geobase 0.2.0 copy "geobase: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
geobase: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


Geospatial coordinates, projections, tiling schemes and data writers (GeoJSON, WKT) for Dart.

pub package License style: very good analysis

World map with Natural Earth data

Geospatial coordinates (geographic and projected), projections, tiling schemes, and data writers for GeoJSON and WKT.

Features #

✨ New (0.2.0): Tiling schemes and tile matrix sets (web mercator, global geodetic). Also other improvements on coordinates, and refactorings on the code structure.

Key features:

  • 🌐 geographic positions and bounding boxes (longitude-latitude-elevation)
  • πŸ—ΊοΈ projected positions and bounding boxes (cartesian XYZ)
  • πŸ—οΈ coordinate transformations and projections (initial support)
  • πŸ”’ tiling schemes and tile matrix sets (web mercator, global geodetic)
  • πŸ“… temporal data structures (instant, interval) and spatial extents
  • πŸ“ƒ geospatial data writers for features, geometries, coordinates, properties:
    • 🌎 supported formats: GeoJSON
  • πŸ“ƒ geospatial data writers for geometries and coordinates:
    • πŸͺ§ supported formats: WKT

Getting started #

The package requires at least Dart SDK 2.17, and it supports all Dart and Flutter platforms.

Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

  geobase: ^0.2.0

Import it:

import `package:geobase/geobase.dart`

Geographic, projected and scalable coordinates:

  // Geographic position with longitude, latitude and elevation.
  const Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0);

  // Projected position with x, y and z.
  const Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0);

  // A pixel or a tile with a zoom level (or LOD = level of detail) coordinates.
  const Scalable2i(zoom: 9, x: 23, y: 10);

Bounding boxes:

  // Geographic bbox (-20.0 .. 20.0 in longitude, 50.0 .. 60.0 in latitude).
  const GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0);

  // Projected bbox with limits on x and y.
  const ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20);

Tiling schemes, a sample with Web Mercator:

  // "WebMercatorQuad" tile matrix set with 256 x 256 pixel tiles
  const quad = WebMercatorQuad.epsg3857();

  // converting a geographic position to tile coordinates at zoom level 2
  quad.positionToTile(Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778), zoom: 2)); 

A sample to write a Point geometry with a geographic position to GeoJSON:

  // geometry writer for GeoJSON, with number of decimals for text output set
  final writer = geoJsonFormat().geometriesToText(decimals: 1);

  // prints:
  //    {"type":"Point","coordinates":[10.1,20.3]}
        type: Geom.point,
        coordinates: const Geographic(lon: 10.123, lat: 20.25),

See more examples and instructions how to use the package on chapters below.

Coordinates #

Geographic coordinates #

Geographic coordinates are based on a spherical or ellipsoidal coordinate system representing positions on the Earth as longitude (lon) and latitude (lat).

Elevation (elev) in meters and measure (m) coordinates are optional.

Latitude and Longitude of the Earth

Geographic positions:

  // Geographic position with longitude and latitude.
  const Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);

  // Geographic position with longitude, latitude and elevation.
  const Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0);

  // Geographic position with longitude, latitude, elevation and measure.
  const Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0, m: 123.0);

  // The last sample also from num iterable or text (order: lon, lat, elev, m).
  Geographic.fromCoords(const [-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0, 123.0]);
  Geographic.fromText('-0.0014 51.4778 45.0 123.0', delimiter: ' ');

Geographic bounding boxes:

  // Geographic bbox (-20.0 .. 20.0 in longitude, 50.0 .. 60.0 in latitude).
  const GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0);

  // Geographic bbox with limits on elevation coordinate too.
  const GeoBox(
    west: -20.0,
    south: 50.0,
    minElev: 100.0,
    east: 20.0,
    north: 60.0,
    maxElev: 200.0,

  // The last sample also from num iterable or text.
  GeoBox.fromCoords(const [-20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 20.0, 60.0, 200.0]);

  // Geographic bbox with limits on elevation and measure coordinates too.
  const GeoBox(
    west: -20.0,
    south: 50.0,
    minElev: 100.0,
    minM: 5.0,
    east: 20.0,
    north: 60.0,
    maxElev: 200.0,
    maxM: 6.0,

Projected coordinates #

Projected coordinates represent projected or cartesian (XYZ) coordinates with an optional measure (m) coordinate. For projected map positions x often represents easting (E) and y represents northing (N), however a coordinate reference system might specify something else too.

The m coordinate represents a measurement or a value on a linear referencing system (like time). It could be associated with a 2D position (x, y, m) or a 3D position (x, y, z, m).

