • GitHub Actions Tests (Nothing relevant for the end-user)

4.2.7 #

  • Migrated repository from GitLab to GitHub

4.2.6 #

  • Added new parameter texAlign to ThemedCalendarEntry and ThemedCalendarRangeEntry to change alignment in the title

4.2.5 #

  • Added optional parameter disableBlink to ThemedTimePicker and ThemedTimeRangePicker to disable blinking of the inputs in the dialog
  • Fixed a bug on the ThemedTimePicker and ThemedTimeRangePicker dialog in which the increase and decrease buttons were not updating the state of the widget

4.2.4 #

  • Removed paginator from ThemedTable<T> in mobile mode.

4.2.3 #

  • Major change in ThemedTable<T> to handle dynamic columns and rows. Also, changes to horizontal scrolling inside of the table.

4.2.2 #

  • Add on ThemedCalendar additionalButtons of ThemedButton.

4.2.1 #

  • Fixed ThemedMonthRangePicker to handle one-click action to pick only one month in consecutive mode.

4.2.0 #

  • Added suport for Flutter 3.13.5
  • Fixed background color on Flutter styled Checkbox for changes in Flutter 3.13.5

4.1.22 #

  • Fix ThemedCalendar days

4.1.21 #

  • Added Linux support for saveFile and pickFile

4.1.20 #

  • Updated ThemedDualListInput to handle errors
  • Updated ThemedTab to handle color
  • Updated ThemedFieldDisplayError to change the padding of the error text

4.1.19 #

  • Added errors and hideDetails on some pickers

4.1.18 #

  • Fixed a bug where the 12 hour date format in AM PM will display as 0

4.1.17 #

  • New widget ThemedTab

4.1.16 #

  • Fixes on ThemedActionsButtons, now will use onTap ?? onPressed instead of only onPressed to handle the tap gesture.

4.1.15 #

  • Fixed ScrollbarThemeData on generateLightTheme() and generateDarkTheme() to use a specific color.

4.1.14 #

  • Fixed ThemedCalendar whene generate a ThemedCalendarEntry

4.1.13 #

  • Fixed ThemedTooltip to destroy inmediatly when the widget is disposed.

4.1.12 #

  • Fixed ThemedDualListInput search field, the bug filters the available list instead of the selected list.

4.1.11 #

  • Fixed ThemedSelectInput to prevent return null when is dismissed
  • Added ThemedTooltip property color to overrides the color of the tooltip
  • Updated position of the tooltip of the buttons in ThemedTable to be on the left side of the button
  • Deprecation notice of onPressed callback in ThemedActionButton

4.1.10 #

  • Fixes on ThemedPageBuilder

4.1.9 #

  • Updated ThemedPageBuilder to supports return value from the builder function.

4.1.8 #

  • New widget ThemedCodeSnippet to display snippets with an integrated copy-to-clipboard button.

4.1.7 #

  • Fixed some errors with the display in the ThemedDrawer in nested pages.
  • Expandend documentation of ThemedTable to explain how to use some builders and related.
  • Fixed ThemedSelectInput update when the object from outside comes null, before, the selected value was not updated.

4.1.6 #

  • Fixed conditional import for pickFile and saveFile to support web.

4.1.5 #

  • Updated all pickers to support hover, splash and highlight colors' proerties when customChild is submitted.
  • Updated ThemedSelectInput and ThemedMultiSelectInput to support
  • Re-documented all widgets to standarize the format of the documentation.
  • Updated

4.1.4 #

  • Correction on ThemedTextInput, now you can set the position of the combobox choices. By default will always display below the ThemedTextInput widget.

4.1.3 #

  • In all Pickers, now you can submit a customWidget to overrides the default ThemedTextInput-like widget.
  • New page transition ThemedPageBuilder to help to create a page transition with a fade animation. The main difference with ThemedPageTransition is that ThemedPageBuilder allows to use a custom builder to build the page, and ThemedPageTransition only allows to use a child widget, basically you can return something.
  • Renamed widget ThemedFileInput to ThemedFilePicker, to backward compatibility, we added an alias to ThemedFileInput to ThemedFilePicker with a dart deprecation warning.

4.1.2 #

  • Hotfix on ThemedSelectInput and ThemedDualListInput.

4.1.1 #

  • New page builder called ThemedPageTransition to help to create a page transition with a fade animation.
  • Updated ThemedSelectInput and ThemedMultiSelectInput to comply with the new schema of pickers.
  • Updated ThemedDualListInput to comply with the new schema of apps. Also, now will append new items when is updated.

