
ICure Medical Device Dart SDK


Dart 2.12 or later

Installation & Usage

The recommended way to get this package is through, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/openapi


If you wish to get this package from Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

  icure_medical_device_dart_sdk: ^1.4.4



Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:icure_medical_device_dart_sdk/api.dart';

final api = MedTechApiBuilder()
    .addKeyPair('id', private_key)

final coding_api = api.codingApi;
final coding = Coding(id: "typ|123|1");

try {
    final result = coding_api.createOrModifyCoding(coding);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling CodingApi->createOrModifyCoding: $e\n');

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method Description
CodingApi createOrModifyCoding Create or update a Coding
CodingApi createOrModifyCodings Create or update a batch of Coding
CodingApi filterCoding Load codings from the database by filtering them using the provided filter.
CodingApi getCoding Get a Coding
CodingApi matchCoding Load coding ids from the database by filtering them using the provided filter.
DataSampleApi createOrModifyDataSampleFor Create or update a DataSample for a patient
DataSampleApi createOrModifyDataSamplesFor Create or update a batch of DataSample for a patient
DataSampleApi deleteAttachment Delete an attachment of a DataSample
DataSampleApi deleteDataSample Delete a DataSample by its id
DataSampleApi deleteDataSamples Delete a batch of Data Samples
DataSampleApi filterDataSample Find data samples using the provided filter.
DataSampleApi getDataSample Get a DataSample by its id
DataSampleApi getDataSampleAttachmentContent Get attachment content of a DataSample
DataSampleApi getDataSampleAttachmentDocument Get document metadata of a DataSample attachment
DataSampleApi matchDataSample Find data samples ids using the provided Filter.
DataSampleApi setDataSampleAttachment Add or update the attachment of a DataSample
HealthcareElementApi createOrModifyHealthcareElement Create a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi createOrModifyHealthcareElements Create a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi deleteHealthcareElement Delete a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi filterHealthcareElement Find Healthcare Elements using a filter
HealthcareElementApi getHealthcareElement Get a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi matchHealthcareElement Find Healthcare Elements using a filter
HealthcareProfessionalApi createOrModifyHealthcareProfessional Create a newhealthcare professional or modify an existing one.
HealthcareProfessionalApi deleteHealthcareProfessional Delete an existing healthcare professional.
HealthcareProfessionalApi filterHealthcareProfessionalBy Load healthcare professionals from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
HealthcareProfessionalApi getHealthcareProfessional Get a Healthcare professional by id.
HealthcareProfessionalApi matchHealthcareProfessionalBy Loadhealthcare professional ids from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
MedicalDeviceApi createOrModifyMedicalDevice Create or update a MedicalDevice
MedicalDeviceApi createOrModifyMedicalDevices Create or update a batch of MedicalDevice
MedicalDeviceApi deleteMedicalDevice Delete a MedicalDevice
MedicalDeviceApi deleteMedicalDevices Delete a batch of MedicalDevice
MedicalDeviceApi filterMedicalDevices Load devices from the database by filtering them using the provided filter.
MedicalDeviceApi getMedicalDevice Get a Medical Device
MedicalDeviceApi matchMedicalDevices Load medical device ids from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
PatientApi createOrModifyPatient Create or update a Patient
PatientApi deletePatient Delete a Patient
PatientApi filterPatients Load patients from the database by filtering them using the provided filter.
PatientApi getPatient Get a Patient
PatientApi matchPatients Load patient ids from the database by filtering them using the provided filter.
UserApi checkTokenValidity Check token validity for a user.
UserApi createOrModifyUser Create a new user or modify an existing one.
UserApi createToken Create a token for a user.
UserApi deleteUser Delete an existing user.
UserApi filterUsers Load users from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
UserApi getLoggedUser Get the details of the logged User.
UserApi getUser Get a User by id.
UserApi matchUsers Load user ids from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.