Projected positions:

  // Projected position with x and y.
  const Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0);

  // Projected position with x, y and z.
  const Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0);

  // Projected position with x, y, z and m.
  const Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0, m: 123.0);

  // The last sample also from num iterable or text (order: x, y, z, m).
  Projected.fromCoords(const [708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0, 123.0]);
  Projected.fromText('708221.0 5707225.0 45.0 123.0', delimiter: ' ');

Projected bounding boxes:

  // Projected bbox with limits on x and y.
  const ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20);

  // Projected bbox with limits on x, y and z.
  const ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, minZ: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20, maxZ: 20);

  // The last sample also from num iterable or text.
  ProjBox.fromCoords(const [10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 20]);

  // Projected bbox with limits on x, y, z and m.
  const ProjBox(
    minX: 10,
    minY: 10,
    minZ: 10,
    minM: 10,
    maxX: 20,
    maxY: 20,
    maxZ: 20,
    maxM: 20,

Scalable coordinates #

Scalable coordinates are projected coordinates associated with some level of detail (LOD) or zoom level. They are used for example by tiling schemes to represent pixels and tiles of tile matrices.

The Scalable2i class represents projected x, y coordinates at zoom level, with all value as integers.

  // A pixel or a tile with a zoom level (or LOD = level of detail) coordinates.
  const pixel = Scalable2i(zoom: 9, x: 23, y: 10);

  // Such coordinates can be scaled to other zoom levels.
  pixel.zoomIn(); // => Scalable2i(zoom: 10, x: 46, y: 20);
  pixel.zoomOut(); // => Scalable2i(zoom: 8, x: 11, y: 5);
  pixel.zoomTo(13); // => Scalable2i(zoom: 13, x: 368, y: 160));

Tiling schemes #

Web Mercator Quad #

WebMercatorQuad is a "Google Maps Compatible" tile matrix set with tiles defined in the WGS 84 / Web Mercator projection ("EPSG:3857").

Using WebMercatorQuad involves following coordinates:

  • position: geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude)
  • world: a position projected to the pixel space of the map at level 0
  • pixel: pixel coordinates (x, y) in the pixel space of the map at zoom
  • tile: tile coordinates (x, y) in the tile matrix at zoom

OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set specifies:

Level 0 allows representing most of the world (limited to latitudes between approximately Β±85 degrees) in a single tile of 256x256 pixels (Mercator projection cannot cover the whole world because mathematically the poles are at infinity). The next level represents most of the world in 2x2 tiles of 256x256 pixels and so on in powers of 2. Mercator projection distorts the pixel size closer to the poles. The pixel sizes provided here are only valid next to the equator.

  // "WebMercatorQuad" tile matrix set with 256 x 256 pixel tiles and with
  // "top-left" origin for the tile matrix and map pixel space
  const quad = WebMercatorQuad.epsg3857();

  // source position as geographic coordinates
  const position = Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);

  // get world, tile and pixel coordinates for a geographic position
  print(quad.positionToWorld(position)); // ~ x=127.999004 y=85.160341
  print(quad.positionToTile(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1 y=1
  print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=511 y=340
  print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=2047 y=1362

  // world coordinates can be instantiated as projected coordinates
  // x range: (0.0, 256.0) / y range: (0.0, 256.0)
  const world = Projected(x: 127.99900444444444, y: 85.16034098329446);

  // from world coordinates to tile and pixel coordinates
  print(quad.worldToTile(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1 y=1
  print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=511 y=340
  print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=2047 y=1362

  // tile and pixel coordinates with integer values can be defined too
  const tile = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 1, y: 1);
  const pixel = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 511, y: 340);

  // tile and pixel coordinates can be zoomed (scaled to other level of details)
  print(pixel.zoomIn()); // zoom=3 x=1022 y=680
  print(pixel.zoomOut()); // zoom=1 x=255 y=170

  // get tile bounds and pixel position (accucy lost) as geographic coordinates
  print(quad.tileToBounds(tile)); // west: -90 south: 0 east: 0 north: 66.51326
  print(quad.pixelToPosition(pixel)); // longitude: -0.17578 latitude: 51.50874

  // world coordinates returns geographic positions still accurately
  print(quad.worldToPosition(world)); // longitude: -0.00140 latitude: 51.47780

  // a quad key is a string identifier for tiles
  print(quad.tileToQuadKey(tile)); // "03"
  print(quad.quadKeyToTile('03')); // zoom=2 x=1 y=1
  print(quad.quadKeyToTile('0321')); // zoom=4 x=5 y=6