4.1.0 #

  • New widget ThemedTooltip, basically it's an a re-invention of the Tooltip widget, provides the option to change the spawn position of the tooltip, and prevents the issue with the default Tooltip widget related to the tap gesture, allowing to use any gesture on the child widget.
  • Updated the structure logic of the ThemedLayout and layout-related widgets, now, the shadows will overlap correctly.
  • Updated generateLightTheme() and generateDarkTheme() with Tooltip theme.
  • Replaced Tooltip for ThemedTooltip in the ThemedButton widget.
  • Added the property useDefaultRedirect on the ThemedNavigatorPage, basically allows to push the parent page of the nested pages when is true, when is false will push the first page of the nested pages.
  • Updated ThemedColorPicker to support multiple pickers from the package flex_color_picker.
  • Migrated ThemedDurationInput from an Overlay to a Dialog.
  • Updated ThemedTextInput to support choices to work like a combobox.
  • New widget ThemedNumberInput, basically is a ThemedTextInput with a num of return.
  • New widget ThemedCalendar and helper classes ThemedCalendarEntry and ThemedCalendarRangeEntry.
    • FYI, we only support the Monthly calendar, if you want to help us to support the other calendars, please, feel free to open a MR, help is always welcome.
  • New widgets ThemedMonthPicker and ThemedMonthRangePicker.
  • New widgets ThemedDatePicker and ThemedDateRangePicker.
  • New widgets ThemedTimePicker and ThemedTimeRangePicker.
  • Updated widgets ThemedDateTimePicker and ThemedDateTimeRangePicker to new picker format (From custom Overlay to Dialog).
  • Updated widgets ThemedAvatarPicker, ThemedColorPicker, ThemedEmojiPicker and ThemedIconPicker to new picker format (From custom Overlay to Dialog).

4.0.25 #

  • Fixed toggle theme on ThemedLayout and additionalActions when ThemedLayoutStyle is ThemedLayoutStyle.sidebar

4.0.24 #

  • Improved UX in ThemedDualListInput when selecting all while searching

4.0.23 #

  • Fixed ThemedTable table mode (Desktop) to show the dividers correctly

4.0.22 #

  • Added customSortingFunction to ThemedColumn allowing to sort the values of the column using a custom function

4.0.21 #

  • Changes on Layout widgets to support correctly the System UI Overlay on Android and iOS
  • Added loaders to drawAvatar and ThemedImage

4.0.20 #

  • Updated shadow color on the generateLightTheme y generateDarkTheme to
  • Added Layo

4.0.19 #

  • Improvements in ThemedLayout and layout-related widgets, now will consider MediaQuery.of(context).padding to the fixed overlays' locations.

4.0.18 #

  • Some hotfixes in ThemedLayout and layout-related widgets

4.0.17 #

  • Added currentPath to overrides the currentPath on Layout

4.0.16 #

  • Added support on ThemedLayout and layout-related widgets to use different pushNamed() and pop() navigator methods. (Basically can support go_router)

4.0.15 #

  • Added elevation, shadowColor and reverse properties to drawAvatar()
  • Updated functionality of color property on drawAvatar(), now will apply to dynamicAvatar
  • Updated documentation of reverse on generateContainerElevation()

4.0.14 #

  • Corrections on Text size prediction in ThemedSnackbar, should not overflow the text.

4.0.13 #

  • Updated width for ThemedSnackbar, now, for screens with width mess than 500u will expand to the full width of the screen

4.0.12 #

  • Added disableNotifications to ThemedAppBar to disable notification icon.

4.0.11 #

  • New helper functions saveFile and pickFile to help in the process to save a file or get a files from the device.

4.0.10 #

  • Added the option to disable SafeArea inside a child of the ThemedLayout
  • Added the possibility to change the padding of the child inside of the ThemedLayout

4.0.9 #

  • Fixed ThemedNotificationIcon to handle Dynamic Island (And hopefully any SafeArea padded segment)

4.0.8 #

  • Adjusted status bar color when the ThemedDrawer is opened or closed.

4.0.7 #

  • New function setThemedSnackbarScaffoldKey to set a GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> to the ThemedSnackbar.
  • ThemedSnackbar now will use as primary context the GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> setted before, otherwise, will use the provided BuildContext in the constructor.

4.0.6 #

  • Added default empty text for Notifications and reduced size of the logo on ThemedAppBar
  • Added name of the page in the ThemedLayoutStyle.sidebar as a "Fake AppBar"

4.0.5 #

  • Fixes on design on Android

4.0.4 #

  • New widget ThemedLayout to unify ThemedAppBar, ThemedDrawer and ThemedTaskbar using a unified Layrz style
  • Internal file organization updated to a sub-libraries schema

4.0.3 #

  • Fixed ThemedTable actions having no divider
  • Added shadow color to ThemedDrawer elements

4.0.2 #

  • Modified constraints for file, collection and google_fonts to accomplish pub points warnings

4.0.1 #

  • Fixes related to pub points
  • Added new style for buttons ThemedButtonStyle.filledFab to accomplish the buttons of Material You

4.0.0 #

  • Initial public release