geocore 0.10.0-dev.0 copy "geocore: ^0.10.0-dev.0" to clipboard
geocore: ^0.10.0-dev.0 copied to clipboard


Geospatial data structures (points, geometry, features, meta) and parsers (GeoJSON, WKT) for Dart.

0.10.0 #

Development version 0.10.0-dev.0.

⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • Content interfaces, content encoders and text formats redesigned

🧩 Features:

0.9.0 #

Updated with latest geobase version 0.2.1 (also re-exports some portions of it) based on Dart SDK 2.17.

⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • Removed previously deprecated classes and members

🧩 Features:

🛠 Maintenance:

0.8.1 #

Small fix with latest dependency to geobase version 0.1.1.

0.8.0 #

Major and breaking changes compared to version 0.7.2.

Some classes generalized and moved to the geobase package, that is depended on.

After changes key features of this geocore package:

  • 🚀 geospatial data structures (geometry, features and metadata)
  • 🌐 geographic coordinates (longitude-latitude)
  • 🗺️ projected coordinates (cartesian XYZ)
  • 🔷 geometry primitives (bounds or bbox, point, line string, polygon)
  • 🧩 multi geometries (multi point, multi line string, multi polygon, geometry collections)
  • ⭐ feature objects (with id, properties and geometry) and feature collections
  • 🌎 GeoJSON data parser
  • 🪧 WKT (Well-known text representation of geometry) data parser

⚠️ Breaking changes:

🧩 Features:

🛠 Refactoring:

🛠 Maintenance:

📚 Documentation:

0.7.2 #

0.7.1 #

0.7.0 #

  • BETA version 0.7.0 with minor breaking changes
  • Use Map<String, Object?> instead of Map<String, dynamic> as properties
    • Factory: Feature.view()
    • Function typedef: CreateFeature
  • updated dependency 0.7.1 on attributes
    • required changes visible in Feature class and GeoJSON factories
  • Official Dart lint rules applied with recommend set #32

0.6.2 #

0.6.1 #

0.6.0 #

  • BETA version 0.6.0 with minor breaking changes
  • Lint rules and analysis options updated
  • Also implicit-casts and implicit-dynamic to false requiring code changes
  • many other smaller changes and optimizations partially due issues #8

0.5.0 #

  • BETA version 0.5.0 with stable null-safety requiring the stable Dart 2.12

0.5.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • BETA version 0.5.0 with (relative small) breaking changes compared to 0.4.1
  • Enhancing geospatial data factories, for example range filter
  • Bounds and Point with new methods: writeValues and valuesAsString

0.4.1-nullsafety.0 #

0.4.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Alpha version 0.4.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.3.0
  • New dependency: attributes (^0.4.0-nullsafety.0) for common data structures
  • Non-geospatial data structures moved to attributes
  • Removed dependency: fixnum (1.0.0-nullsafety.0)
  • Restructured lib/src folder:
    • base
    • crs
    • feature
    • geo
    • meta
      • extent
    • parse
      • factory
      • geojson
    • utils
      • geography
  • Restructured mini-libraries provided by the package:
    • 'package:geocore/base.dart'
    • 'package:geocore/crs.dart'
    • 'package:geocore/feature.dart'
    • 'package:geocore/geo.dart'
    • 'package:geocore/meta_extent.dart'
    • 'package:geocore/parse_factory.dart'
    • 'package:geocore/parse_geojson.dart'
  • Still the whole library is available by:
    • 'package:geocore/geocore.dart'
  • Refactoring code in many places too

0.3.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Alpha version 0.3.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.2.0
  • New dependency: fixnum (^1.0.0-nullsafety.0) for Int64 (Dart VM / JavaScript)
  • New constructors on Point and GeoPoint for creating points from coordinates
  • GeoPoint sub classes to support representing also M-coordinate
  • New enumerated type: enum CRSType { geographic, projected, local }
  • Empty geometry to map null geometries (ie. from GeoJSON) to such instance
  • Multi geometry: MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, GeometryCollection
  • Feature class changes: FeatureId, Feature, FeatureSeries, FeatureCollection
  • Factory abstraction for creating geometries, features and feature collections
  • Factory implementation for GeoJSON, initial version, not full coverage
    • FeatureCollection, Feature
    • Point, LineString, Polygon
    • MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPoint
    • GeometryCollection
  • Refactoring also some other constructors for consistent naming conventions
  • Some tests added also to test parsing GeoJSON data

0.2.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Alpha version 0.2.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.1.0.
  • More geometries: LineString (any line string or linear ring), Polygon
  • Custom Iterable interface and sub implementation: Series, SeriesView
  • Geometry series: GeometrySeries, PointSeries, LineStringSeries, PolygonSeries
  • Features and collections: Feature, FeatureSeries

0.1.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • Small fixes on

0.1.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • Small fixes on links of pubspec.yaml

0.1.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Initial pre-release version, the API of the library is not stable
  • Designed for null-safety (requires sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0')
  • Uses as dependency: Equatable (^2.0.0-nullsafety.0)
  • Cartesian points using doubles: Point2, Point2m, Point3, Point3m
  • Cartesian points using integers: Point2i, Point3i
  • Geographical points using doubles: GeoPoint2, GeoPoint3
  • Geographical camera: GeoCamera
  • Geographical bounds: GeoBounds
  • Coordinate reference systems: CRS class with two predefined identifiers
  • Temporal coordinates: Instant, Interval
  • Geospatial extent: Extent
  • Web links: Link
pub points



Geospatial data structures (points, geometry, features, meta) and parsers (GeoJSON, WKT) for Dart.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


equatable, geobase, meta


Packages that depend on geocore