  // tile size and map bounds can be checked dynamically
  print(quad.tileSize); // 256
  print(quad.mapBounds()); // ~ west: -180 south: -85.05 east: 180 north: 85.05

  // matrix width and height tells number of tiles in a given zoom level
  print('${quad.matrixWidth(2)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(2)}'); // 4 x 4
  print('${quad.matrixWidth(10)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(10)}'); // 1024 x 1024

  // map width and height tells number of pixels in a given zoom level
  print('${quad.mapWidth(2)} x ${quad.mapHeight(2)}'); // 1024 x 1024
  print('${quad.mapWidth(10)} x ${quad.mapHeight(10)}'); // 262144 x 262144

  // ground resolutions and scale denominator for zoom level 10 at the Equator
  print(quad.tileGroundResolution(10)); // ~ 39135.76 (meters)
  print(quad.pixelGroundResolution(10)); // ~ 152.87 (meters)
  print(quad.scaleDenominator(10)); // ~ 545978.77

  // ground resolutions and scale denominator for zoom level 10 at lat 51.4778
  print(quad.pixelGroundResolutionAt(latitude: 51.4778, zoom: 10)); // ~ 95.21
  print(quad.scaleDenominatorAt(latitude: 51.4778, zoom: 10)); // ~ 340045.31

Global Geodetic Quad #

`GlobalGeodeticQuad (or "World CRS84 Quad" for WGS 84) is a tile matrix set with tiles defined in the Equirectangular Plate CarrΓ©e projection in the geographic coordinate reference system (longitude, latitude) for the whole world.

At the zoom level 0 the world is covered by two tiles (tile matrix width is 2 and matrix height is 1). The western tile (x=0, y=0) is for the negative longitudes and the eastern tile (x=1, y=0) for the positive longitudes.

  // "World CRS 84" tile matrix set with 256 x 256 pixel tiles and with
  // "top-left" origin for the tile matrix and map pixel space
  const quad = GlobalGeodeticQuad.worldCrs84();

  // source position as geographic coordinates
  const position = Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);

  // get world, tile and pixel coordinates for a geographic position
  print(quad.positionToWorld(position)); // ~ x=255.998009 y=54.787129
  print(quad.positionToTile(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=3 y=0
  print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1023 y=219
  print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=4095 y=876

  // world coordinates can be instantiated as projected coordinates
  // x range: (0.0, 512.0) / y range: (0.0, 256.0)
  const world = Projected(x: 255.99800888888888, y: 54.78712888888889);

  // from world coordinates to tile and pixel coordinates
  print(quad.worldToTile(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=3 y=0
  print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1023 y=219
  print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 4)); //  zoom=4 x=4095 y=876

  // tile and pixel coordinates with integer values can be defined too
  const tile = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 3, y: 0);
  const pixel = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 1023, y: 219);

  // get tile bounds and pixel position (accucy lost) as geographic coordinates
  print(quad.tileToBounds(tile)); // west: -45 south: 45 east: 0 north: 90
  print(quad.pixelToPosition(pixel)); // longitude: -0.08789 latitude: 51.41602

  // world coordinates returns geographic positions still accurately
  print(quad.worldToPosition(world)); // longitude: -0.00140 latitude: 51.4778

  // tile size and map bounds can be checked dynamically
  print(quad.tileSize); // 256
  print(quad.mapBounds()); // west: -180 south: -90 east: 180 north: 90

  // matrix width and height tells number of tiles in a given zoom level
  print('${quad.matrixWidth(2)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(2)}'); // 8 x 4
  print('${quad.matrixWidth(10)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(10)}'); // 2048 x 1024

  // map width and height tells number of pixels in a given zoom level
  print('${quad.mapWidth(2)} x ${quad.mapHeight(2)}'); // 2048 x 1024
  print('${quad.mapWidth(10)} x ${quad.mapHeight(10)}'); // 524288 x 262144

  // arc resolutions and scale denominator for zoom level 10 at the Equator
  print(quad.tileArcResolution(10)); // ~ 0.175781 (Β° degrees)
  print(quad.pixelArcResolution(10)); // ~ 0.000686646 (Β° degrees)
  print(quad.scaleDenominator(10)); // ~ 272989.39

Projections #

WGS 84 to Web Mercator #

Built-in coordinate projections (currently only between WGS84 and Web Mercator).

