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Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.

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Welcome to Freezed, yet another code generator for data classes, tagged unions, nested classes and cloning.

Migration to 3.0.0 #

To migrate from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0, see changelog and our migration guide.

Motivation #

Dart is awesome, but defining a "model" can be tedious. You have to:

  • define a constructor + properties
  • override toString, operator ==, hashCode
  • implement a copyWith method to clone the object
  • handle (de)serialization

Implementing all of this can take hundreds of lines, which are error-prone and affect the readability of your model significantly.

Freezed tries to fix that by implementing most of this for you, allowing you to focus on the definition of your model.

Before After
before before

Index #

How to use #

Install #

To use Freezed, you will need your typical build_runner/code-generator setup.
First, install build_runner and Freezed by adding them to your pubspec.yaml file:

For a Flutter project:

flutter pub add freezed_annotation
flutter pub add dev:build_runner
flutter pub add dev:freezed
# if using freezed to generate fromJson/toJson, also add:
flutter pub add json_annotation
flutter pub add dev:json_serializable
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For a Dart project:

dart pub add freezed_annotation
dart pub add dev:build_runner
dart pub add dev:freezed
# if using freezed to generate fromJson/toJson, also add:
dart pub add json_annotation
dart pub add dev:json_serializable
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This installs three packages:

Disabling invalid_annotation_target warning and warning in generates files #

If you plan on using Freezed in combination with json_serializable, recent versions of json_serializable and meta may require you to disable the invalid_annotation_target warning.

To do that, you can add the following to the analysis_options.yaml file at the root of your project:

    invalid_annotation_target: ignore
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Run the generator #

To run the code generator, execute the following command:

dart run build_runner watch -d
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Note that like most code-generators, Freezed will need you to both import the annotation (freezed_annotation) and use the part keyword on the top of your files.

As such, a file that wants to use Freezed will start with:

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'my_file.freezed.dart';

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CONSIDER also importing package:flutter/foundation.dart.
The reason being, importing foundation.dart also imports classes to make an object nicely readable in Flutter's devtool.
If you import foundation.dart, Freezed will automatically do it for you.

Creating a Model using Freezed #

Freezed offers two ways of creating data-classes:

Primary constructors #

Freezed implements Primary Constructors by relying on factory constructors. The idea is, you define a factory and Freezed generates everything else:

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

// required: associates our `main.dart` with the code generated by Freezed
part 'main.freezed.dart';
// optional: Since our Person class is serializable, we must add this line.
// But if Person was not serializable, we could skip it.
part 'main.g.dart';

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  const factory Person({
    required String firstName,
    required String lastName,
    required int age,
  }) = _Person;

  factory Person.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$PersonFromJson(json);
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The following snippet defines a model named Person:

  • Person has 3 properties: firstName, lastName and age
  • Because we are using @freezed, all of this class's properties are immutable.
  • Since we defined a fromJson, this class is de/serializable. Freezed will add a toJson method for us.
  • Freezed will also automatically generate:
    • a copyWith method, for cloning the object with different properties
    • a toString override listing all the properties of the object
    • an operator == and hashCode override (since Person is immutable)

From this example, we can notice a few things:

  • It is necessary to annotate our model with @freezed (or @Freezed/@unfreezed, more about that later).
    This annotation is what tells Freezed to generate code for that class.

  • We must also apply a mixin with the name of our class, prefixed by _$. This mixin is what defines the various properties/methods of our object.

  • When defining a constructor in a Freezed class, we should use the factory keyword as showcased (const is optional).
    The parameters of this constructor will be the list of all properties that this class contains.
    Parameters don't have to be named and required. Feel free to use positional optional parameters if you want!

Adding getters and methods to our models

Sometimes, you may want to manually define methods/properties in our classes.
But you will quickly notice that if you try to use primary constructors:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  const factory Person(String name, {int? age}) = _Person;

  void method() {
    print('hello world');
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then it will fail with the error The non-abstract class _$_Person is missing implementations for these members:.

