insuideindoor 1.1.15 insuideindoor: ^1.1.15 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for integrating Mapbox Maps inside a Flutter application on Android, iOS and web platfroms.
import the Package of dart file import 'package:insuideindoor/main.dart'; current version is 1.1.12 define body as InsuideMapHomePage();
For Example
return Scaffold( body: HomePage(), // This trailing comma makes auto-formatting nicer for build methods. );
If A problem occurred evaluating project ':mapbox_gl'. SDK Registry token is null.
define MAPBOX_DOWNLOADS_TOKEN in Open up your project-level build.gradle file, and add the code below to declare the endpoint in the repositories block:
allprojects { repositories { maven { url '' authentication { basic(BasicAuthentication) } credentials { // Do not change the username below. // This should always be mapbox (not your username). username = "mapbox" // Use the secret token you stored in as the password password =['MAPBOX_DOWNLOADS_TOKEN'] ?: "" } } } }