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Htmlt to pdf widgets library convert html text to pdf widgets

TODO: Htmlt to pdf widgets library convert html text to pdf widgets

import 'package:pdf/pdf.dart' as pdf;
import 'package:pdf/widgets.dart' as pw;
Strinng htmlText='''<p>&nbsp;</p>
<h2>Is it Important to Remove Grammatical Errors?<br />It's definitely important to remove all the grammatical errors and make your content grammatically fit. There are many factors involved with grammar including spelling, punctuation, use of articles, and more.<br />It is not wrong to say that you need to eliminate grammatical errors if you want to get benefited from your content because it is tough to rank the content which is not grammatically perfect. If you want to complete this task in less time, you can opt for this grammar checker.</h2>
<h2>What Factors Make a Grammar Checker the Best?<br /><br /></h2>
<p>Here are a lot of different factors. Some are important and major, while some can be a bit overlooked by a lot of people. However, these should</p>
<h2>Steps to create a PDF document programmatically in Web platform<br /><br /></h2>
<li>Create a new Flutter application project.</li>
<p><br />1.1Open Visual Studio Code (After installing the Dart and Flutter extensions as stated in this&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">setup editor</a>&nbsp;page)<br />1.2Click View -&gt; Command Palette&hellip;<br /><br /><img class="ql-image" src="" width="469" /><br />1.3Type&nbsp;Flutter&nbsp;and choose&nbsp;Flutter: New Project.<br /><br /><img class="ql-image" src="" width="535" /><br />1.4Enter the project name and press the Enter button </p>''';
    final newpdf = pw.Document();
    List<pw.Widget> widgets = await HTMLToNodesConverter(htmlText).toNodes();

Additional information #

Appflowy-editor takes inspiration from appflowy editor html to node converter functions

pub points



Htmlt to pdf widgets library convert html text to pdf widgets

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flutter, html, pdf, printing


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