gigachat_dart 0.1.2 copy "gigachat_dart: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
gigachat_dart: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard

Dart client for GigaChat API

Gigachat Dart #

style: very good analysis Powered by Mason License: MIT Coverage

gigachat_dart #

Welcome to gigachat_dart, a Dart implementation of the GigaChat API. This project allows you to interact with the GigaChat API using the Dart programming language.

Features #

  • ✅ Completion via Stream
  • ✅ Get list of models
  • ✅ Auto refresh token
  • ✅ Completion via Future
  • ✅ Embeddings
  • ❌ Generate images (not tested)
  • ❌ Get images (not tested)
  • ❌ Functions (not tested)

Installation #

To install gigachat_dart, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  gigachat_dart: ^0.1.2

Usage #

To use gigachat_dart, first initialize a new GigaChat client:

import 'package:gigachat_dart/gigachat_dart.dart';

final client = GigachatClient(
      clientId: '<your uuid v4 id>',
      clientSecret: '<your uuid v4 secret>');
# or

final client = GigachatClient.fromBase64(base64token: '<your base64 token>');

Then, you can use the client to interact with the GigaChat API:

final response = await client.generateAnswer(prompt: 'What is the capital of Russia?');
print(response.answer); // Output text: Moscow

For generate answer by dialog you may use generateChatCompletionStream, where event.choices![0].delta!.content contain generated text:

final r = await (c
                  request: Chat(model: "GigaChat", messages: [
            Message(role: MessageRole.user, content: "Почему небо голубое?")
          .listen((event) {
            // event -- chunk of message wrapped in object, generated text in event.choices![0].delta!.content
          }) // Stream

Or you can use as Future:

final r = await c.generateChatCompletion(
      request: Chat(model: 'GigaChat', messages: [
    Message(role: MessageRole.user, content: 'Why sky is blue?'),
    Message(role: MessageRole.assistant, content: "Because!!!"),
    Message(role: MessageRole.user, content: "Tell me more")
])); // generated text

Examples #

You can to read more examples in tests

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License.