layrz_theme 4.3.57
layrz_theme: ^4.3.57 copied to clipboard
Layrz standard theme library for Flutter, based on Material You (Material 3).
Layrz Theme #
Managed by Golden M, Inc. with authorization of Layrz Limited
Description #
It's a set of tools, widgets and generators to help you to create an application easily, fast and with a good quality using the Layrz design standard. Works in the platforms that Flutter supports, also mostly of layrz_theme
works in Embedded devices using Flutter eLinux (Disclaimer, not fully tested).
This library is a framework? #
Technically, no because Flutter is the Framework, but layrz_theme
is framework-like library, with a set of tools, widgets and generators.
Why this library exists? #
We are using Flutter to create most of our applications, based on that, we create initially layrz_theme
to standarize the design of our applications, but we think that it could be useful for other developers, so we decided to share it with the community.
Do you have other libraries? #
Of course! We have multiple libraries (for Layrz or general purpose) that you can use in your projects, you can find us on PyPi for Python libraries, RubyGems for Ruby gems, NPM of Golden M or NPM of Layrz for NodeJS libraries or here in for Dart/Flutter libraries.
How can I get support if I have a problem? #
Usually our inline documentation helps you to understand how to use our libraries, but if you have a problem, you can create an Issue in our Repository or contact us at
I need to pay for this library? #
No! This library is free and open source, you can use it in your projects without any cost, but if you want to support us, give us a thumbs up here in
How can I contribute? #
Feel free to create a Pull Request on our Repository or create an Issue if you find a bug or have a suggestion.
Who are you? #
Golden M is a software/hardware development company what is working on a new, innovative and disruptive technologies. For more information, contact us at
License #
This project is under MIT License, for more information, check out the LICENCE