openapi_generator_annotations 6.1.0
openapi_generator_annotations: ^6.1.0 copied to clipboard
Annotation package for openapi_generator
This library is the dart/flutter implementation of openapi client sdk code generation.
With this library, you can generate openapi client sdk libraries from your openapi specification right in your flutter/dart projects. (see example)
To be used together with openapi-generator
Usage #
Include openapi-generator-annotations as a dependency in the dependencies section of your pubspec.yaml file :
openapi_generator_annotations: ^2.2.0
Add openapi-generator in the dev dependencies section of your pubspec.yaml file:
openapi_generator: ^2.2.0
Annotate a dart class with @Openapi() annotation
AdditionalProperties(pubName: 'petstore_api', pubAuthor: 'Johnny depp'),
inputSpecFile: 'example/openapi-spec.yaml',
generatorName: Generator.dart,
outputDirectory: 'api/petstore_api')
class Example extends OpenapiGeneratorConfig {}
Run command below to generate open api client sdk from spec file specified in annotation.
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
The api sdk will be generated in the folder specified in the annotation. See examples for more details
To use the generated api in your project, import it into your pubspec
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Known Issues #
Check out the known issues article here Known Issues
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.