flutter_widget_from_html_core 0.6.0-rc.2021030401 copy "flutter_widget_from_html_core: ^0.6.0-rc.2021030401" to clipboard
flutter_widget_from_html_core: ^0.6.0-rc.2021030401 copied to clipboard


Flutter package for widget tree building from html that focuses on correctness and extensibility.

0.6.0-rc.2021030401 #

  • Requires Flutter 2
  • Implement new package fwfh_chewie (#461)
  • Implement new package fwfh_cached_network_image (#463)

0.6.0-rc.2021030201 #

  • Add support for anchor in core package (#447)
  • Implement new package fwfh_webview (#448)
  • Implement new package fwfh_url_launcher (#450)
  • Implement new package fwfh_svg (#452)

0.6.0-rc.2021022601 #

  • Migrate to null safety (#436, authored by @miDeb)

0.5.2+1 #

  • [CanvasKit] Add workaround for unimplemented computeLineMetrics (#441)

0.5.2 #

  • Add support for TABLE attribute cellpadding (#365)
  • Add support for table cell attributes colspan, rowspan, valign (#365)
  • Add support for HtmlWidget.onTapImage callback (#398)
  • Add support for file:// images (#432)
  • Allow getting parsed inline styles from dom.Element directly (#367)
  • Improve support for inline styles border, border-collapse and box-sizing (#365)
  • Fix line metrics are unavailable on Flutter web (#383)
  • Fix IMG tag with dimensions being stretched (#429)

0.5.1+4 #

  • Improve RUBY baseline (#362)
  • Fix CssBlock loosing stretched width on render object updated (#360)
  • Fix nested sizing / text-align / vertical-align (#361)

0.5.1+3 #

  • Fix LI marker position on non-default line height

0.5.1+2 #

  • Fix bug null access (authored by @sweatfryash)
  • Fix bug customWidgetBuilder does not work for TABLE (#353)

0.5.1+1 #

  • Discard preferred width / height on infinity value. (#340)
  • Fix image with dimensions cannot scale down (#341)
  • Use a separated BuildOp for display: block (#342)

0.5.1 #

  • Add support for auto, percentage sizing (e.g. width: 50%)
  • Fix image cannot scale up (#337)

This release includes some changes that may require migration if you have a custom WidgetFactory:

  • Replace BuildMetadata.isBlockElement with .willBuildSubtree.
  • Replace BuildOp.isBlockElement with .onWidgetsIsOptional
  • Split display parsing into WidgetFactory.parseStyleDisplay
  • TextStyleHtml.crossAxisAlignment has been removed (no replacement)

0.5.0+7 #

  • Fix incorrect alignment of list marker (#335)

0.5.0+6 #

  • Stop using singleton WidgetFactory by default

0.5.0+5 #

  • Use Stack.clipBehavior instead of .overflow (#321, authored by @bahador)

0.5.0+3 #

This is a big release with lots of improvements under the hood. If you don't extends WidgetFactory yourself then there are only two changes that may affect your app:

  • customStylesBuilder returns Map instead of List
  • onTapUrl is called for incomplete URL

Other changes:

  • Restore sizing support (#248)
  • Expand support for text-align with end/start/-moz-center/-webkit-center (#305)
  • Update UL bullet for correctness (#306)
  • Add support for inline style text-overflow (#204)
  • Add support em/px in line-height and % in font-size (#220)
  • Add support for svg src in IMG (#233)
  • Add support for inline margin, padding (#237)
  • Add support for pt unit (#266)
  • Add support for inline style background (color only) (#275)
  • Bug fixes

Finally, BREAKING changes if you use a custom WidgetFactory:

  • BuildOp: callback params changed
  • BuiltPiece has been removed
  • NodeMetadata -> BuildMetadata
  • TextBit -> BuildBit
  • TextStyleBuilders -> TextStyleBuilder
  • WidgetFactory
    • All buildXxx methods now have BuildMetadata as first parameter
    • parseTag(NodeMetadata, String, String) -> parse(BuildMetadata)

0.4.3 #

  • Implement proper inline support for margin and padding (#237)
  • Rollback support for sizing
  • Make NodeMetadata.(op|styles) ignore null

0.4.2 #

  • Add support for inline style sizing (#206): width, height, max-width, max-height, min-width and min-height
  • Add support for inline style text-overflow (#204)
  • Bug fixes

