get_version 0.2.2
get_version: ^0.2.2 copied to clipboard
Get the Version Name, Version Code, Platform and OS Version, and App ID on iOS and Android.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:get_version/get_version.dart';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
// The existing imports
// !! Keep your existing impots here !!
/// main is entry point of Flutter application
void main() {
// Desktop platforms aren't a valid platform.
if (!kIsWeb) _setTargetPlatformForDesktop();
return runApp(MyApp());
/// If the current platform is desktop, override the default platform to
/// a supported platform (iOS for macOS, Android for Linux and Windows).
/// Otherwise, do nothing.
void _setTargetPlatformForDesktop() {
TargetPlatform targetPlatform;
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
targetPlatform = TargetPlatform.iOS;
} else if (Platform.isLinux || Platform.isWindows) {
targetPlatform =;
if (targetPlatform != null) {
debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride = targetPlatform;
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
String _platformVersion = 'Unknown';
String _projectVersion = '';
String _projectCode = '';
String _projectAppID = '';
String _projectName = '';
void initState() {
// Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
void _initPlatformState() async {
String platformVersion;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
platformVersion = await GetVersion.platformVersion;
} on PlatformException {
platformVersion = 'Failed to get platform version.';
String projectVersion;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
projectVersion = await GetVersion.projectVersion;
} on PlatformException {
projectVersion = 'Failed to get project version.';
String projectCode;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
projectCode = await GetVersion.projectCode;
} on PlatformException {
projectCode = 'Failed to get build number.';
String projectAppID;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
projectAppID = await GetVersion.appID;
} on PlatformException {
projectAppID = 'Failed to get app ID.';
String projectName;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
projectName = await GetVersion.appName;
} on PlatformException {
projectName = 'Failed to get app name.';
// If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
// message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
// setState to update our non-existent appearance.
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_platformVersion = platformVersion;
_projectVersion = projectVersion;
_projectCode = projectCode;
_projectAppID = projectAppID;
_projectName = projectName;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
home: new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: const Text('Get Version Example'),
body: new SingleChildScrollView(
child: new ListBody(
children: <Widget>[
new Container(
height: 10.0,
new ListTile(
leading: const Icon(,
title: const Text('Name'),
subtitle: new Text(_projectName),
const Divider(height: 20.0),
new ListTile(
leading: const Icon(,
title: const Text('Running on'),
subtitle: new Text(_platformVersion),
const Divider(height: 20.0),
new ListTile(
leading: const Icon(,
title: const Text('Version Name'),
subtitle: new Text(_projectVersion),
const Divider(height: 20.0),
new ListTile(
leading: const Icon(,
title: const Text('Version Code'),
subtitle: new Text(_projectCode),
const Divider(height: 20.0),
new ListTile(
leading: const Icon(,
title: const Text('App ID'),
subtitle: new Text(_projectAppID),