For that to work, we need to define a private empty constructor. That will enable the generated code to extend/subclass our class, instead of implementing it (which is the default, and only inherits type, and not properties or methods):

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  // Added constructor. Must not have any parameter
  const Person._();

  const factory Person(String name, {int? age}) = _Person;

  void method() {
    print('hello world');
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Dart does not allow adding assert(...) statements to a factory constructor.
As such, to add asserts to your Freezed classes, you will need the @Assert decorator:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  @Assert('name.isNotEmpty', 'name cannot be empty')
  const factory Person({required String name, int? age}) = _Person;
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Alternatively, you can specify a MyClass._() constructor:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
    : assert(name.isNotEmpty, 'name cannot be empty');

  factory Person({required String name, int? age}) = _Person;

  final String name;
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Default values

Similarly to asserts, Dart does not allow "redirecting factory constructors" to specify default values.

As such, if you want to specify default values for your properties, you will need the @Default annotation:

abstract class Example with _$Example {
  const factory Example([@Default(42) int value]) = _Example;
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If you are using serialization/deserialization, this will automatically add a @JsonKey(defaultValue: <something>) for you.

Non-constant default values

If using @Default is not enough, you have two options:

  • Either stop using primary constructors. See Classic Classes
  • Add a MyClass._() constructor to initialize said value

The latter is particularly helpful when writing large models, as this doesn't require writing a lot of code just for one default values.

One example would be the following:

sealed class Response<T> with _$Response<T> {
  // We give "time" parameters a non-constant default
  Response._({DateTime? time}) : time = time ??;
  // Constructors may enable passing parameters to ._();
  factory value, {DateTime? time}) = ResponseData;
  // If ._ parameters are named and optional, factory constructors are not required to specify it
  factory Response.error(Object error) = ResponseError;

  final DateTime time;
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In this example, the field time is defaulting to

Extending classes

You may want to have your Freezed class extend another class. Unfortunately, factory does not allow specifying super(...).

As such, one workaround is to specify the MyClass._() again, similarly to how we used it for non-constant default values. Here's an example:

class Subclass {

  final int value;

abstract class MyFreezedClass extends Subclass with _$MyFreezedClass {
  // We can receive parameters in this constructor, which we can use with `super.field`
  const MyFreezedClass._(super.value) :;

  const factory MyFreezedClass(int value, /* other fields */) = _MyFreezedClass;
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This syntax gives full control over inheritance.
Of course, you can also opt-out of factory constructors and write normal classes. See Classic Classes.

In general, this workaround makes more sense for Unions, where we have more than one factory constructor.

Defining a mutable class instead of an immutable one

So far, we've seen how to define a model where all of its properties are final; but you may want to define mutable properties in your model.

Freezed supports this, by replacing the @freezed annotation with @unfreezed:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  factory Person({
    required String firstName,
    required String lastName,
    required final int age,
  }) = _Person;

  factory Person.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$PersonFromJson(json);
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This defines a model mostly identical to our previous snippets, but with the following differences:

  • firstName and lastName are now mutable. As such, we can write:

    void main() {
      var person = Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith', age: 42);
      person.firstName = 'Mona';
      person.lastName = 'Lisa';
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  • age is still immutable, because we explicitly marked the property as final.

  • Person no-longer has a custom ==/hashCode implementation:

    void main() {
      var john = Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith', age: 42);
      var john2 = Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith', age: 42);
      print(john == john2); // false
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  • Of course, since our Person class is mutable, it is no-longer possible to instantiate it using const.

Allowing the mutation of Lists/Maps/Sets

By default when using @freezed (but not @unfreezed), properties of type List/Map/Set are transformed to be immutable.

This means that writing the following will cause a runtime exception:

abstract class Example with _$Example {
  factory Example(List<int> list) = _Example;

void main() {
  var example = Example([]);
  example.list.add(42); // throws because we are mutating a collection
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That behavior can be disabled by writing:

@Freezed(makeCollectionsUnmodifiable: false)
abstract class Example with _$Example {
  factory Example(List<int> list) = _Example;

void main() {
  var example = Example([]);
  example.list.add(42); // OK
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Classic classes #

Instead of primary constructors, you can write normal Dart classes.

In this scenario, write a typical constructor + fields combo as you normally would:

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

// required: associates our `main.dart` with the code generated by Freezed
part 'main.freezed.dart';
// optional: Since our Person class is serializable, we must add this line.
// But if Person was not serializable, we could skip it.
part 'main.g.dart';

class Person with _$Person {
  const Person({
    required this.firstName,
    required this.lastName,
    required this.age,

  final String firstName;
  final String lastName;
  final int age;

  factory Person.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json)
      => _$PersonFromJson(json);

  Map<String, Object?> toJson() => _$PersonToJson(this);
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In this scenario, Freezed will generate copyWith/toString/==/hashCode, but won't do anything related to JSON encoding (hence why you need to manually add @JsonSerializable).