  // Geographic (WGS 84 longitude-latitude) to Projected (WGS 84 Web Mercator)
  final forward = wgs84ToWebMercator.forward();
  final projected =
      forward.project(const Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778));

  // Projected (WGS 84 Web Mercator) to Geographic (WGS 84 longitude-latitude)
  final inverse = wgs84ToWebMercator.inverse();
  final unprojected = inverse.project(projected);

  print('$unprojected <=> $projected');

With proj4dart #

Coordinate projections based on the external proj4dart package:

// import the default geobase library
import 'package:geobase/geobase.dart';

// need also an additional import with dependency to `proj4dart` 
import 'package:geobase/projections_proj4d.dart';

// A projection adapter from WGS84 (EPSG:4326) to EPSG:23700 (with definition)
// (based on the sample at
final adapter = proj4dart(
  toDef: '+proj=somerc +lat_0=47.14439372222222 +lon_0=19.04857177777778 '
      '+k_0=0.99993 +x_0=650000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=GRS67 '
      '+towgs84=52.17,-71.82,-14.9,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs',

// Apply a forward projection to EPSG:23700 with points represented as Point2.
final forward = adapter.forward();
print(forward.project(const Geographic(lon: 17.8880, lat: 46.8922)));

Please see the documentation of proj4dart package about it's capabilities, and accuracy of forward and inverse projections.

Vector (data writers) #

GeoJSON writer #

The geoJsonFormat() function can be used to access writers for coordinates, geometries and features producing GeoJSON compatible text.

A sample to write a LineString geometry to GeoJSON:

  // geometry writer for GeoJSON
  final writer = geoJsonFormat().geometriesToText();

  // prints (however without line breaks):
  //    {"type":"LineString",
  //     "bbox":[-1.1,-3.49,3.5,-1.1],
  //     "coordinates":[[-1.1,-1.1],[2.1,-2.5],[3.5,-3.49]]}
        type: Geom.lineString,
        bbox: const GeoBox(west: -1.1, south: -3.49, east: 3.5, north: -1.1),
        coordinates: [
          const Geographic(lon: -1.1, lat: -1.1),
          const Geographic(lon: 2.1, lat: -2.5),
          const Geographic(lon: 3.5, lat: -3.49),

A sample to write a Feature geometry to GeoJSON:

  // feature writer for GeoJSON
  final writer = geoJsonFormat().featuresToText();

  // prints (however without line breaks):
  //    {"type":"Feature",
  //     "id":"fid-1",
  //     "geometry":
  //        {"type":"Point","coordinates":[10.123,20.25]},
  //     "properties":
  //        {"foo":100,"bar":"this is property value","baz":true}}
        id: 'fid-1',
        geometries: (gw) => gw.geometryWithPosition(
          type: Geom.point,
          coordinates: const Geographic(lon: 10.123, lat: 20.25),
        properties: {
          'foo': 100,
          'bar': 'this is property value',
          'baz': true,

WKT writer #

The wktFormat() function can be used to access writers for coordinates and geometries producing WKT compatible text. However feature objects cannot be written to WKT even if supported by GeoJSON.

A sample to write a Point geometry to WKT (with z and m coordinates too):

  // geometry writer for WKT
  final writer = wktFormat().geometriesToText();

  // prints:
  //    POINT ZM(10.123 20.25 -30.95 -1.999)
        type: Geom.point,
        coordType: Coords.xyzm,
            const Geographic(lon: 10.123, lat: 20.25, elev: -30.95, m: -1.999),

Meta #

Temporal data #

Temporal data can be represented as instants (a time stamp) and intervals (an open or a closed interval between time stamps).

  // Instants can be created from `DateTime` or parsed from text.
  Instant(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 31, 09, 30));
  Instant.parse('2020-10-31 09:30Z');

  // Intervals (open-started, open-ended, closed).
  Interval.openStart(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 31));
  Interval.openEnd(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 01));
  Interval.closed(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 01), DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 31));

  // Same intervals parsed (by the "start/end" format, ".." for open limits).

Geospatial extents #

Extent objects have both spatial bounds and temporal interval, and they are useful in metadata structures for geospatial data sources.

  // An extent with spatial (WGS 84 longitude-latitude) and temporal parts.
    crs: 'EPSG:4326',
    bbox: const GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0),
    interval: Interval.parse('../2020-10-31'),

  // An extent with multiple spatial bounds and temporal interval segments.
    crs: 'EPSG:4326',
    boxes: const [
      GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0),
      GeoBox(west: 40.0, south: 50.0, east: 60.0, north: 60.0),
    intervals: [

The crs property in extents above refer to a Coordinate reference system that is a coordinate-based local, regional or global system used to locate geographical entities.

