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HUAWEI Ads Kit plugin for Flutter utilizes Huawei's vast user base and extensive data capabilities to deliver targeted, high quality ad content to users.

Huawei Ads Kit Flutter Plugin #

Table of Contents #

Introduction #

This plugin enables communication between Huawei Ads SDK and Flutter platform. Huawei Ads Kit Plugin for Flutter provides the following 2 services:

  • Publisher Service: HUAWEI Ads Publisher Service utilizes Huawei's vast user base and extensive data capabilities to deliver targeted, high quality ad content to users. With this service, your app will be able to generate revenues while bringing your users content which is relevant to them.
  • Identifier Service: HUAWEI Ads Kit provides the open advertising identifier (OAID) for advertisers to deliver personalized ads and attribute conversions.

Installation Guide #

  • Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

  • Create an app by referring to Creating an AppGallery Connect Project and Adding an App to the Project.

  • On your Flutter project directory find and open your pubspec.yaml file and add library to dependencies to download the package from

        huawei_ads: {library version}


    If you downloaded the package from the HUAWEI Developer website, specify the library path on your local device.

            # Replace {library path} with actual library path of Huawei Ads Kit Plugin for Flutter.
            path: {library path}
  • Run

    flutter pub get


    From Android Studio/IntelliJ: Click the Packages get action ribbon which appears on the top right corner when you open the pubspec.yaml file.

    From VS Code: Click Get Packages located in right side of the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.

  • Add a corresponding import statement in the Dart code and start the app.

API Reference #

This section does not cover all of the API. To read more, please visit HUAWEI Developer website.

Publisher Service - Ads #

AdListener #

Signature Description
void AdListener(AdEvent event, {int errorCode}) Ad status listener.

AdEvent #

Enum Values

Name Description
clicked Ad is tapped.
closed Ad is closed.
failed Ad request failed.
impression An impression is recorded for an ad.
leave Ad leaves an app.
loaded Ad is loaded successfully.
opened Ad is opened.
disliked Ad is disliked.

AdParam #


Name Type Description
gender int User gender.
countryCode int Code of the country/region to which an app belongs.
requestOptions RequestOptions Child-directed setting, setting directed to users under the age of consent, and ad content rating.

AdSize #


Signature Description
AdSize({int width, int height}) Ad size constructor.


Name Type Description
width final int Ad height.
height final int Ad width.

HwAds #


Return Type Method Description
Future<void> init() Initializes the HUAWEI Ads SDK.
Future<void> initWithAppCode (String appCode) Initializes the HUAWEI Ads SDK.
Future<String> getSdkVersion Obtains the version number of the HUAWEI Ads SDK.
Future<RequestOptions> getRequestOptions Obtains the global request configuration.
Future<void> setRequestOptions(RequestOptions options) Provides the global ad request configuration.

RequestOptions #


Signature Description
RequestOptions({ String adContentClassification, String tagForUnderAgeOfPromise, int tagForChildProtection, int nonPersonalizedAd, String appCountry, String appLang }) Constructor for global ad request options.


Name Type Description
adContentClassification String Ad content rating.
tagForUnderAgeOfPromise int The setting directed to users under the age of consent.
tagForChildProtection int Child-directed setting.
nonPersonalizedAd int Whether to request non-personalized ads.
appCountry String The country code corresponding to the language in which an ad needs to be returned for an app.
appLang String The language in which an ad needs to be returned for an app.

VideoConfiguration #


Signature Description
VideoConfiguration({ int audioFocusType, bool customizeOperationRequested, bool startMuted }) Video configuration constructor.


Name Type Description
audioFocusType int Video playback scenario where the audio focus needs to be obtained.
customizeOperationRequested bool Whether a custom video control is used for a video ad.
startMuted bool Whether a video is initially muted.

Publisher Service - Banner #

BannerAdSize #


Signature Description
const BannerAdSize({ int width, int height }) : super(width: width, height: height) Banner ad size constructor. Extends ad size.


Name Type Description
s360x57 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 360 x 57 dp
s360x144 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 360 x 144 dp
s320x50 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 320 x 50 dp
s468x60 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 468 x 60 dp
s320x100 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 320 x 100 dp
s728x90 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 728 x 90 dp
s300x250 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 300 x 250 dp
s160x600 BannerAdSize Banner ad size: 160 x 600 dp
sInvalid BannerAdSize Invalid size. No ad can be requested using this size.
sDynamic BannerAdSize Dynamic banner ad size. The width of the parent layout and the height of the ad content are used.
sSmart BannerAdSize Dynamic banner ad size. The screen width and an adaptive height are used.


