gallery_picker 0.5.1
gallery_picker: ^0.5.1 copied to clipboard
Gallery Picker is a flutter package that will allow you to pick media file(s), manage and navigate inside your gallery with modern tools and views.
gallery_picker #
Gallery Picker is a flutter package that will allow you to pick media file(s), manage and navigate inside your gallery with modern tools and views.

Features #
[✔] Modern design
[✔] Detailed documentation
[✔] Pick a media file
[✔] Pick multiple media files
[✔] BottomSheet layout
[✔] Auto localization for recent tabs
[✔] Fetch all media files from your phone
[✔] Comprehensively customizable design (desitination page, hero destination page...)
[✔] Gallery picker listener
[✔] Thumbnail widgets for media files
[✔] MediaProvider widgets to view video / image files
[✔] Gallery picker StreamBuilder to update your design if selects any file in gallery picker (GalleryPickerBuilder)
[✔] Ready-to-use widgets
[✔] Examples provided (example/lib/examples)
[✔] Permission requests handled within the library
[✔] Null-safety
You could find the code samples of the given gifs below in /example/lib/examples
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Getting started #
- Update kotlin version to
andclasspath ''
in yourbuild.gradle
- In
set theminSdkVersion
in yourbuild.gradle
Add uses-permission android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
for android sdk 33 and above
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO"/>
Add these configurations to your ios/Runner/info.plist
<string>Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description</string>
<string>Motion usage description</string>
Usage #
Quick and simple usage example:
Pick Single File #
MediaFile? singleMedia = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(context: context,singleMedia: true);
Pick Multiple Files #
List<MediaFile>? media = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(context: context);
Get All Media Files in Gallery #
GalleryMedia? allmedia = await GalleryPicker.collectGallery();
Listen selected files inside gallery picker #
Stream stream = GalleryPicker.listenSelectedFiles;
Dispose listener
PickerScaffold #
Gallery Picker could also work as a bottom sheet. Use PickerScaffold instead your Scaffold.
There is an example at example/lib/examples/bottom_sheet_example.dart
to see how it could be done.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PickerScaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
onSelect: (media) {},
initSelectedMedia: initMedia,
config: Config(mode: Mode.dark),
body: Container(),
Customizable destination page #
Within the Gallery Picker you can design a page that will be redirected after selecting any image(s).
Note: There are two builder called multipleMediaBuilder and heroBuilder. If you designed both of them, multipleMediaBuilder will be shown after picking multiple media files, heroBuilder will be shown after picking a single media. If you only designed multipleMediaBuilder, multipleMediaBuilder will be shown after picking any file. Use given hero tag to view your Hero image. You can see a simple example below.
There is an example at example/lib/examples/pick_medias_with_builder.dart
to see how it could be done.
multipleMediaBuilder: ((media, context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Flippers Page'),
body: GridView.count(
crossAxisCount: 3,
mainAxisSpacing: 5,
crossAxisSpacing: 5,
children: [
for (var mediaFile in media)
media: mediaFile,
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
builder: (context) => MyHomePage(
title: "Selected Medias",
medias: media,
child: const Icon(
color: Colors.white,
heroBuilder: (tag, media, context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Flippers Page'),
body: Container(
color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
child: Hero(
tag: tag,
child: Image.memory(media.thumbnail!),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
builder: (context) => MyHomePage(
title: "Selected Medias",
medias: [media],
child: const Icon(
color: Colors.white,
context: context);
Dispose Gallery picker #
Customize your gallery picker #
A Config class is provided to user to customize your gallery picker. You can customize any feature you want and select appearance mode.