This syntax has the benefit of enabling advanced constructor logic, such as inheritance or non-constant default values.

How copyWith works #

As explained before, when defining a model using Freezed, then the code-generator will automatically generate a copyWith method for us.
This method is used to clone an object with different values.

For example if we define:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  factory Person(String name, int? age) = _Person;
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Then we could write:

void main() {
  var person = Person('Remi', 24);

  // `age` not passed, its value is preserved
  print(person.copyWith(name: 'Dash')); // Person(name: Dash, age: 24)
  // `age` is set to `null`
  print(person.copyWith(age: null)); // Person(name: Remi, age: null)
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Notice Freezed supports person.copyWith(age: null).

Going further: Deep copy #

While copyWith is very powerful in itself, it becomes inconvenient on more complex objects.

Consider the following classes:

abstract class Company with _$Company {
  const factory Company({String? name, required Director director}) = _Company;

abstract class Director with _$Director {
  const factory Director({String? name, Assistant? assistant}) = _Director;

abstract class Assistant with _$Assistant {
  const factory Assistant({String? name, int? age}) = _Assistant;
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Then, from a reference on Company, we may want to perform changes on Assistant.
For example, to change the name of an assistant, using copyWith we would have to write:

Company company;

Company newCompany = company.copyWith(
  director: company.director.copyWith(
    assistant: company.director.assistant.copyWith(
      name: 'John Smith',
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This works, but is relatively verbose with a lot of duplicates.
This is where we could use Freezed's "deep copy".

If a Freezed model contains properties that are also Freezed models, then the code-generator will offer an alternate syntax to the previous example:

Company company;

Company newCompany = company.copyWith.director.assistant(name: 'John Smith');
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This snippet will achieve strictly the same result as the previous snippet (creating a new company with an updated assistant name), but no longer has duplicates.

Going deeper in this syntax, if instead, we wanted to change the director's name then we could write:

Company company;
Company newCompany = company.copyWith.director(name: 'John Doe');
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Overall, based on the definitions of Company/Director/Assistant mentioned above, all the following "copy" syntaxes will work:

Company company;

company = company.copyWith(name: 'Google', director: Director(...));
company = company.copyWith.director(name: 'Larry', assistant: Assistant(...));
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Null consideration

Some objects may also be null. For example, using our Company class, then Director's assistant may be null.

As such, writing:

Company company = Company(name: 'Google', director: Director(assistant: null));
Company newCompany = company.copyWith.director.assistant(name: 'John');
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doesn't make sense.
We can't change the assistant's name if there is no assistant to begin with.

In that situation, company.copyWith.director.assistant will return null, causing our code to fail to compile.

To fix it, we can use the ?.call operator and write:

Company? newCompany = company.copyWith.director.assistant?.call(name: 'John');
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Decorators and comments #

Freezed supports property and class level decorators/documentation by decorating/documenting their respective parameter and constructor definition.


abstract class Person with _$Person {
  const factory Person({
    String? name,
    int? age,
    Gender? gender,
  }) = _Person;
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If you want to document name, you can do:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  const factory Person({
    /// The name of the user.
    /// Must not be null
    String? name,
    int? age,
    Gender? gender,
  }) = _Person;
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If you want to mark the property gender as @deprecated, then you can do:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  const factory Person({
    String? name,
    int? age,
    @deprecated Gender? gender,
  }) = _Person;
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This will deprecate both:

  • The constructor
    Person(gender: Gender.something); // gender is deprecated
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  • The generated class's constructor:
    _Person(gender: Gender.something); // gender is deprecated
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  • the property:
    Person person;
    print(person.gender); // gender is deprecated
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  • the copyWith parameter:
    Person person;
    person.copyWith(gender: Gender.something); // gender is deprecated
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Similarly, if you want to decorate the generated class you can decorate the defining factory constructor.

As such, to deprecate _Person, you could do:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  const factory Person({
    String? name,
    int? age,
    Gender? gender,
  }) = _Person;
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FromJson/ToJson #

While Freezed will not generate your typical fromJson/toJson by itself, it knows what json_serializable is.

Making a class compatible with json_serializable is very straightforward.

