helixworlds_snatcher_sdk 1.0.5+8
helixworlds_snatcher_sdk: ^1.0.5+8 copied to clipboard
Image Labeling Technology provided by metaversegroup
Getting Started #
Prerequisites #
- Download and install Flutter SDK
- Download and install Android Studio
- Download and install Xcode (if mac users)
- Download and install Sourcetree
Description #
Helixworld . Mobile App for the Helixworld.
Setup #
our first setup is to download the flutter SDK Flutter SDK Link Install Mac
Download also Sourcetree for Code Version Management Sourcetree for Windows or Mac
add existing local repo and point it to where you put the Flutter SDK and then checkout the version
setup and Download Android Studio
setup and Download
Clone Repo #
git clone https://github.com/MetaverseGroup/helixworlds-snatcher-sdk.git
create new app in flutter
- flutter create [app_name]
- cd [app_name]
- flutter pub get
- flutter run
Running #
sample app inside the SDK for testing the SDK
- dart run build_runner build (add this command if you are experiencing problems with model not generated after pulling)
- cd example
- flutter run
Troubleshooting #
if you encounter issue running your project
- flutter doctor - (to be able to diagnose what your flutter tools lacks or having issues with)
Integration Setup #
call this function to initialize the DI Class that will be used on the SDK
import 'package:helixworlds_snatcher_sdk/core/service_di.dart';
import 'package:helixworlds_snatcher_sdk/helixworlds_sdk.dart';
/// for remote scan service it will require calling endpoint
loginMobile("Developer ID", "Secret Key")
/// this will get you access to the methods available on the SDK
/// requirement in order to use the cloud based image recognition from MVG please contact our team in order to access this feature
Future<Either<Failure, Success>> loginMobile(String developerId, String secret);
/// this is the methods you can use for scanning we should use the scanItem method and provide an optional param if is using remote scan service
Future<Either<Failure, Success>> scanItems(InputImage image);
Future<Either<Failure, Success>> scanItem({bool isAR = false});
Future<Either<Failure, Success>> scanItemsByAR(XFile image);
Future<Either<Failure, String>> getUserId();
Future<Either<Failure, Success>> cacheFavoritesItem(InventoryItemModel model);
Future<Either<Failure, List<MyLogModel>>> fetchFavoritesItems();
Future<Either<Failure, List<MyLogModel>>> fetchScannedItems();
Future<Either<Failure, Success>> redirectToUrl(String murl);
bool isLocalFetch();
String getDefaultUserId();
on pubspecs.yaml please include this
// production version from pub dev
helixworlds_snatcher_sdk: ^1.0.0+1
// use this if you are testing the modified version in github (remove this if using the one from pub dev)
url: https://github.com/MetaverseGroup/helixworlds_snatcher_sdk.git
ref: main
uses-material-design: true
- packages/helixworlds_snatcher_sdk/assets/model.tflite
run all unit tests cases flutter test test/