0.4.1 #

  • BREAKING: Remove TextStyleBuilders.recognizer (#168)
  • BREAKING: Remove lazySet method (#169)
  • BREAKING: Remove HtmlConfig and change factoryBuilder method signature (#173)
  • BREAKING: Remove bodyPadding
  • BREAKING: Replace builderCallback with customStylesBuilder and customWidgetBuilder (#169)
  • Add support for tag RUBY (#144)
  • Add support for attribute align (#153)
  • Add support for async build (#154)
  • Add support for inline style padding (#160)
  • Add support for multiple font families (#172)
  • Add support for line-height (#193)
  • Improve support for right-to-left (#141)
  • Improve inline color support (#201)
  • Bug fixes

0.3.3+4 #

  • Fix non-breaking space rendering (#185)

0.3.3+3 #

  • Switch to MIT license

0.3.3+2 #

  • Fix bug vertical-align with trailing whitespace (#170)

0.3.3+1 #

  • Fix conflict between TABLE and background-color (#171)

0.3.3 #

  • Improve whitespace handling (#137)
  • Add support for tag SUB, SUP and inline style vertical-align (#143)
  • Fix text bit loop initial state (#156)

0.3.2+2 #

  • Use minimum main axis size

0.3.2+1 #

  • Fix IMG wrong size when device has scaled text (#127)

0.2.4+4 #

  • Fix bug rendering ZERO WIDTH SPACE character (#119)

0.2.4+3 #

  • Improve BR rendering logic
  • Add enableCaching prop to control cache logic

0.2.4+2 #

  • Add basic detection and support for Directionality widget during LI/OL/UL rendering (#115)
  • Fix bug LI has empty A (#112)

0.2.4+1 #

  • Improve caching logic (#112)
  • Fix extra space after BR tag (#111)
  • Fix cached image not being rendered on first build (#113)

0.2.4 #

  • Add support for type/start/reversed (LI/OL/UL) (#91)
  • Add support for tag FONT (#109)

0.2.3+4 #

  • Improve IMG error handling (#96)
  • Fix bug rendering nested list (OL/UL) with single child (#88)
  • Fix bug related to null widget (#94, #95)

0.2.3+3 #

  • Improve BR rendering to be consistent with browsers (#83, #84)
  • Improve TABLE rendering to support multiple tables (#85, #86)

0.2.3+2 #

  • Fix bug rendering empty TD tag (#81)
  • Improve white space rendering
  • Improve IMG rendering

0.2.3+1 #

  • Build RichText with proper textScaleFactor (#75, #78)

0.2.3 #

  • Re-implement text-align support to avoid conflicts (#66, #74)
  • Fix WebView bug triggering browser for http 301/302 urls
  • Improve performance when being put in list views (#62)

0.2.2+1 #

  • Update coding convention

0.2.2 #

  • Intercept all navigation requests within IFRAME (#48)
  • Add support for InlineSpan / inline image (PR #53, issue #7)
  • Add support for asset:// image (PR #52, issue #51)

0.2.1+1 #

  • Merge textStyle with default for easy usage (#45)
  • Fix bug in whitespace handling (#44)

0.2.1 #

  • Render IMG inline whenever possible
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

0.2.0 #

  • Add support for table tags: TABLE CAPTION THEAD TBODY TFOOT TR TD TH
  • Add support for background-color
  • Add support for em CSS unit
  • Improve support for existing tags: BR H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 IMG P PRE
  • Simplify config for easy usage and customization
  • Fix bug using int.parse (#34)

0.1.5 #

  • Fix margin with partial invalid values (#21)

0.1.4 #

  • Update dependencies (#12)
  • Fix layout rebuild loop because of Column's UniqueKey (#19)

0.1.3 #

  • Fix bug stylings got lost during text rendering (#10)

0.1.2 #

  • Fix bug rendering overlapping elements with styling (#11)
  • Expand CSS color hex values support

0.1.1 #

  • Bug fixes
  • Add support for BuildOp, making it easier to render new html tags
  • Add support for margin inline styling

0.0.1 #

  • First release
pub points


verified publisherdaohoangson.com

Flutter package for widget tree building from html that focuses on correctness and extensibility.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, html


Packages that depend on flutter_widget_from_html_core