Consider this snippet:

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'model.freezed.dart';

sealed class Model with _$Model {
  factory Model.first(String a) = First;
  factory Model.second(int b, bool c) = Second;
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The changes necessary to make it compatible with json_serializable consists of two lines:

  • a new part: part 'model.g.dart';
  • a new constructor on the targeted class: factory Model.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ModelFromJson(json);

The end result is:

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'model.freezed.dart';
part 'model.g.dart';

sealed class Model with _$Model {
  factory Model.first(String a) = First;
  factory Model.second(int b, bool c) = Second;

  factory Model.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ModelFromJson(json);
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Don't forget to add json_serializable to your pubspec.yaml file:

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That's it!
With these changes, Freezed will automatically ask json_serializable to generate all the necessary fromJson/toJson.

Freezed will only generate a fromJson if the factory is using =>.

fromJSON - classes with multiple constructors #

For classes with multiple constructors, Freezed will check the JSON response for a string element called runtimeType and choose the constructor to use based on its value. For example, given the following constructors:

sealed class MyResponse with _$MyResponse {
  const factory MyResponse(String a) = MyResponseData;
  const factory MyResponse.special(String a, int b) = MyResponseSpecial;
  const factory MyResponse.error(String message) = MyResponseError;

  factory MyResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MyResponseFromJson(json);
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Then Freezed will use each JSON object's runtimeType to choose the constructor as follows:

    "runtimeType": "default",
    "a": "This JSON object will use constructor MyResponse()"
    "runtimeType": "special",
    "a": "This JSON object will use constructor MyResponse.special()",
    "b": 42
    "runtimeType": "error",
    "message": "This JSON object will use constructor MyResponse.error()"
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You can customize key and value with something different using @Freezed and @FreezedUnionValue decorators:

@Freezed(unionKey: 'type', unionValueCase: FreezedUnionCase.pascal)
sealed class MyResponse with _$MyResponse {
  const factory MyResponse(String a) = MyResponseData;

  const factory MyResponse.special(String a, int b) = MyResponseSpecial;

  const factory MyResponse.error(String message) = MyResponseError;

  factory MyResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
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which would update the previous json to:

    "type": "Default",
    "a": "This JSON object will use constructor MyResponse()"
    "type": "SpecialCase",
    "a": "This JSON object will use constructor MyResponse.special()",
    "b": 42
    "type": "Error",
    "message": "This JSON object will use constructor MyResponse.error()"
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If you want to customize key and value for all the classes, you can specify it inside your build.yaml file, for example:

          union_key: type
          union_value_case: pascal
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If you don't control the JSON response, then you can implement a custom converter. Your custom converter will need to implement its own logic for determining which constructor to use.

class MyResponseConverter implements JsonConverter<MyResponse, Map<String, dynamic>> {
  const MyResponseConverter();

  MyResponse fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    // type data was already set (e.g. because we serialized it ourselves)
    if (json['runtimeType'] != null) {
      return MyResponse.fromJson(json);
    // you need to find some condition to know which type it is. e.g. check the presence of some field in the json
    if (isTypeData) {
      return MyResponseData.fromJson(json);
    } else if (isTypeSpecial) {
      return MyResponseSpecial.fromJson(json);
    } else if (isTypeError) {
      return MyResponseError.fromJson(json);
    } else {
      throw Exception('Could not determine the constructor for mapping from JSON');

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson(MyResponse data) => data.toJson();
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To then apply your custom converter pass the decorator to a constructor parameter.

abstract class MyModel with _$MyModel {
  const factory MyModel(@MyResponseConverter() MyResponse myResponse) = MyModelData;

  factory MyModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MyModelFromJson(json);
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By doing this, json serializable will use MyResponseConverter.fromJson() and MyResponseConverter.toJson() to convert MyResponse.

You can also use a custom converter on a constructor parameter contained in a List.

abstract class MyModel with _$MyModel {
  const factory MyModel(@MyResponseConverter() List<MyResponse> myResponse) = MyModelData;

  factory MyModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MyModelFromJson(json);
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In order to serialize nested lists of freezed objects, you are supposed to either specify a @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) or change explicit_to_json inside your build.yaml file (see the documentation).

Deserializing generic classes #

In order to de/serialize generic typed freezed objects, you can enable genericArgumentFactories.
All you need to do is to change the signature of the fromJson method and add genericArgumentFactories: true to the freezed configuration.