Return Type Method Description
Future<int> getWidthPx Obtains the ad width, in pixels. If it fails to be obtained, –1 is returned.
Future<int> getHeightPx Obtains the ad height, in pixels. If it fails to be obtained, –1 is returned.
bool isAutoHeightSize Checks whether an adaptive height is used.
bool isDynamicSize Checks whether a dynamic size is used.
bool isFullWidthSize Checks whether a full-screen width is used.
Future <BannerAdSize> getCurrentDirectionBannerSize Creates a banner ad size based on the current device orientation and a custom width.
Future <BannerAdSize> getLandscapeBannerSize Creates a banner ad size based on a custom width in landscape orientation.
Future <BannerAdSize> getPortraitBannerSize Creates a banner ad size based on a custom width in portrait orientation.

BannerAd #


Signature Description
BannerAd({ String adSlotId, BannerAdSize size, int bannerRefreshTime, AdListener listener, AdParam adParam }) Banner ad constructor.


Name Type Description
adSlotId String Ad slot ID.
size BannerAdSize Size of a banner ad.
bannerRefreshTime int Rotation interval for banner ads.
adParam AdParam Ad request.
listener AdListener Ad listener for an ad.


Return Type Method Description
void setAdListener(AdListener listener) Sets an ad listener for an ad.
AdListener getAdListener Obtains an ad listener.
Future<bool> loadAd() Loads an ad.
Future<bool> show({ Gravity gravity, double offset }) Displays an ad.
Future<bool> isLoading() Checks whether ads are being loaded.
Future<bool> pause() Pauses any additional processing related to an ad.
Future<bool> resume() Resumes an ad after the pause() method is called last time.
Future<bool> destroy() Destroys an ad.

Gravity #

Enum Values

Name Description
bottom Ad is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
center Ad is displayed at the center of the screen.
top Ad is displayed on the top of the screen.

Publisher Service - Interstitial #

InterstitialAd #


Signature Description
InterstitialAd({ String adSlotId, AdParam adParam, AdListener listener, RewardAdListener rewardAdListener }) Interstitial ad constructor.


Name Type Description
adSlotId String Ad slot ID.
adParam AdParam Ad request.


Return Type Method Description
void setAdListener(AdListener listener) Sets an ad listener for an ad.
AdSize getAdListener Obtains an ad listener.
void setRewardAdListener(AdListener listener) Sets a rewarded ad listener for an interstitial ad.
AdSize getRewardAdListener Obtains a rewarded ad listener from an interstitial ad.
Future<bool> loadAd() Loads an ad.
Future<bool> isLoading() Checks whether ads are being loaded.
Future<bool> isLoaded() Checks whether ad loading is complete.
Future<bool> show() Displays an ad.
Future<bool> destroy() Destroys an ad.

Publisher Service - Reward #

Reward #


Name Type Description
name final String Name of a reward item.
amount final int Number of reward items.

RewardAd #


Signature Description
RewardAd({ String userId, String data, RewardAdListener listener }) Rewarded ad constructor.


Name Type Description
userId String User ID.
data String Custom data.
rewardVerifyConfig Server-side verification parameters.


Return Type Method Description
RewardAdListener getRewardAdListener Obtains a rewarded ad loading listener.
void setRewardListener(RewardAdListener listener) Sets a rewarded ad listener.
Future<bool> loadAd({ String adSlotId, AdParam adParam }) Requests a rewarded ad.
Future<bool> isLoaded() Checks whether a rewarded ad is successfully loaded.
Future<bool> show() Displays a rewarded ad.
Future<bool> pause() Pauses a rewarded ad.
Future<bool> resume() Resumes a rewarded ad.
Future<bool> destroy() Destroys a rewarded ad.

RewardAdListener #

Signature Description
void RewardAdListener(RewardAdEvent event, {Reward reward, int errorCode}) Ad status listener.

RewardAdEvent #

Enum Values

Name Description
loaded Rewarded ad is successfully loaded.
failedToLoad Rewarded ad fails to be loaded.
opened Rewarded ad is opened.
leftApp User exits an app.
closed Rewarded ad is closed
rewarded Reward item when rewarded ad playback is completed.
started Rewarded ad starts playing.
completed Rewarded ad playback is completed.
failedToShow Rewarded ad fails to be displayed.

RewardVerifyConfig #


Signature Description
RewardVerifyConfig({ String userId, String data }) Constructor for a RewardVerifyConfig object.


Name Type Description
userId String User ID.
data String Custom data.

