footprint_flutter 1.0.2 copy "footprint_flutter: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
footprint_flutter: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for Footprint SDK.

Footprint Flutter #

Package oveview #

Flutter is a powerful open-source framework to develop cross-platform applications from a single codebase. The Flutter plugin allows you to integrate Footprint onboarding flow into your Flutter Android/iOS apps. The plugin utilizes a secure in-app browser to run the onboarding flow.

Installation #

From the terminal, run the following command:

flutter pub add footprint_flutter

This will add the footprint_flutter dependency to your project’s pubspec.yaml as follows:

  footprint_flutter: ^1.0.2

Alternatively, you can manually edit the pubspec.yaml file to add the dependency and run flutter pub get from the terminal to install the dependency.

After the installation, you need to link the InAppBrowser dependency. For iOS, make sure to run:

cd ios && pod install && cd ..

Integration #

  1. Start by getting your Playbook public key, for instance, pb_test_VMooXd04EUlnu3AvMYKjMW from your Footprint Dashboard.
  2. Import the package import 'package:footprint_flutter/footprint_flutter.dart'; on your dart code.
  3. The package exposes a footprint object. In order to initialize the flow, simply call init method on the footprint object. As arguments to the init method, you must pass a FootprintConfiguration object and BuildContext of your widget builder. The FootprintConfiguration must contain the publicKey and redirectUrl. Additionally you can pass onComplete and onCancel callbacks and a number of optional parameters to customize the flow.
var config = FootprintConfiguration(
  publicKey: "pb_test_RcDHxZgJO9q3vY72d7ZLXu",
  onCancel: () => print("onCancel"),
  onComplete: (String token) => print("onComplete $token"),

footprint.init(config, context);

Instead of a publicKey, you can also use an authToken that you generate for a specific playbook and user. You can find more instructions on how to do this here.

For a complete example, click here.

Bootstraping user data #

Utilize the bootstrapData field in FootprintConfiguration to pre-fill any available data and bypass completed pages for your users. You can click here to find out more about the formatting and validation requirements we have for these inputs.

var config = FootprintConfiguration(
  publicKey: "pb_test_RcDHxZgJO9q3vY72d7ZLXu",
  onCancel: () => print("onCancel"),
  onComplete: (String token) => print("onComplete $token"),
  bootstrapData: FootprintBootstrapData(
    email: "",
    phoneNumber: "+15555550100",
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    dob: "01/01/1990",
    addressLine1: "123 Main St",
    addressLine2: "Unit 123",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    country: "US",
    zip: "12345",
    ssn9: "343434344",
    ssn4: "1234",
    nationality: "US",
    usLegalStatus: "citizen",
    citizenships: ["US", "TR"],
    visaKind: "f1",
    visaExpirationDate: "05/12/2024",

footprint.init(config, context);

Customizing the appearance #

Take advantage of the appearance option to extend the default styles. You can utilize the same variables and rules as in the web integration. You will need to pass values that are valid CSS styles.

var config = FootprintConfiguration(
  publicKey: "pb_test_RcDHxZgJO9q3vY72d7ZLXu",
  appearance: FootprintAppearance(
    fontSrc: '',
    variables: FootprintAppearanceVariables(
      fontFamily: '"Inter"',
      linkColor: '#101010',
      colorError: '#E33D19',
      buttonPrimaryBg: '#315E4C',
      buttonPrimaryHoverBg: '#46866c',
      buttonPrimaryColor: '#FFF',
      buttonBorderRadius: '70px',

footprint.init(config, context);

You can also add your company logo at the top of the modal by passing the boolean field showLogo to FootprintOptions which is passed as options to FootprintConfiguration.

var config = FootprintConfiguration(
  publicKey: "pb_test_RcDHxZgJO9q3vY72d7ZLXu",
  onCancel: () => print("onCancel"),
  onComplete: (String token) => print("onComplete $token"),
  options: FootprintOptions(showLogo: true),

footprint.init(config, context);

Setting the locale #

Footprint also supports localization settings, you can use the l10n (localization) field in FootprintConfiguration and specify the desired locale and language.

Create a FootprintL10n object passing the desired locale and language. Currently, we support locales FootprintSupportedLocale.enUS and FootprintSupportedLocale.esMX . For languages, we support FootprintSupportedLanguage.en (English) and (Spanish).

For example, if your audience is in Mexico, you can set the locale as follows:

var config = FootprintConfiguration(
  publicKey: "pb_test_RcDHxZgJO9q3vY72d7ZLXu",
  onCancel: () => print("onCancel"),
  onComplete: (String token) => print("onComplete $token"),
  l10n: FootprintL10n(
    locale: FootprintSupportedLocale.esMX,

footprint.init(config, context);

For a complete example, click here.

Available Props #

Variable Description
publicKey Optional. Onboarding configuration public key.
authToken Optional. A valid string authentication token generated using the Secret API Key, Footprint User ID and fields to collect. One of publicKey or authToken must be provided.
redirectUrl Required. A deep link that will be navigated to when the web browser is closed.
bootstrapData Optional. An object that contains previously collected user data that can bootstrap the onboarding flow. More information here.
options Optional. An options object that customizes the flow, can accept showLogo and showCompletionPage entries. More info here
appearance Optional. A FootprintAppearance object that customizes the look of your integration
l10n Optional. Specifies the desired localization. More information here.
onComplete Optional. A function that is called when the onboarding flow is completed by the user.
onCancel Optional. A function that is called when the onboarding flow is canceled by the user.
onError Optional. A function that is called there was an unrecoverable error while initializing the onboarding flow. It takes in an error string argument with more details.



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A Flutter plugin for Footprint SDK.



API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_inappwebview, http, plugin_platform_interface, uni_links


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