@Freezed(genericArgumentFactories: true)
sealed class ApiResponse<T> with _$ApiResponse<T> {
  const factory data) = ApiResponseData;
  const factory ApiResponse.error(String message) = ApiResponseError;

  factory ApiResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, T Function(Object?) fromJsonT) => _$ApiResponseFromJson(json, fromJsonT);
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Alternatively, you can enable genericArgumentFactories for the whole project by modifying your build.yaml file to include the following:

          generic_argument_factories: true
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What about @JsonKey annotation?

All decorators passed to a constructor parameter are "copy-pasted" to the generated property too.
As such, you can write:

abstract class Example with _$Example {
  factory Example(@JsonKey(name: 'my_property') String myProperty) = _Example;

  factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ExampleFromJson(json);
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What about @JsonSerializable annotation?

You can pass @JsonSerializable annotation by placing it over constructor e.g.:

abstract class Example with _$Example {
  @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
  factory Example(@JsonKey(name: 'my_property') SomeOtherClass myProperty) = _Example;

  factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ExampleFromJson(json);
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If you want to define some custom json_serializable flags for all the classes (e.g. explicit_to_json or any_map) you can do it via build.yaml file as described here.

See also the decorators section

Union types #

Coming from other languages, you may be used to features like "union types," "sealed classes," and pattern matching.

These are powerful tools in combination with a type system, but it isn't particularly ergonomic to use them in Dart.

But fear not, Freezed supports them, generating a few utilities to help you!

Long story short, in any Freezed class, you can write multiple constructors:

sealed class Union with _$Union {
  const factory value) = Data;
  const factory Union.loading() = Loading;
  const factory Union.error([String? message]) = Error;
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By doing this, our model now can be in different mutually exclusive states.

In particular, this snippet defines a model Union, and that model has 3 possible states:

  • data
  • loading
  • error

Note how we gave meaningful names to the right hand of the factory constructors we defined. They will come in handy later.

One thing you may also notice is that with this example, we can no longer write code such as:

void main() {
  Union union =;

  print(union.value); // compilation error: property value does not exist
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We'll see why in the following section.

Shared properties #

When defining multiple constructors, you will lose the ability to read properties that are not common to all constructors:

For example, if you write:

sealed class Example with _$Example {
  const factory Example.person(String name, int age) = Person;
  const factory name, int population) = City;
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Then you will be unable to read age and population directly:

var example = Example.person('Remi', 24);
print(example.age); // does not compile!
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On the other hand, you can read properties that are defined on all constructors. For example, the name variable is common to both Example.person and constructors.

As such we can write:

var example = Example.person('Remi', 24);
print(; // Remi
example ='London', 8900000);
print(; // London
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The same logic can be applied to copyWith too.
We can use copyWith with properties defined on all constructors:

var example = Example.person('Remi', 24);
print(example.copyWith(name: 'Dash')); // Example.person(name: Dash, age: 24)

example ='London', 8900000);
print(example.copyWith(name: 'Paris')); // Paris, population: 8900000)
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On the other hand, properties that are unique to a specific constructor aren't available:

var example = Example.person('Remi', 24);

example.copyWith(age: 42); // compilation error, parameter `age` does not exist
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To solve this problem, we need check the state of our object using what we call "pattern matching".

Using pattern matching to read non-shared properties #

For this section, let's consider the following union:

sealed class Example with _$Example {
  const factory Example.person(String name, int age) = Person;
  const factory name, int population) = City;
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Let's see how we can use pattern matching to read the content of an Example instance.

For this, you should use Dart’s built-in pattern matching using switch:

switch (example) {
  Person(:final name) => print('Person $name'),
  City(:final population) => print('City ($population)'),
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Alternatively, you could use an if-case statement:

if (example case Person(:final name)) {
  print('Person $name');
} else if (example case City(:final population)) {
  print('City ($population)');
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You could also use is/as to cast an Example variable into either a Person or a City, but this is heavily discouraged. Use one of the other two options.