This library does not define any crs constants, please refer to registries like The EPSG dataset.

Codes #

Coordinate types #

Coordinate types supported are defined by the Coords enum.

Type Description
xy Projected or cartesian coordinates (x, y)
xyz Projected or cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)
xym Projected or cartesian coordinates (x, y, m)
xyzm Projected or cartesian coordinates (x, y, z, m)
lonLat Geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude)
lonLatElev Geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, elevation)
lonLatM Geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, m)
lonLatElevM Geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, elevation, m)

The m coordinate represents a measurement or a value on a linear referencing system (like time).

There are base interfaces (abstract classes) for positions and bounding boxes.

Interface Description
Position A base interface for geospatial positions.
Box A base interface for axis-aligned bounding boxes with min & max coordinates.

This package provides four classes (extending these interface) for representing coordinates for positions and bounding boxes. These classes can act also as interfaces (sub implementations allowed) or as concrete classes to represent data.

Class Description
Geographic A geographic position with longitude, latitude and optional elevation and m.
Projected A projected position with x, y, and optional z and m coordinates.
GeoBox A geographic bounding box with west, south, east and north coordinates.
ProjBox A bounding box with minX, minY, maxX and maxY coordinates.

Also Scalable2i implements Projected providing 2D projected coordinates with x and y scaled at zoom (level of detail).

Geometry types #

Geometry types introduced above are based on the Simple Feature Access - Part 1: Common Architecture standard by The Open Geospatial Consortium.

The types are also compatible with Well-known text representation of geometry.

Geometry types supported are defined by the Geom enum.

Type Description
point The type for the POINT geometry
lineString The type for the LINESTRING geometry.
polygon The type for the POLYGON geometry.
geometryCollection The type for the GEOMETRYCOLLECTION geometry.
multiPoint The type for the MULTIPOINT geometry.
multiLineString The type for the MULTILINESTRING geometry.
multiPolygon The type for the MULTIPOLYGON geometry.

The geobase package does not however provide data structure classes for these geometry types, but types are used by geospatial data writers. Please see the geocore package also for geometry data structures.

Other features #

Constants #

Constants defined by the package:

Constant Value Description
minLongitude -180.0 The minimum value for geographic longitude.
maxLongitude 180.0 The maximum value for geographic longitude.
minLatitude -90.0 The minimum value for geographic latitude.
maxLatitude 90.0 The maximum value for geographic latitude.
minLatitudeWebMercator -85.05112878 The minimum value for geographic latitude inside Web Mercator coverage
maxLatitudeWebMercator 85.05112878 The maximum value for geographic latitude inside Web Mercator coverage
earthRadiusWgs84 6378137.0 The earth equatorial radius in meters as specified by WGS 84.
earthCircumferenceWgs84 2 * math.pi * earthRadiusWgs84 The earth circumference in meters (from earth equatorial radius by WGS 84).
screenPPIbyOGC 0.0254 / 0.00028 OGC defines a screen pixel of 0.28 mm that approximates to 90.7 ppi.

Transforms #

Projections described in previous chaperts project coordinates between Projected and Geographic positions.

Coordinate transformations however transform coordinate value without changing the type.

This sample uses the built-int translatePoint function:

  // Create a point and transform it with the built-in translation that returns
  // `Position(x: 110.0, y: 220.0, z: 50.0, m: 1.25)` after transform.
    const Projected(x: 100.0, y: 200.0, z: 50.0, m: 1.25)
        .transform(translatePosition(dx: 10.0, dy: 20.0)),

Geodesy algorithms #

Currently supported, a distance between geographic positions using the Haversine formula.

/// Returns a distance in meters between [position1] and [position2].
/// Given [earthRadius] is used for calculation with the approximate mean radius
/// as a default.
double distanceHaversine(
  Geographic position1,
  Geographic position2, {
  double earthRadius = 6371000.0,

Package #

This is a Dart package named geobase under the geospatial code repository.

See also the geocore package for geometry and feature data structures, data parsers and other utilities. The geodata package provdies a geospatial API client to read GeoJSON and other geospatial data sources.

Authors #

This project is authored by Navibyte.

More information and other links are available at the geospatial repository from GitHub.

License #

This project is licensed under the "BSD-3-Clause"-style license.

Please see the LICENSE.




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Geospatial coordinates, projections, tiling schemes and data writers (GeoJSON, WKT) for Dart.

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