isolate_http 3.0.0
isolate_http: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
IsolateHttp provides a way to launch 'http' library in Isolate with IsolatesFlutter.
IsolateHttp #
IsolateHttp provides a way to launch http package with IsolateFlutter.
Usage #
Performing a GET
final _isolateHttp = IsolateHttp();
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final _response = await _isolateHttp.get('',
headers: {'Authorization': 'abc='});
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Performing a POST
final _response = await'',
headers: {'Authorization': 'abc='},
body: {'size': 'XL', 'price': 236},
files: [
HttpFile.fromPath('files', 'path/image_1.png')
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Performing a DELETE
final _response = await _isolateHttp.delete('',
headers: {'Authorization': 'abc='});
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*** You can set a timeout and debug label for your request when creating an IsolateHttp like:
final _isolateHttp = IsolateHttp(timeout: Duration(seconds: 30), debugLabel: 'get_products')
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If timeout, its returns you an IsolateHttpResponse with status code 408 (Request Timeout).
Log Curl #
_isolateHttp.listener = (curl) {
if (kDebugMode) {
log('Isolate Http -> Curl: ----------------\n$curl\n----------------');
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Author #
IsolateHttp is developed by Thong Dang. You can contact me at
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Thank you! ❤️