Mixins and Interfaces for individual classes for union types #

When you have multiple types in the same class you might want one of those types to implement an interface or mixin a class. You can do that using the @Implements or @With decorators respectively. In the following example City implements GeographicArea.

abstract class GeographicArea {
  int get population;
  String get name;

sealed class Example with _$Example {
  const factory Example.person(String name, int age) = Person;

  const factory name, int population) = City;
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This also works for implementing or mixing in generic classes e.g. AdministrativeArea<House> except when the class has a generic type parameter e.g. AdministrativeArea<T>. In this case freezed will generate correct code but dart will throw a load error on the annotation declaration when compiling. To avoid this you should use the @Implements.fromString and @With.fromString decorators as follows:

abstract class GeographicArea {}
abstract class House {}
abstract class Shop {}
abstract class AdministrativeArea<T> {}

sealed class Example<T> with _$Example<T> {
  const factory Example.person(String name, int age) = Person<T>;

  const factory Example.street(String name) = Street<T>;

  const factory name, int population) = City<T>;
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Note: You need to make sure that you comply with the interface requirements by implementing all the abstract members. If the interface has no members or just fields, you can fulfill the interface contract by adding them to the union type's constructor. Keep in mind that if the interface defines a method or a getter, that you implement in the class, you need to use the Adding getters and methods to our models instructions.

Note 2: You cannot use @With/@Implements with freezed classes. Freezed classes can neither be extended nor implemented.

Ejecting an individual union case #

To have fine-grained control over your models, Freezed offer the ability to manually write a subclass of a union.


sealed class Result<T> with _$Result {
  factory data) = ResultData;
  factory Result.error(Object error) = ResultError;
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Now, let's say we wanted to write ResultData ourselves. For that, simply define a ResultData class in the same file:

sealed class Result<T> with _$Result {
  factory data) = ResultData;
  factory Result.error(Object error) = ResultError;

class ResultData<T> implements Result<T> {
  // TODO: implement Result<T>
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Note that the extracted class can be a Freezed class too!

sealed class Result<T> with _$Result {
  factory data) = ResultData;
  factory Result.error(Object error) = ResultError;

class ResultData<T> extends Result<T> {
  factory ResultData(T data) = _ResultData;

  // TODO maybe add some methods unique to ResultData
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Configurations #

Freezed offers various options to customize the generated code. To do so, there are two possibilities:

Changing the behavior for a specific model #

If you want to customize the generated code for only one specific class, you can do so by using a different annotation:

abstract class Person with _$Person {
  factory Person(String name, int age) = _Person;
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By doing so, you can now pass various parameters to @Freezed to change the output:

  // Disable the generation of copyWith/==
  copyWith: false,
  equal: false,
 abstract class Person with _$Person {...}
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To view all the possibilities, see the documentation of @Freezed:

Changing the behavior for the entire project #

Instead of applying your modification to a single class, you may want to apply it to all Freezed models at the same time.

You can do so by customizing a file called build.yaml
This file is an optional configuration file that should be placed next to your pubspec.yaml:

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There, you will be able to change the same options as the options found in @Freezed (see above) by writing:

          # Tells Freezed to format .freezed.dart files.
          # This can significantly slow down code-generation.
          # Disabling formatting will only work when opting into Dart 3.7 as a minimum
          # in your project SDK constraints.
          format: true
          # Disable the generation of copyWith/== for the entire project
          copy_with: false
          equal: false
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Utilities #

IDE Extensions #

Freezed extension for VSCode #

The Freezed extension might help you work faster with freezed. For example :

  • Use Ctrl+Shift+B (Cmd+Shift+B on Mac) to quickly build using build_runner.
  • Quickly generate a Freezed class by using Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac)> Generate Freezed class.

Freezed extension for IntelliJ/Android Studio #

You can get Live Templates for boiler plate code here.


  • type freezedClass and press Tab to generate a freezed class
    class Demo with _$Demo {
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  • type freezedFromJson and press Tab to generate the fromJson method for json_serializable
    factory Demo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DemoFromJson(json);
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Linting #

You can add freezed specific linting rules that provide helpful utilities and catch common mistakes when creating freezed classes.

Add custom_lint and freezed_lint to your pubspec.yaml:

dart pub add dev:custom_lint
dart pub add dev:freezed_lint
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Also add custom_lint to your analysis_options.yaml:

    - custom_lint
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Third-party tools #

This part contains community-made tools which integrate with Freezed.

DartJ #

DartJ is Flutter application, made by @ttpho, which will generate the Freezed classes from a JSON payload.


Sponsors #




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Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.

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MIT (license)


analyzer, build, build_config, collection, freezed_annotation, json_annotation, meta, source_gen


Packages that depend on freezed