Customizable appereance features
List<MediaFile>? media = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(
context: context,
pageTransitionType: PageTransitionType.rightToLeft
config: Config(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
appbarColor: Colors.white,
bottomSheetColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 247, 248, 250),
appbarIconColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 130, 141, 148),
underlineColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 20, 161, 131),
selectedMenuStyle: const TextStyle(color:,
const TextStyle(color: Color.fromARGB(255, 102, 112, 117)),
textStyle: const TextStyle(
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 108, 115, 121),
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
appbarTextStyle: const TextStyle(color:,
recents: "RECENTS",
gallery: "GALLERY",
lastMonth: "Last Month",
lastWeek: "Last Week",
tapPhotoSelect: "Tap photo to select",
selected: "Selected",
selectIcon: Container(
width: 50,
height: 50,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 168, 132),
child: const Icon(
color: Colors.white,
Appearance Mode
List<MediaFile>? media = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(
context: context,
config: Config(
mode: Mode.dark
Give an initial selected media files
List<MediaFile>? media = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(
context: context,
initSelectedMedia: initSelectedMedia,
Give extra media files that will be included in recent
You can give extra pictures to appear on the recent page. You should define these files with MediaFile.file()
MediaFile file = MediaFile.file(id: "id", file: File("path"), type: MediaType.image);
List<MediaFile>? media = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(
context: context,
extraRecentMedia: [file],
Select your priority page
There are two pages called "Recent" and "Gallery". You could change the initial page.
List<MediaFile>? media = await GalleryPicker.pickMedia(
context: context,
startWithRecent: true,
MediaFile #
GalleryPicker returns MediaFile list. You can reach out features below.
[✔] Medium [✔] Id [✔] MediaType [✔] Thumbnail [✔] Check with thumbnailFailed if fetching thumbnail fails [✔] Check with fileFailed if getting file fails [✔] File [✔] getThumbnail function [✔] getFile function [✔] getData function [✔] Check if the file selected in gallery picker
Permission #
Required permissions will be requested when gallery picker is launched. In case of user's rejection of request, the problem will be handled within gallery picker package.

Customizing Permission Denied Page #
permissionDeniedPage: PermissionDeniedPage(),
Ready-to-use widgets #
ThumbnailMedia #
media: media,
ThumbnailAlbum #
album: album,
failIconColor: failIconColor,
mode: mode,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
PhotoProvider #
media: media,
VideoProvider #
media: media,
MediaProvider #
MediaProvider works with every media type
media: media,
GalleryPickerBuilder #
You can listen and update your design through this builder
builder: (selectedFiles, context) {
return child
BottomSheetBuilder #
Use BottomSheetBuilder if you need to listen bottom sheet status to change something in your page.
builder: (status, context) {
return FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
if (status.isExpanded) {
} else {
child: Icon(!status.isExpanded
? Icons.open_in_browser
: Icons.close_fullscreen),
AlbumMediaView #
View all media files in the album sorted by its creation date
GalleryMedia? allmedia = await GalleryPicker.collectGallery();
galleryAlbum: allmedia!.albums[0],
textStyle: textStyle,
AlbumCategoriesView #
View all album categories
GalleryMedia? allmedia = await GalleryPicker.collectGallery();
albums: allmedia!.albums,
categoryBackgroundColor: categoryBackgroundColor,
categoryFailIconColor: categoryFailIconColor,
mode: mode,
onFocusChange: onFocusChange,
onHover: onHover,
onLongPress: onLongPress,
onPressed: onPressed,
Breaking Changes From 0.2.3 #
BottomSheetLayout changed into PickerScaffold #
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: BottomSheetLayout(
config: Config()
onSelect: (media) {},
child: Column(
children: [
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PickerScaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
onSelect: (media) {},
initSelectedMedia: initMedia,
config: Config(mode: Mode.dark),
body: Container(),
Examples #
Check out our examples!
Standart Gallery Picker #
Pick Media Files With Destination Page #
BottomSheet Example #
WhatsApp Pick Photo Page #
This package was possible to create with: #
- The photo_gallery package
- The transparent_image package
- The get package
- The video_player package
- The intl package
- The platform_info package
- The permission_handler package