gura 1.1.0
gura: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
A simple to use library for reading/writing Gura configuration files.
Gura Dart parser #
This repository contains the implementation of a Gura configuration format parser for Dart, written in pure Dart. (Compliant with spec version 1.0.0).
Installation #
dart pub add gura
Usage #
Import package:gura/gura.dart
and use the [parse()], [parseFile()], or [parseFileSync()]
functions to convert your Gura input into a Map<String, dynamic>
for use in your code.
Examples #
import 'package:gura/gura.dart';
final String guraString = '''
# This is a Gura document.
title: "Gura Example"
username: "Stephen"
pass: "Hawking"
# Line breaks are ok when inside arrays
hosts: [
void main()
// parse: transforms a Gura string into a Map of Gura key/value pairs
final Map<String, dynamic> parsedGura = parse(guraString);
// Access a specific field
print('Title -> ${parsedGura['title']}');
// Iterate over structures (parsedGura['hosts'] is List<dynamic> but we know
// it contains strings so we can safely cast to String when iterating over it)
for (final String host in parsedGura['hosts'])
print('Host -> $host');
// dump: stringifies Map<String, dynamic> as a Gura-compatible string
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:gura/gura.dart';
Future<void> main() async
final File guraFile = File('foo_bar.ura');
final Map<String, dynamic> parsedGura = await parseFile(guraFile);
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:gura/gura.dart';
void main()
final File guraFile = File('foo_bar.ura');
final Map<String, dynamic> parsedGura = parseFileSync(guraFile);
In the event that any of the library function names (parse
, parseFile
, etc.)
conflict with functions from another library, alias gura and use qualified function
calls via the alias:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:gura/gura.dart' as gura;
void main()
final File guraFile = File('foo_bar.ura');
final Map<String, dynamic> parsedGura = await gura.parseFile(guraFile);
Contributing #
- Fork this project
- Create new branch for your feature
- Commit and push your changes
- Submit a pull request
Sadly, Dart's selection of tools for maintaining a consistent code style do not
allow for much customization in a way that supports my personal code style, and
I don't like the opinionated style of dartfmt
, so if you choose to contribute,
please do your best to maintain code style consistent with the rest of the repo
in your contributions. I'll review PRs to ensure this.
Tests #
To run all tests, run dart test
in the project root.
Credits #
Credit for the vast majority of code and logic in this project goes to the original authors of the TS/JS Gura parser.
This parser started as a 1:1 port of the TypeScript/JavaScript parser implementation, but I've since done a lot of cleanup, restructuring, some logic refactoring, and I've redocumented everything, all to help me better solidify my understanding of the inner-workings of the original implementation.
There are also a lot of TypeScript/JavaScript mechanics that simply didn't translate well to Dart so keeping the implementation port 1:1 was never going to work out, though I didn't know quite how frequently I would encounter that problem until I started the project.
License #
This repository is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.