katana_listenables 2.0.12
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The base part of the package that allows Listenable values to be grouped together and treated as a ChangeNotifier.
Katana Listenables
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Introduction #
You may want to manage multiple TextEditingControllers, ValueNotifiers, and other controllers that inherit these ChangeNotifiers when creating widgets.
It would then generally look something like the following.
- Define multiple ChangeNotifier inherited classes in State
- Create a class inheriting from ChangeNotifier for use in the state management package and addListener for all
I have created the following package to simplify the above implementation.
- Create a class inheriting from ChageNotofier with a simple description
- Monitor its parameters by passing an object inheriting from ChageNotofier as a parameter.
- When a change occurs in a monitored ChageNotifier, the change is propagated to its own object.
For example, the following statement is used
class ControllerGroup with _$ControllerGroup, ChangeNotifier {
factory ControllerGroup({
required TextEditingController emailTextEditingController,
required TextEditingController passwordTextEditingController,
required FocusNode focusNode,
ValueNotifier<bool> checkTerms,
}) = _ControllerGroup;
When build_runner is run with this, a class inheriting from ChangeNotifier (Listenable) given as an argument is automatically generated.
If you load this in riverpod, for example, as follows…
final controllerProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((_) {
return ControllerGroup(
emailTextEditingController: TextEdigingController(),
passwordTextEditingController: TextEdigingController(),
focusNode: FocusNode(),
checkTerms: ValueNotifier(false),
class TestPage extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref){
final controller = ref.watch(controllerProvider);
controller.emailTextEditingController.text = "New Text"; // At this time, the controller is also notified of the change and the widget is updated again.
When the contents of emailTextEditingController
defined in the controller
are updated, the change notification is propagated to the controller
as well.
Since the controller is also a ChangeNotifier, changes can be monitored by addListener
, etc.
Installation #
Import the following package for code generation using build_runner.
flutter pub add katana_listenables
flutter pub add --dev build_runner
flutter pub add --dev katana_listenables_builder
Implementation #
Make a Class #
Create a class as follows
Add part '(filename).listenable.dart';
Annotate the defined class with @listenables
and mixin _$(defined class name)
and ChangeNotifier
The constructor is created in the factory
and defines classes that inherit from ChangeNotifier and Listenable that you want to use in the parameters.
(Required values are marked "required
"; if "required" is not marked, leave it as it is.)
After the constructor, write = _ (the name of the defined class)
// controller.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:katana_listenables/katana_listenables.dart';
part 'controller.listenable.dart';
class ControllerGroup with _$ControllerGroup, ChangeNotifier {
factory ControllerGroup({
required TextEditingController emailTextEditingController,
required TextEditingController passwordTextEditingController,
required FocusNode focusNode,
ValueNotifier<bool> checkTerms,
}) = _ControllerGroup;
Code Generation #
Automatic code generation is performed by entering the following command.
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
How to use #
Since the created class inherits from ChangeNotifier, it can be used in the same way as a general ChangeNotifier.
- For State
class TestPage extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState => TestPageState();
class TestPageState extends State<TestPage> {
final controller = ControllerGroup(
emailTextEditingController: TextEdigingController(),
passwordTextEditingController: TextEdigingController(),
focusNode: FocusNode(),
checkTerms: ValueNotifier(false),
void initState(){
void _handledOnUpdate(){
void dispose(){
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref){
final controller = ref.watch(controllerProvider);
controller.emailTextEditingController.text = "New Text"; // At this time, the controller is also notified of the change and the widget is updated again.
- For riverpod
final controllerProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((_) {
return ControllerGroup(
emailTextEditingController: TextEdigingController(),
passwordTextEditingController: TextEdigingController(),
focusNode: FocusNode(),
checkTerms: ValueNotifier(false),
class TestPage extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref){
final controller = ref.watch(controllerProvider);
controller.emailTextEditingController.text = "New Text"; // At this time, the controller is also notified of the change and the widget is updated again.
Additional Usage #
Adding Methods #
To add a method, use the following writing style.
(defined class name). _();
constructor must be added.
// controller.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:katana_listenables/katana_listenables.dart';
part 'controller.listenable.dart';
class ControllerGroup with _$ControllerGroup, ChangeNotifier {
factory ControllerGroup({
required TextEditingController emailTextEditingController,
required TextEditingController passwordTextEditingController,
required FocusNode focusNode,
ValueNotifier<bool> checkTerms,
}) = _ControllerGroup;
ControllerGroup._(); // Additional Required
bool checked {
return checkTerms?.value ?? false;