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Flutter plugin that can be used in an application to call the native FingerprintJS Pro libraries and identify devices.

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Fingerprint Pro Flutter #

Fingerprint is a device intelligence platform offering 99.5% accurate visitor identification. Fingerprint Pro Flutter SDK is an easy way to integrate Fingerprint Pro into your Flutter application to call the native Fingerprint Pro libraries (Android, iOS and Web) and identify devices.

Table of contents #

Requirements #

  • Flutter 3.10 or higher
  • Android 5.0 (API level 21+) or higher
  • iOS 13+/tvOS 15+, Swift 5.7 or higher (stable releases)

We aim to keep the Flutter compatibility policy.

Dependencies #

How to install #

Add fpjs_pro_plugin to the pubspec.yaml in your Flutter app:

    sdk: flutter
  fpjs_pro_plugin: ^3.3.2

Run pub get to download and install the package.

Web platform #

Add a <script> tag with the JS agent loader inside the <head> tag in your HTML template to use fpjs_pro_plugin:

<script src="assets/packages/fpjs_pro_plugin/web/index.js" defer></script>

Usage #

To identify visitors, you need a Fingerprint Pro account (you can sign up for free).

1. Configure the plugin #

import 'package:fpjs_pro_plugin/fpjs_pro_plugin.dart';
// ...

// Initialization
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
  void doInit() async {
    await FpjsProPlugin.initFpjs(
      '<apiKey>' // insert your actual API key here
  // ...

You can also configure region, endpoint and endpointFallbacks in the initFpjs method, like below. For the web platform, you can use an additional scriptUrlPattern and scriptUrlPatternFallbacks properties to specify a custom URL for loading the JavaScript agent. This is required for proxy integrations.

void doInit() async {
  await FpjsProPlugin.initFpjs(
    endpoint: 'https://subdomain.domain.com',
    endpointFallbacks: ['https://subdomain2.domain.com', 'https://subdomain3.domain.com'],
    region: Region.eu, // or Region.ap, Region.us
    // Only necessary for the web platform
    scriptUrlPattern: 'https://your.domain/fp_js/script_path?apiKey=<apiKey>&version=<version>&loaderVersion=<loaderVersion>',
    scriptUrlPatternFallbacks: ['https://your.second-domain/fp_js/script_path?apiKey=<apiKey>&version=<version>&loaderVersion=<loaderVersion>']

2. Use the plugin in your application code to identify a visitor #

2.1 Use the getVisitorId method if you only need a visitorId:

import 'package:fpjs_pro_plugin/fpjs_pro_plugin.dart';
// ...

// Initialization
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  // ...
  // Usage
  void identify() async {
    try {
      visitorId = await FpjsProPlugin.getVisitorId() ?? 'Unknown';
      // use the visitor id
    } on FingerprintProError catch (e) {
      // process an error somehow
      // check lib/error.dart to get more info about error types

2.2 Use getVisitorData to get extended result

import 'package:fpjs_pro_plugin/fpjs_pro_plugin.dart';
// ...

// Initialization
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  // ...
  // Usage
  void identify() async {
    try {
      deviceData = await FpjsProPlugin.getVisitorData();
      // use the visitor id
    } on FingerprintProError catch (e) {
      // process an error somehow
      // check lib/error.dart to get more info about error types

By default getVisitorData() will return a short response with the FingerprintJSProResponse type. Provide extendedResponseFormat=true to the initFpjs function to get extended result of FingerprintJSProExtendedResponse type.

void doInit() async {
  await FpjsProPlugin.initFpjs('<apiKey>', extendedResponseFormat: true);

Linking and tagging information #

The visitorId provided by Fingerprint Identification is especially useful when combined with information you already know about your users, for example, account IDs, order IDs, etc. To learn more about various applications of the linkedId and tag, see Linking and tagging information.

void identify() async {
  const tags = {
    userAction: 'login',
    analyticsId: 'UA-5555-1111-1'
  const linkedId = 'user_1234';

  visitorId = await FpjsProPlugin.getVisitorId(linkedId: linkedId, tags: tags);
  deviceData = await FpjsProPlugin.getVisitorData(linkedId: linkedId, tags: tags);

Specifying a custom timeout #

Default timeout value:

  • iOS: 60 seconds
  • Android: not specified
  • Web: 10 seconds

You can override the default timeout with a custom value of your choice. If the getVisitorId() or getVisitorData() call does not complete within the specified (or default) timeout, you will receive a ClientTimeoutError error.

void identify() async {
  visitorId = await FpjsProPlugin.getVisitorId(timeoutMs: 10000);
  deviceData = await FpjsProPlugin.getVisitorData(timeoutMs: 10000);

Additional Resources #

Support and feedback #

To report problems, ask questions or provide feedback, please use Issues. If you need private support, please email us at oss-support@fingerprint.com.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT license.



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Flutter plugin that can be used in an application to call the native FingerprintJS Pro libraries and identify devices.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, js


Packages that depend on fpjs_pro_plugin