hycop_multi_platform 0.6.8 hycop_multi_platform: ^0.6.8 copied to clipboard
Hycop Framework
0.6.8 #
- firebase realtime service has bug !!!
0.6.7 #
- supabase storage korean upload
0.6.6 #
- supabase storage
0.6.5 #
- firebase windows version
0.6.4 #
- firebase windows version
0.6.3 #
- complete 1
0.6.2 #
- modify abs_ex_model.dart
0.6.1 #
- rebuild lock file
0.6.0 #
- first merge version
0.5.02 #
- first merge version
0.5.01 #
- streamBuilder query
0.4.74 #
- comment
0.4.73 #
- supabase storage hangul file upload
0.4.72 #
- supabase storage initialize
0.4.71 #
- supabase realtime PostgresChangeEvent.update
0.4.70 #
- supabase queryMaker
0.4.69 #
- supabase filter ov
0.4.68 #
- supabase factory --> supabaseAppStorage
- supabase realtime upsert --> upsert().select()
0.4.67 #
- supabase order --> order_ hyCopUtils.order
0.4.66 #
- supabase account modify
0.4.65 #
- supabase database modify
0.4.64 #
- supabase database modify
0.4.63 #
- supabase merge
0.4.62 #
- watchHistory --> watch_hostory
0.4.61 #
- supabase function
0.4.60 #
- supabase function
0.4.59 #
- supabase function
0.4.58 #
- supabase bug fix
0.4.57 #
- supabase function
0.4.56 #
- http : ^1.1.0
0.4.55 #
- supabase 1
0.4.52 #
- deleteAccountByUser
0.4.51 #
- isNameExist
0.4.50 #
- hasGenPassword
0.4.49 #
- hasGenPassword
0.4.48 #
- createAccountByAdmin
0.4.47 #
- upload skip when already exist
0.4.46 #
- StreamBuilder
0.4.45 #
- ExModelType.scrshot type
0.4.44 #
- Can't use realTime service !!!
0.4.43 #
- streamData
0.4.42 #
- streamData
0.4.41 #
- streamData
0.4.40 #
- dateTimeToDisplay
0.4.39 #
- remove firebase_messaging: ^14.8.1
0.4.38 #
- firebase_messaging: ^14.8.1
0.4.37 #
- return to 0.4.32 & LinkedMap problem, Can't use realTime service !!!
0.4.36 #
- return to 0.4.32 & LinkedMap problem, Can't use realTime service !!!
0.4.35 #
- return to 0.4.32 & LinkedMap problem, Can't use realTime service !!!
0.4.34 #
- firebase_core version fix to 2.29.0
0.4.33 #
- firebase_core version fix to 2.21.0
0.4.32 #
- createNewAccount
0.4.31 #
- createNewAccount
0.4.30 #
- gdateTimeToDisplay
0.4.29 #
- getFileUrl(path) interface
0.4.28 #
- isSuperUser
0.4.27 #
- utc time
0.4.26 #
- option
0.4.25 #
- screenshot name change
0.4.24 #
- flutter 3.22 upgrade
0.4.23 #
- add template
0.4.22 #
- add site, notice, schedule
0.4.21 #
- add host
0.4.20 #
- fix config
0.4.19 #
- modify import style ex : package:hycop --> ../../hycop
0.4.18 #
- modify account & func.
0.4.17 #
- modify resetPassword
- fix bug of simpleQueryData on firebase
0.4.16 #
- fix fileId bug
0.4.15 #
- fix download file func
0.4.14 #
- fix bug of copy content, add func move content
0.4.13 #
- fix bug of guest-user & func.
0.4.12 #
- add guest-user & func.
0.4.11 #
- saveMangaer have saveForcce function.
0.3.39 #
- add content copy func
0.3.38 #
- HycopUtils dateTimeToDB : toString() --> toIso8601String();
0.3.37 #
- add makeCopyName in abs_model_manager.dart
0.3.36 #
- add OperType.textSearch for FullTextSearching
0.3.35 #
- fix socket client mouse tracer error --> notify option
0.3.34 #
- fix socket client mouse tracer error
0.3.33 #
- fix socket client
0.3.32 #
- fix thumbnail url
0.3.31 #
- Fix enum
0.3.30 #
- realTime : "hyCop_" table should not use realTime.
