http_api 0.9.0 copy "http_api: ^0.9.0" to clipboard
http_api: ^0.9.0 copied to clipboard

A simple yet powerful wrapper around http package with interceptors/middleware support, along with response caching.

http_api #

Tests Pub Version License: MIT style: effective dart

Simple yet powerful wrapper around http package. This package provides you a simple way of adding interceptors to your app http requests, along with response caching support.

Why this package? #


This library is under development, breaking API changes might still happen. If you would like to make use of this library please make sure to provide which version you want to use e.g:

  http_api: 0.7.2+2

Getting Started #

1. Create your Api class by extending BaseApi class.

// define your api class
class Api extends BaseApi {

  /// Provide the BaseApi constructor with the data you need,
  /// by calling super method.
  Api(Uri url) : super(url);

  /// Implement api request methods...
  Future<PostModel> getPostById(int id) async {

    /// Use [send] method to make api request
    final response = await send(ApiRequest(
      endpoint: "/posts/$id",

    /// Do something with your data. 
    /// e.g: Parse HTTP response to the model of your choice.
    return PostModel.fromJson(response.body);

2. Play with it!

void main() async {
  /// Define api base url.
  final url = Uri.parse("");

  /// Create api instance
  final api = Api(url);
  /// Make a request
  Post post = await api.getPostById(10);

  /// Do something with your data 🚀

  /// After all.

  /// 🔥 You are ready for rocking! 🔥

Api links allow you to perform certain tasks before the request and after the response from the API (HTTP client).

To add interceptors to your api instance.

Provide ApiLink through api constructor link argument.

void main() {
    /// Assign interceptors by providing ApiLinks (to provide more than one interceptors, chain them)
    link: AuthLink()
        .chain(LoggerLink(responseBody: true)),

How will it work?

When performing a request via send (or cacheAndNetwork and cacheIfAvailable). The request will travers api links chain to reach HttpLink which must be the last link. HttpLink calls API by making a request. Then all links are receiving api response before it is returned in place of the send method invocation. Look at the below diagram.

                                 __________               ____________               __________
calling send()    |  -request-> | AuthLink |  -request-> | LoggerLink |  -request-> | HttpLink |
send returns data | <-response- |__________| <-response- |____________| <-response- |__________|
                                    tasks                     tasks                 http request   
/// Create link class and extends [ApiLink].
class CustomLink extends ApiLink {

  /// Override next method.
  Future<ApiResponse> next(ApiRequest request) async {
    /// Here you can do actions that will take place before
    /// sending http request.
    /// e.g: Measure request duration.
    final requestTime =;

    /// Calling invokes next ApiLinks.
    /// This can be thought of as sending an HTTP request.
    ApiResponse response = await;

    /// This part of the code will be called after receiving a
    /// response from the API.
    /// e.g: We can print request duration.

    final requestDuration =;

      "Request ${} duration: "
      "${requestDuration.inMilliseconds} ms",

    /// Provide prevoius link with response.
    /// This can be thought of as returning from APIs' `send` method.
    return response;

If your link operates on data that should be disposed of together with api instance. You can override its dispose method.

For simple links, creating a class by extending ApiLink may be an overkill 😕. Therefore it is possible to define link in place. Link from the above example can be created in-place by calling constructor: request, NextFunction next) async {
  final requestTime =;

  final response = await next(request);
  final requestDuration =;

    "Request ${} duration: "
    "${requestDuration.inMilliseconds} ms",

  return response;

Cache #

With http_api you can cache your responses to avoid uneccesary fetches or/and improve user experience.

To add cache to your existing Api class. #

1. Add Cache mixin on it.

- class Api extends BaseApi {
+ class Api extends BaseApi with Cache {

  /// ** your custom Api class implementation **

2. Provide a Api class with cache manager of your choice.

class Api extends BaseApi with Cache {

  /// Provide a cache manager of your choice.
  /// This lib provides you with in memory cache manager implementation.
  CacheManager createCacheManager() => InMemoryCache();

  /// ** Your custom Api class implementation **

3. That's all!

Now you can take advantage of response caching.

Cache mixin. #

Cache mixin adds cacheAndNetwork and cacheIfAvailable methods to your api instance, together with the cache manager which is accessible via cache property.

By default, each request that contains key argument for which response was successful; will automatically update the cache. To decide what should be saved into the cache, override shouldUpdateCache method.


Retrieve response from the cache, if not available fallback to the network.
Returns Future<ApiResponse> type.


Retrieve response from the cache if available and then from the network. Returns Stream<ApiResponse> type.


// Api.dart
class Api extends BaseApi with Cache {

  CacheManager createCacheManager() => InMemoryCache();

  Stream<PostModel> getPostById(int id) {
    Stream<PostModel> request = ApiRequest(
      /// Key argument is required for caching.
      /// Response will be cached and retrieved from the following key.
      key: CacheKey("posts/$id"),
      endpoint: "/posts/${id}",
    /// Because `cacheAndNetwork` method returns Stream, we can take
    /// advantage of all it's features.
    /// e.g: Transform responses to the models of your choice.
    final transformResponseToPostModel =
        StreamTransformer<ApiResponse, PostModel>.fromHandlers(
      handleData: (response, sink) => sink.add(

    /// Now you can return transformed stream from this function
    return cacheAndNetwork(request)

  /// ** Your custom Api class implementation **


Cache property contains a CacheManager instance that was internally created via the createCacheManager method. Thanks to this property, you can manipulate your cache by yourself.


/// Saves a new response to the cache and retrieve previously saved.
ApiResponse saveResponseToCache(CacheKey key, ApiResponse response) async {
  final oldResponse = await;
  await api.cache.write(key, response);
  return oldResponse;


Decide whether response related to request should be saved to the cache.

Default implementation:

bool shouldUpdateCache(ApiRequest request, ApiResponse response) {
 return request.key != null && response.ok;

FormData #

/// create [FormData] instance.
final formData = FormData();

/// append fields of your choice.
formData.append('photo[visible]', true);
formData.append('photo[type]', 'image/png');
formData.append('photo[size]', 1920);

/// You can also append files.
File file = getImageFile();
formData.appendFile('photo[file]', file, filename: "my_filename.png");

/// Send files via api class.
final response = await"/photos/upload", body: formData);

http_api and Flutter ♥️. #

http_api package works well with both Dart and Flutter projects.

TIP: You can provide your Api instance down the widget tree using provider package.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return Provider(
        create: (_) => Api(
        /// Your app
        child: MaterialApp(
          title: 'my_app',
          onGenerateRoute: _generateRoute,


  • Improve documentation
    • Improve readme file
  • Add devtools



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A simple yet powerful wrapper around http package with interceptors/middleware support, along with response caching.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


http, http_parser, meta, objectid


Packages that depend on http_api