Publisher Service - Splash #

SplashAd #


Signature Description
SplashAd({ SplashAdType adType, SplashAdDisplayListener displayListener, SplashAdLoadListener loadListener, String ownerText, String footerText, String logoResId, String logoBgResId, String mediaNameResId, String sloganResId, String wideSloganResId, int audioFocusType }) Splash ad constructor.


Name Type Description
adType SplashAdType Splash ad layout type.
ownerText String Ad owner text.
footerText String Ad footer text.
displayListener SplashAdDisplayListener Listener for the splash ad display or click event.
loadListener SplashAdLoadListener Splash ad loading listener.
logoResId String App logo resource ID.
logoBgResId String App background logo resource ID.
mediaNameResId String App text resource ID.
sloganResId String Default app launch image in portrait mode, which is displayed before a splash ad is displayed.
wideSloganResId String Default app launch image in landscape mode, which is displayed before a splash ad is displayed.
audioFocusType int Audio focus preemption policy for a video splash ad.


Return Type Method Description
Future<bool> preloadAd({ String adSlotId, int orientation, AdParam adParam }) Preloads a splash ad.
Future<bool> loadAd({ String adSlotId, int orientation, AdParam adParam, double topMargin}) Loads and displays a splash ad.
Future<bool> isLoading() Checks whether a splash ad is being loaded.
Future<bool> isLoaded() Checks whether a splash ad has been loaded.
Future<bool> pause() Suspends a splash ad.
Future<bool> resume() Resumes a splash ad.
Future<bool> destroy() Destroys a splash ad.

SplashAdLoadListener #

Signature Description
void SplashAdLoadListener(SplashAdLoadEvent event, {int errorCode}) Splash ad loading listener.

SplashAdDisplayListener #

Signature Description
void SplashAdDisplayListener(SplashAdDisplayEvent event) Splash ad display listener.

SplashAdLoadEvent #

Enum Values

Name Description
loaded Splash ad is loaded successfully.
dismissed Splash ad disappears.
failedToLoad Splash ad fails to be loaded.

SplashAdDisplayEvent #

Enum Values

Name Description
showed Splash ad is displayed.
click Splash ad is clicked.

Publisher Service - Native #

NativeAd #


Name Type Description
adSlotId final String Ad slot ID.
styles final NativeStyles Style options for the views present in a native ad.
type final NativeAdType Native ad layout type.
controller final NativeAdController Controller object that grants control over native ads.

NativeAdController #


Return Type Method Description
void setAdListener(AdListener listener) Sets an ad action listener.
void setDislikeAdListener(DislikeAdListener listener) Sets an ad closing listener.
Future<VideoOperator> getVideoOperator() Obtains the video controller of an ad.
void gotoWhyThisAdPage() Goes to the page explaining why an ad is displayed.
Future<bool> isLoading() Checks whether ads are being loaded.
void setAllowCustomClick() Enables custom tap gestures.
Future<bool> isCustomClickAllowed() Checks whether custom tap gestures are enabled.
Future<String> getAdSource() Obtains an ad source.
Future<String> getDescription() Obtains the description of an ad.
Future<String> getCallToAction() Obtains the text to be displayed on a button, for example, View Details or Install.
Future<String> getTitle() Obtains the title of an ad.
Future<bool> dislikeAd(DislikeAdReason reason) Does not display the current ad. After this method is called, the current ad is closed.
Future<bool> isCustomDislikeThisAdEnabled() Checks whether custom tap gestures are enabled.
Future<bool> triggerClick(Bundle bundle) Reports a tap.
Future<bool> recordClickEvent() Reports a custom tap gesture.
Future<bool> recordImpressionEvent(Bundle bundle) Reports an ad impression.
Future<List<DislikeAdReason>> getDislikeAdReasons() Obtains the choice of not displaying the current ad.
void destroy() Destroys an ad object.

NativeAdConfiguration #


Name Type Description
adSize AdSize Requested ad size.
choicesPosition int Position of an ad choice icon.
mediaDirection int Direction of an ad image.
mediaAspect int Aspect ratio of an ad image.
requestCustomDislikeAd bool Whether to customize the function of not displaying the ad.
requestMultiImages bool Whether multiple ad images are requested.
returnUrlsForImages bool Whether the SDK is allowed to download native ad images.
videoConfiguration VideoConfiguration Information about a native video.

NativeStyles #


Name Type Description
showMedia bool Whether to show the media content of the native ad.
mediaImageScaleType String Scale type of the native ad image.


