i18n_extension 12.0.1 copy "i18n_extension: ^12.0.1" to clipboard
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Translation and Internationalization (i18n) for Flutter. Easy to use for both large and small projects. Uses Dart extensions to reduce boilerplate.

12.0.1 #

  • Compatible with Flutter 3.22.0 and Dart 3.4.0

11.0.13 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Replace the previous Translations() constructor with Translations.byText(). Like before, it supports String as translation keys, organized per key.

  • The previous Translations.byLocale() works just as before. Like before, it supports String as translation keys, organized per locale.

  • Translation subtype TranslationsByLocale still exist, but it's not visible anymore. If you were writing TranslationsByLocale t = new TranslationsByLocale(... you should now write var t = Translations.byLocale(..., or Translations t = Translations.byLocale(...

  • Now you can use ANY object type as translation keys. Before, it was only possible to use strings as translation keys. You can now use Translations.byId<T>() and provide the type T of your identifier. Your T can be anything, including String, int, double, DateTime, or even your own custom object types, as long as they implement == and hashCode. If you use Object or Object?/dynamic then anything can be translated. Don't forget that your extensions, like .i18n, will need to be on your type. For example, if you use int as your key type, then you will need to declare extension Localization on int { ... }.

  • If you want to provide translations as a const map, and String as translation keys, use the const ConstTranslations() constructor.

    To sum up:

    • Translations.byText() supports String as translation keys, organized per key.
    • Translations.byLocale() supports String as translation keys, organized per locale.
    • Translations.byId<T>() supports any object of type T as translation keys.
    • const ConstTranslations() supports defining translations with a const Map, and String as translation keys.
  • Now the core features of the i18n_extension package are available as a standalone Dart-only package: https://pub.dev/packages/i18n_extension_core. You may use that core package when you are developing a Dart server (backend) with Celest, or when developing your own Dart-only package that does not depend on Flutter.

    For Flutter applications nothing changes. You don't need to import the core package directly. You should continue to use this i18n_extension package, which already exports the core code plus the I18n widget that you use to wrap your widget tree.

10.0.3 #

  • The importer library developed by Johann Bauer is now independently available as a standalone package. You can find it at https://pub.dev/packages/i18n_extension_importer. This new package offers capabilities for importing translations in both .PO and .JSON formats. It also includes the GetStrings exporting utility, which is a useful script designed to automate the export of all translatable strings from your project.

  • Removed unused packages that were previously used by the removed importer.

9.0.2 #

  • Flutter 3.10 e Dart 3.0.0

  • Removed the importer library developed by Johann Bauer, so that users of i18n_extension don't need to import the analyzer and other unnecessary dependencies. See version [10.0.2] above.

8.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: Removed dependency on analyzer and gettext_parser. The getStrings doesn't work in this version.

6.0.0 #

  • Analyzer and sprintf version bump.

5.0.1 #

  • Analyzer version bump.

5.0.0 #

  • Flutter 3.0

4.2.1 #

  • The localizePlural method now accepts any object (not only an integer anymore). It will convert that object into an integer, and use that result. Se the method documentation for more information. To make use of it, you may declare your plural() methods as String plural(value) => localizePlural(value, this, _t); from now on. Example: 'This is one item'.plural(2) is now the same as writing 'This is one item'.plural('2').

4.1.3 #

  • Bump version. Docs improvement.

4.1.1 #

  • .po importer fix.

4.1.0 #

  • Removed useless uses-material-design: true.
  • Bumped dependencies versions (in special args: ^2.0.0).

4.0.3 #

  • Plural support for the .PO importer.

4.0.2 #

  • Downgraded args: 1.6.0 to be compatible with flutter_driver.
  • Better NNBD.

4.0.0 #

  • Now allows both string-keys (like 'Hello there'.i18n as shown in the example1 dir) and identifier-keys ( like greetings.i18n as shown in the example2 dir).
  • Breaking change: If some translation did not exist in some language, it would show the translation key itself as the missing translation. This worked well with string-keys, but not with identifier-keys. Now, if some translation is missing, it first tries to show the untranslated string, and only if that is missing too it shows the key as the translation. This change is unlikely to be noticed by anyone, but still a breaking change.

3.0.3 #

  • Nullsafety.
  • Breaking change: During app initialization, the system locale may be null for a few moments. During this time, in prior version 2.0.0 it would use the Translations default locale. Now, in version 3.0.0, it will use the global locale defined in I18n.defaultLocale, which by default is Locale('en', 'US'). You can change this default in your app's main method.
  • New Translations.from() constructor, which responds better to hot reload.
  • Fixed the PO importer to ignore empty keys.
  • The docs now explain better how to add plurals with translations by locale.

2.0.0 #

  • Plural modifiers: zeroOne (for 0 or 1 elements), and oneOrMore (for 1 and more elements).
  • Fix for when no applicable plural modifier is found. It now correctly defaults to the unversioned string.

1.5.1 #

1.4.6 #

  • Sprintf version bump to 5.0.0.

1.4.5 #

  • Added key and id to I18n widget constructor.

1.4.3 #

  • Better error message for I18n.of.

1.4.2 #

  • Bumped sprintf to version 4.1.0, which adds compatibility for future Dart features that require a Dart SDK constraint with a lower bound that is >=2.0.0.

1.4.1 #

  • Allow multi-line statements in getstrings utility.

1.4.0 #

  • More plural modifiers: three, four, five, six, and ten.
  • For Czech language: twoThreeFour plural modifier.

1.3.9 #

  • GetStrings exporting utility.

1.3.5 #

  • Added fill() method to default.i18n.dart.

1.3.4 #

  • Don't record unnecessary missing translations with the Translation.byLocale constructor.

1.3.3 #

  • Commented unnecessary tests.

1.3.2 #

  • Added localizationsDelegates and supportedLocales to the docs.

1.3.0 #

  • I18n.observeLocale() can be used to observe locale changes.

  • Breaking change: Accepts Locale('en", 'US'), but not Locale('en_US') anymore, which was wrong. See "A quick recap of Dart locales" in the docs, for more details.

1.2.0 #

  • Fill fix. Docs improvement.

1.1.3 #

  • Interpolation.

1.1.1 #

  • Better fallback.

1.0.9 #

  • Default import records keys.

1.0.3 #

  • First working version.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial commit on Oct 19, 2019.
pub points


verified publisherglasberg.dev

Translation and Internationalization (i18n) for Flutter. Easy to use for both large and small projects. Uses Dart extensions to reduce boilerplate.

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flutter, i18n_extension_core, intl


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