icure_medical_device_dart_sdk 1.5.4 icure_medical_device_dart_sdk: ^1.5.4 copied to clipboard
icure high level sdk for medical devices
1.5.4 #
- Interface for potentially encrypted patient now includes setters
- More api methods can use potentially encrypted patient
1.5.3 #
- Fix a bug that caused corruption of encrypted data on modification of unencrypted patient data.
1.5.2 #
- Fix a bug that caused corruption of the Patient entity data the first time the new patient user logins through the authentication API.
- Includes new methods that allow new Patient users which didn't yet receive access to their existing data to still be able to create new data samples and healthcare elements
1.5.1 #
- MDT-175 BUG : Resolve 400 Invalid Patient bug during patient authentication
- BUG : Resolve 500 Base64 error due to defected cache when completing patient authentication
- BUG : Resolve race condition when calling updateUser service
1.5.0 #
- Add Check to bypass token in case a user need to use authentication instead (Google Store submission)
- Enable authentication by SMS
1.4.9 #
- Fixed an error when completing authentication
1.4.8 #
- Bumped icure-dart-sdk
- Changed TimeSeries to list of num
1.4.7 #
- Fixed buggy services
- Fixed issue blocking registration
1.4.6 #
- Updated dart sdk
1.4.5 #
- FIX an issue on registration
1.4.4 #
- FEATURE Send recaptchaKey as sha256 during authentication process
1.4.3 #
- FIX an issue that inverted the logic of delegation sharing when the delegation is already existing
1.4.2 #
- FIX giveAccessTo wouldn't check if the delegateTo already has access
- FIX User ID is used in giveAccessTo in PatientApi
- FIX Cache could sometimes return wrong values for delegateHcPartyKeys
1.4.1 #
- Fix an issue that block the decryption of data samples
1.4.0 #
- Add the ability to give access to other data owner to healthcare element, data sample and patient
- Fix issues on iterable comparison
- Fix an issue on UserDto to User mapping
1.3.5 #
- BUG Fix missing identifier value mapping
1.3.4 #
- Add parameter to provide keys and tokens using a Keystore
1.3.3 #
- Add AnonymousMedtechApi for initialisation of users
1.3.2 #
- Renamed registrationApi -> authenticationApi
1.3.1 #
- Implement authentication login with user still having access to its key
1.3.0 #
- Added login process methods
1.2.17 #
- FEATURE Support AesExchangeKeys, transferKeys and lostHcPartyKeys in data owners
- Updating icure_dart_sdk dependency to 1.0.34
1.2.16 #
- FIX Add patientId in createOrModifyHealthElement API service
- Updating icure_dart_sdk dependency to 1.0.33
1.2.15 #
- Fixed creation of DataSamples that contains "content" value
- Updated icure-dart-sdk to 1.0.32
1.2.14 #
- FIX Could not manage data samples when user is a patient
- FIX Could not filter patients and healthcare elements for a patient data owner
- FIX HealthcareElementByHcPartyIdentifiersFilter mapping
1.2.13 #
- Updated icure dart sdk
1.2.12 #
- Updated icure dart sdk
1.2.11 #
- Fix createOrModifyHealthcareElements method
- Add missing methods in healthcare professional API and delete unrelated documentation
- Simplify MedTechApiBuilder
1.2.10 #
Fix registration process
1.2.9 #
- Added the possibility to provide a validationCode for the signUp
1.2.8 #
- Fixed issues in Filters DSL
1.2.7 #
- Exported binary_utils
- Changed addKeyPair signature
1.2.6 #
- Registration API Use Client Process ID
1.2.5 #
- Fix jsonEncode error when calling registration api
1.2.4 #
- Changed forHcp to forDataOwner in filter_dsl
1.2.3 #
- Added simplified calls for registration
1.2.2 #
- Exported crypto from icure-dart-sdk
1.2.1 #
- Update dependencies
1.2.0 #
- Added getUserByEmail
1.1.5 #
- Update dependencies & add signup test
1.1.4 #
- Update dependencies
1.1.3 #
- Update dependencies
1.1.2 #
- Fix forPatient DataSample filter builder
1.1.1 #
- Update dependencies
1.1.0 #
- Added data samples API
1.0.7 #
- Better documentation, better top level api
1.0.6 #
- Performance improvement
1.0.5 #
- Fix transitive dependency problem
1.0.4 #
- Improve library layout
1.0.3 #
- Fix filter serialization, mapping and decryption of entities without encryption keys
1.0.2 #
- Fix filter mapping
- Add tests for healthcare professionals API
1.0.1 #
- Add healthcare elements API
- Add healthcare professionals API
- Improve test coverage
- Add constructors to filters
1.0.0 #
- Initial version