imc_def 5.0.1
imc_def: ^5.0.1 copied to clipboard
This package is a Dart package for IMC messages manipulation. IMC is an open source message protocol specification from UPorto-FEUP-LSTS (
imc_def #
A dart package for IMC messages manipulation.
Getting Started #
This package is both a generator and an IMC messages manipulation package.
The IMC definition is found here.
Using the package #
To use you need to import into your pubspec.yaml such as:
- In case to use the package with the bundle generated IMC
imc_def: ^x.x.x
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Don't forget to flutter pub get
- In case you want to use the source to generate your own code add your settings to your project's pubspec.yaml file or create a file in your root project folder named imc_def.yaml with your settings.
imc: <path_to_imc_file_definitions>
githash: <git repo owner>@<git hash reduced> # please add this info (example for LSTS would be 'lsts@f19a343')
# package: imc # optional, will create in src inside the folder(s)
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After adding your settings, run the package with
flutter pub run imc_def:imc_generator
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In your code just import:
import 'package:imc_def/imc_def.dart' as imc;
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or if generating:
import 'package:<project_name>/src/<package/>imc_def.dart' as imc;
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An example of use is the following:
var hbMsgB = imc.HeartbeatBuilder()
..src = 0x16
..dst = 0x17;
var dstEnt = 0;
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 300), (Timer t) {
var msg = (hbMsgB
..timestamp =
..dstEnt = dstEnt++ & 0xFF)
var dataB = imc.messagesIdsSerializers[msg.msgId]?.call().serialize(msg);
var bytes =
dataB?.buffer.asUint8List(dataB.offsetInBytes, dataB.lengthInBytes);
if (dataB != null && bytes != null) {
var bs = socket.send(bytes, InternetAddress(""), 4444);
"Bytes sent $bs | ${dataB.offsetInBytes}, ${dataB.lengthInBytes}");
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To use alternative sync numbers also do:
imc.alternativeSyncNumbers = [0x0102];
var hbMsgB = imc.HeartbeatBuilder()
..src = 0x16
..dst = 0x17;
var dstEnt = 0;
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 300), (Timer t) {
var msg = (hbMsgB
..timestamp =
..dstEnt = dstEnt++ & 0xFF)
var dataB = imc.messagesIdsSerializers[msg.msgId]?.call().serialize(msg, 0x0102);
var bytes =
dataB?.buffer.asUint8List(dataB.offsetInBytes, dataB.lengthInBytes);
if (dataB != null && bytes != null) {
var bs = socket.send(bytes, InternetAddress(""), 4444);
"Bytes sent $bs | ${dataB.offsetInBytes}, ${dataB.lengthInBytes}");
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