Return Type Method Description
void void setFlag({ bool isVisible, double fontSize, FontWeight fontWeight, Color color, Color bgColor }) Sets the style for the ad flag text view.
void void setTitle({ bool isVisible, double fontSize, FontWeight fontWeight, Color color, Color bgColor }) Sets the style for the ad title text view.
void void setSource({ bool isVisible, double fontSize, FontWeight fontWeight, Color color, Color bgColor }) Sets the style for the ad owner text view.
void void setDescription({ bool isVisible, double fontSize, FontWeight fontWeight, Color color, Color bgColor }) Sets the style for the ad description text view.
void void setCallToAction({ bool isVisible, double fontSize, FontWeight fontWeight, Color color, Color bgColor }) Sets the style for the ad action button.

NativeFontWeight #

Enum Values

Name Description
normal Normal text.
bold Bold text.
italic Italic text.
boldItalic Bold and italic text.

DislikeAdListener #

Signature Description
void DislikeAdListener(AdEvent event) Listens for when a native ad is closed

DislikeAdReason #


Return Type Method Description
String getDescription Obtains the reason why a user dislikes an ad.


Return Type Method Description
Future<String> getTestDeviceId() Retrieves the test device id.
Future<String> addTestDeviceId(String deviceId) Adds a new test device id.
Future<String> setDebugNeedConsent(DebugNeedConsent needConsent) Set whether user consent is needed.
Future<String> setUnderAgeOfPromise(bool ageOfPromise) Whether to process ad requests as directed to users under the age of consent.
Future<String> setConsentStatus(ConsentStatus status) Whether to display personalized ads.
Future<String> requestConsentUpdate(ConsentUpdateListener listener) Request consent information.
Future<String> updateSharedPreferences(String key, int value) Update the shared preferences related to user consent
Future<String> getSharedPreferences(String key) Retrieve a shared preference related to user consent.

ConsentUpdateListener #

Signature Description
void ConsentUpdateListener(ConsentUpdateEvent event, {ConsentStatus consentStatus, bool isNeedConsent, List Ad status listener.

ConsentUpdateEvent #

Enum Values

Name Description
success Consent update was successful.
failed Consent update failed.

AdProvider #


Signature Description
AdProvider({ String id, String name, String serviceArea, String privacyPolicyUrl }) Ad provider constructor.


Name Type Description
id String Ad provider id.
name String Ad provider name.
serviceArea String Service area information.
privacyPolicyUrl String Url for privacy policy.

Identifier Service #

AdvertisingIdClient #


Return Type Method Description
Future<AdvertisingIdClientInfo> getAdvertisingIdInfo() Obtains the OAID and setting of Disable personalized ads.
Future<bool> verifyAdId (String adId, bool limitTracking) Verifies the OAID and setting of Disable personalized ads.

AdvertisingIdClientInfo #


Return Type Method Description
String getId Obtains the current OAID.
bool isLimitAdTrackingEnabled Obtains the current setting of Disable personalized ads.

Identifier Service - InstallReferrer #

InstallReferrerClient #


Signature Description
InstallReferrerClient({ InstallReferrerStateListener stateListener, bool test }) Install referrer client constructor.


Return Type Method Description
void setTest Sets whether to run the service in test mode.
void startConnection([bool isTest]) Starts the connection to the install referrer service.
void endConnection() Ends the service connection and releases all occupied resources.
Future<bool> isReady() Indicates whether the service connection is ready.
Future<ReferrerDetails> getInstallReferrer() Obtains install referrer information.

InstallReferrerStateEvent #

Enum Values

Name Description
setupFinished Service connection is complete.
connectionClosed Service connection is closed.
disconnected Connection is lost and the service is disconnected.

InstallReferrerStateListener #

Signature Description
void InstallReferrerStateListener(InstallReferrerStateEvent event, {ReferrerResponse responseCode}) Install referrer connection state listener.

ReferrerResponse #

Enum Values

Name Description
disconnected Failed to connect to the service.
ok Connected to the service successfully.
unavailable The service does not exist.
featureNotSupported The service is not supported.
developerError A call error occurred.

ReferrerDetails #


Return Type Method Description
String getInstallReferrer Obtains install referrer information.
int getReferrerClickTimestampMillisecond Obtains the ad click timestamp, in milliseconds.
int getInstallBeginTimestampMillisecond Obtains the app installation timestamp, in milliseconds.

Configuration Description #


Licensing and Terms #

Huawei Ads Kit Flutter Plugin uses the Apache 2.0 license.




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HUAWEI Ads Kit plugin for Flutter utilizes Huawei's vast user base and extensive data capabilities to deliver targeted, high quality ad content to users.

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