gettext_parser 0.2.0 copy "gettext_parser: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
gettext_parser: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Platform agnostic lib to parse and compile gettext po and mo files with dart

Dart gettext mo/po parser #

Parse and compile gettext po and mo files with dart. Ported gettext-parser npm package to dartlang.

Usage #

Add dependency to pubspec.yaml

    gettext_parser: any

Import library:

import 'package:gettext_parser/gettext_parser.dart' as gettextParser;

Parse .po files: #

Map translateTable = gettextParser.po.parse(

Parse .mo files: #

Map translateTable =

Compile .po files: #

String data = gettextParser.po.compile(

Compile .mo files: #

UInt8List data =

Encoding #

gettext_parser use Encoding interface for encoding and decoding charsets from dart:convert package with utf8, base64, latin1 built-in encoders. If you need other encoding you could implement Encoding interface by your own.

Example:, encoding: latin1);
gettextParser.po.parse(buffer, encoding: latin1);

Data structure of parsed mo/po files #

Character set #

Parsed data is always in unicode but the original charset of the file can be found from the charset property.

Headers #

Headers can be found from the headers object, all keys are lowercase and the value for a key is a string. This value will also be used when compiling.

Translations #

Translations can be found from the translations object which in turn holds context objects for msgctxt. Default context can be found from translations[""].

Context objects include all the translations, where msgid value is the key. The value is an object with the following possible properties:

  • msgctxt context for this translation, if not present the default context applies
  • msgid string to be translated
  • msgid_plural the plural form of the original string (might not be present)
  • msgstr an array of translations
  • comments an object with the following properties: translator, reference, extracted, flag, previous.


  "charset": "iso-8859-1",

  "headers": {
    "content-type": "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1",
    "plural-forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);"

  "translations": {
    "": {
      "": {
        "msgid": "",
        "msgstr": ["Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n..."]
    "another context": {
      "%s example": {
        "msgctxt": "another context",
        "msgid": "%s example",
        "msgid_plural": "%s examples",
        "msgstr": ["% näide", "%s näidet"],
        "comments": {
          "translator": "This is regular comment",
          "reference": "/path/to/file:123"

Notice that the structure has both a headers object and a "" translation with the header string. When compiling the structure to a mo or a po file, the headers object is used to define the header. Header string in the "" translation is just for reference (includes the original unmodified data) but will not be used when compiling. So if you need to add or alter header values, use only the headers object.

License #


pub points


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Platform agnostic lib to parse and compile gettext po and mo files with dart

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


Packages that depend on gettext_parser