http_exception 2.0.1 http_exception: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard
A set of predefined exception classes for HTTP Exception in Dart.
Changelog #
[2.0.0] - 2024-03-04 #
Added - 2.0.0 #
feat(extension): Add int HTTP status extension Introduced a new extension on the integer type to streamline the creation of HttpException instances based on HTTP status codes. This includes optional parameters for additional details, data payload, and URI.
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:http_exception/http_exception.dart'; import 'package:http_status/http_status.dart'; void main() async { final Uri url = Uri.https('', 'whatsit/create'); final Map<String, String> body = <String, String>{ 'name': 'doodle', 'color': 'blue', }; final http.Response response = await, body: body); final int statusCode = response.statusCode; // Http status code 200 - 299 if (statusCode.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode) { print(response.body); } else { // Automatically generate an HttpException based on the status code outside the 200-299 range final HttpException e = statusCode.exception( detail: 'Message Customized Detail Exception', data: body, uri: url, ); print(e); // -> HttpException [404 Not Found]: Message Customized Detail Exception, uri =, HTTP data = {name: doodle, color: blue} } }
Changed - 2.0.0 #
- Deprecation and Exception Handling Refinements
- Replaced the deprecated of all class, streamlining the approach to exception handling.
Code | HttpException (v0.2.2 - v1.x.x [Deprecated]) | HttpException (v1.x.x - v2.x.x) |
400 | BadRequestException() | BadRequestHttpException() |
401 | UnauthorizedException() | UnauthorizedHttpException() |
402 | PaymentRequiredException() | PaymentRequiredHttpException() |
403 | ForbiddenException() | ForbiddenHttpException() |
404 | NotFoundException() | NotFoundHttpException() |
405 | MethodNotAllowedException() | MethodNotAllowedHttpException() |
406 | NotAcceptableException() | NotAcceptableHttpException() |
407 | - | ProxyAuthenticationRequiredHttpException() |
408 | - | RequestTimeoutHttpException() |
409 | ConflictException() | ConflictHttpException() |
410 | GoneException() | GoneHttpException() |
411 | - | LengthRequiredHttpException() |
412 | PreconditionFailedException() | PreconditionFailedHttpException() |
413 | - | RequestTooLongHttpException() |
414 | - | RequestUriTooLongHttpException() |
415 | UnsupportedMediaTypeException() | UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException() |
416 | - | RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableHttpException() |
417 | - | ExpectationFailedHttpException() |
418 | - | ImATeapotHttpException() |
419 | - | InsufficientSpaceOnResourceHttpException() |
420 | - | MethodFailureHttpException() |
421 | - | MisdirectedRequestHttpException() |
422 | - | UnprocessableEntityHttpException() |
423 | - | LockedHttpException() |
424 | - | FailedDependencyHttpException() |
426 | - | UpgradeRequiredHttpException() |
428 | - | PreconditionRequiredHttpException() |
429 | TooManyRequestsException() | TooManyRequestsHttpException() |
431 | - | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeHttpException() |
444 | - | ConnectionClosedWithoutResponseHttpException() |
451 | - | UnavailableForLegalReasonsHttpException() |
499 | - | ClientClosedRequestHttpException() |
500 | - | InternalServerErrorHttpException() |
501 | NotImplementedException() | NotImplementedHttpException() |
502 | - | BadGatewayHttpException() |
503 | ServiceUnavailableException() | ServiceUnavailableHttpException() |
504 | - | GatewayTimeoutHttpException() |
505 | - | HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpException() |
506 | - | VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpException() |
507 | - | InsufficientStorageHttpException() |
508 | - | LoopDetectedHttpException() |
510 | - | NotExtendedHttpException() |
511 | - | NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpException() |
599 | - | NetworkConnectTimeoutErrorHttpException() |
Simplification of HTTP Exception Classes
- Removed deprecated exception classes and simplified the constructor parameters of the remaining classes. This change reduces clutter and makes the exception handling mechanism more straightforward for Dart 3.
Dependency Updates and SDK Upgrade
- Updated the Dart SDK to the minimum required version 3, ensuring the project's compatibility with the latest language features and improvements.
- Upgraded several key dependencies, including
, andlints
packages, to their latest versions. This upgrade resolves potential issues with outdated dependencies and adopts the latest best practices.
[1.0.0] - 2024-02-25 #
- HTTP Exception Handling:
- Replaced
for consistency and potential benefits (explore further). - Improved readability of exception classes for better maintainability.
- Enhanced exception handling mechanisms for more robust error management.
- Added dedicated classes for HTTP 4xx and 5xx exceptions to categorize errors effectively.
- Introduced constructors for 4xx and 5xx exceptions to streamline exception creation.
- Replaced
- Code Organization and Linting:
- Refactored HTTP exception code into multiple files for better modularity and organization.
- Enhanced Dart code linting to enforce coding standards and maintain code quality.
Code | HttpException (v0.2.2 - v1.x.x [Deprecated]) | HttpException (v1.x.x) |
400 | BadRequestException() | BadRequestHttpException() |
401 | UnauthorizedException() | UnauthorizedHttpException() |
402 | PaymentRequiredException() | PaymentRequiredHttpException() |
403 | ForbiddenException() | ForbiddenHttpException() |
404 | NotFoundException() | NotFoundHttpException() |
405 | MethodNotAllowedException() | MethodNotAllowedHttpException() |
406 | NotAcceptableException() | NotAcceptableHttpException() |
407 | - | ProxyAuthenticationRequiredHttpException() |
408 | - | RequestTimeoutHttpException() |
409 | ConflictException() | ConflictHttpException() |
410 | GoneException() | GoneHttpException() |
411 | - | LengthRequiredHttpException() |
412 | PreconditionFailedException() | PreconditionFailedHttpException() |
413 | - | RequestTooLongHttpException() |
414 | - | RequestUriTooLongHttpException() |
415 | UnsupportedMediaTypeException() | UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException() |
416 | - | RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableHttpException() |
417 | - | ExpectationFailedHttpException() |
418 | - | ImATeapotHttpException() |
419 | - | InsufficientSpaceOnResourceHttpException() |
420 | - | MethodFailureHttpException() |
421 | - | MisdirectedRequestHttpException() |
422 | - | UnprocessableEntityHttpException() |
423 | - | LockedHttpException() |
424 | - | FailedDependencyHttpException() |
426 | - | UpgradeRequiredHttpException() |
428 | - | PreconditionRequiredHttpException() |
429 | TooManyRequestsException() | TooManyRequestsHttpException() |
431 | - | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeHttpException() |
444 | - | ConnectionClosedWithoutResponseHttpException() |
451 | - | UnavailableForLegalReasonsHttpException() |
499 | - | ClientClosedRequestHttpException() |
500 | - | InternalServerErrorHttpException() |
501 | NotImplementedException() | NotImplementedHttpException() |
502 | - | BadGatewayHttpException() |
503 | ServiceUnavailableException() | ServiceUnavailableHttpException() |
504 | - | GatewayTimeoutHttpException() |
505 | - | HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpException() |
506 | - | VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpException() |
507 | - | InsufficientStorageHttpException() |
508 | - | LoopDetectedHttpException() |
510 | - | NotExtendedHttpException() |
511 | - | NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpException() |
599 | - | NetworkConnectTimeoutErrorHttpException() |
0.2.2 #
- feat: Dart migrate for null-safety
- chore: updated configuration Github Actions
0.2.1 #
should not throw whendata
0.2.0 #
- migrate to Dart 2 support
- enable Travis CI
- add badges
0.1.0 #
- created this package consisting only of the exception classes from the shelf_exception_response package.