0.3.29 #
- add HycopFactory.toServerTypeString function
0.3.28 #
- fix appwrite storage file id define logic
0.3.27 #
- appwrite setDelta "_published" eliminate
0.3.26 #
- mouse_tracer.dart try catch
0.3.25 #
- appwrite realtime samedata check.
0.3.24 #
- add file download function (storage).
0.3.23 #
- appwrite storage file check logic.
0.3.22 #
- appwrite realtime ping for every minitue and healthChecker.
0.3.21 #
- fix hycop thumbnail logic.
0.3.20 #
- appwrite realtime ping for every minitue.
0.3.19 #
- fix hycop storage logic
0.3.18 #
- saveManager, Dont write delta when Book change time changes.
0.3.17 #
- appwrite dontRealTime option in save_manager, abs_database, abs_ex_model_manager, undo.
0.3.16 #
- appwrite dontRealTime option in save_manager, abs_database, abs_ex_model_manager, undo.
0.3.15 #
- appwrite dontRealTime option in save_manager, abs_database, abs_ex_model_manager, undo.
0.3.14 #
- appwrite dontRealTime option in save_manager, abs_database, abs_ex_model_manager, undo.
0.3.13 #
- appwrite realtime modify.
0.3.12 #
- appwrite queryMaker arrayContains with double quote.
0.3.11 #
- appwrite queryMaker arrayContainsAny --> search
0.3.1 #
- appwrite packages version are fixed in pubspecs.yaml (appwrite is 11.0.0 & dart-appwrite is 11.0.0)
0.3.0 #
- firebase & appwrite packages are updated to newer versions
0.2.29 #
- Appwrite sdk, Dart-Appwrite sdk down grade
0.2.28 #
- Appwrite realtime realTimeKey apply
0.2.27 #
- Appwrite sdk, Dart-Appwrite sdk version up
0.2.26 #
- fix bug of google-accounts
- fix bug of isExistAccount
- fix bug of password when createAccount
0.2.25 #
- getFromDB can return null
0.2.24 #
- getFromDB can return null
0.2.23 #
- add socket function exception handling
0.2.22 #
- modify my_encrypt.dart for applying flutter-3.13.x
0.2.21 #
- add updateToDB-func on abs_ex_model_manager.dart
- add updateData on abs_database.dart
- add ExModelType.depot on model_enums.dart
0.2.20 #
- fix get file data logic
0.2.19 #
- add create thumbnail for pdf
0.2.18 #
- add webrtc produce option
0.2.17 #
- fix webrtc produce option
0.2.16 #
- fix storage getFile method
0.2.15 #
- update webrtc version, fix logic
0.2.14 #
- fix storage file path
0.2.13 #
- change webrtc version, fix socket error
0.2.12 #
- change realtime bug
0.2.11 #
- add SocketClient health check
0.2.10 #
- change SocketClient
0.2.9 #
- change FirebaseStorage, SocketClient
0.2.8 #
- change FirebaseAccount.isExistAccount
0.2.7 #
- change realtime bug
0.2.6 #
- change realtime bug
0.2.5 #
- change realtime bug
0.2.4 #
- change realtime bug
0.2.3 #
- change thumbnail server url
0.2.2 #
- modify realtime bug.
0.2.1 #
- add filter type to ExModelType.
0.2.0 #
- modify undo logic
0.1.13 #
- modify upload file logic
0.1.12 #
- modify undo, saveManager, abs_ex_model to make easy to debug
0.1.11 #
- modify logic of upload file to storage
0.1.10 #
- add enterprise model type
0.1.9 #
- modify query of appwrite
0.1.8 #
- add link in ExModelType-enum
0.1.7 #
- add channel & watchHistory & playlist in ExModelType-enum
- add whereIn, whereNotIn, isNull in OperType-enum
- fix error DateTime-type in json.encode on AbsRealtime
0.1.6 #
- change merge-Option, true to false in firebase
0.1.5 #
- add ArrayContentsAny
0.1.4 #
- add Thumbnail function
0.1.3 #
- add Thumbnail function
0.1.2 #
- Storage already exist case
0.1.1 #
- SaveManager can have second key
0.1.0 #
- Save book change time
0.0.9 #
- Order start with 1, not 0
0.0.8 #
- Create Data Object bug fix2
0.0.7 #
- Create Data Object bug fix
0.0.6 #
- flutter 3.7 version
- add webrtc module
0.0.5 #
- modify google-account
0.0.4 #
0.0.3 #
0.0.2 #
0.0.1 #