flutter_widget_from_html 0.15.0 copy "flutter_widget_from_html: ^0.15.0" to clipboard
flutter_widget_from_html: ^0.15.0 copied to clipboard

Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags.

0.15.0 #

  • Requires Flutter 3.16 (#1188)
  • Expand roman support to 3999 (#1154, authored by @ngthailam)
  • Fix audio_player throws exception when max value is 0 (#1156, also by @ngthailam 🎉)
  • Add support for text-shadow (#1158, another one by @ngthailam 🔥)
  • Improve support for display: flex (#1229, #1235)
  • Fix bug cannot select text of nested HtmlWidget inside list view render mode (#1231)
  • Fix white spaces are removed in PRE tag (#1233)

0.14.11 #

  • Fix infinite TextStyle.height (#1147)
  • Deprecate InheritedProperties.style getter (#1147)

0.14.10+1 #

  • Fix default border color to match text color (#1123)
  • Fix SVG does not respect width/height attributes (#1144)

0.14.9 #

  • Fix justify text inside a table (#1120)

0.14.8 #

  • Fix IFRAME does not respect width attribute (#1115)

0.14.7 #

  • Add support for Flutter 3.13.9 (#1093)
  • Add support for Flutter 3.16.0 (#1100)
  • Fix onTapUrl doesn't work for links with display: block (#1104)
  • Render video player on macOS (#1100)

0.14.6 #

  • Add support for background-image (#1057, authored by @anttileppa 🎉)
  • Add support for display: flex (#1021, also by @anttileppa 🔥🔥🔥🔥)
  • Add support for background position, repeat & size (#1084)

0.14.5+1 #

  • Fix TABLE bug that force text to break line (#1078)

0.14.5 #

  • Add support for auto margins (#1077)
  • BREAKING: Replace CssLengthBox.getValueLeft with .getLeft
  • BREAKING: Replace CssLengthBox.getValueRight with .getRight

0.14.4+1 #

  • Improve table support for wide columns (#1073)
  • BREAKING: remove WidgetFactory.buildDivider (#1075)
  • Make align=center work like CENTER tag (#1076)

0.14.3 #

  • Write migration docs from v0.10 to v0.14 (#1065)
  • Fix Flutter badge SVG urls (#1065)
  • Fix broken table (#1067)

0.14.2 #

  • Add support for display: table-cell without row (#905)
  • Add supporf for BuildTree.getNonInherited and .setNonInherited (#948)
  • Add support for InlineCustomWidget via customWidgetBuilder to render simple widget inline (#1056)
  • Add support for BuildOp.inline to render complicated widget inline (#1056)
  • Fix incorrect cursor inside a SelectionArea (#902)
  • Fix border radius does not clip contents (#903)
  • Fix anchor doesn't work with baseUrl specified (#904)
  • Fix padding is ignored on empty P tag (#906)
  • Fix border-radius error if border is not uniform (#910)
  • Fix inline white-space: nowrap (#944)
  • Fix TR background color doesn't fill the whole row by #1049
  • MIGRATE: Replace WidgetPlaceholder.generator with .debugLabel (#619)
  • MIGRATE: Replace WidgetFactory.gestureTapCallback with .buildGestureRecognizer (#732)
  • MIGRATE: Replace RebuildTriggers with List
  • MIGRATE: Replace BuildBit.detach, .insertAfter and .insertBefore with returning a new tree in BuildOp.onParsed (#732)
  • BREAKING: Remove HtmlWidget.webViewXxx properties #615
  • BREAKING: Remove support for box-sizing (#903)
  • BREAKING: Remove WidgetPlaceholder.autoUnwrap (#906)
  • BREAKING: .getDependency<MediaQueryData>() no longer works (#911)
  • BREAKING: Append defaultStyles instead of prepend (#1055)
  • BREAKING: Change default alignment of inline widget from bottom to baseline (#1056)

See migration document: https://github.com/daohoangson/flutter_widget_from_html/blob/master/docs/migration.md

0.10.6 #

  • Fix border 0 is still being rendered (#1045)

0.10.5+3 #

  • Add support for fullscreen webview in Android (#1022)

0.10.5 #

  • Replace the deprecated DecoderCallback in tests (#1014)
  • Assume HTTPS for protocol relative URL without base (#1016)
  • Add screenshots, funding and topics to pubspec files (#1010)

0.10.4 #

  • Add support for Flutter 3.13 (#995)
  • Remove package fwfh_text_style (#1009)

0.10.3 #

  • Fix border-radius being overwritten by border (#966)

0.10.2 #

  • Fix 100% width TD in recursive TABLEs (#952)

0.10.1 #

  • Add support for Flutter 3.10 (#889)
  • Apply OpenSSF Scorecard (#888)
  • Remove default value enableCaching=true (#893)

0.10.0 #

  • Add support for Flutter 3.7 (#861)
  • Update dependency flutter_svg to v2 (#862)

0.9.1 #

  • Adjust text-decoration-line cascading logic (#843)
  • Try catch possible errors during table layout (#846)
  • Add support for list-style-type: none (#847)
  • Add support for src attribute in VIDEO tag (#848)
  • Adjust sizing logic for IMG tag (#854)
  • Redistribute table column width to avoid overflow (#856)

0.9.0+2 #

0.9.0+1 #

  • Fix context usage across async gaps (#835)

0.9.0 #

  • Requires Flutter 3.3 (#821)
  • Add support for SelectionArea (#821)
  • Breaking changes: remove support for web view HtmlWidget parameters (#830)

0.8.5 #

  • Improve IFRAME error & timer handling (#709)
  • Fix FwfhTextStyle usage within CupertinoPageScaffold (#713)

0.8.4 #

  • Add support for rtl in HtmlTable (#681)
  • Improve parser for border inline style (#685, authored by @EA-YOUHOU)
  • Remove decoration when href is missing (#678, authored by @EA-YOUHOU)
  • Fix wrong text scale when isSelectable=true (#689)
  • Fix background color being rendered twice (#691)
  • Fix error on TextStyle.merge (#680, #693)

0.8.3+1 #

  • Add support for HtmlWidget.isSelectable (#631)
  • Add support for HtmlWidget.onSelectionChanged (#672)
  • New package: fwfh_selectable_text (#672)

0.8.3 #

  • Add support for Flutter@2.8 (#655)
  • Add support for flutter_svg@1.0 (#648)
  • Add support for webview_flutter@3.0 (#657)
  • New package: fwfh_text_style (#628)
  • Allow HtmlWidget.textStyle to be null (#632)
  • Conditionally import flutter_cache_manager (#641)
  • Avoid importing dart:io in svg_factory.dart (#653)
  • Fix detached sub-tree still being built (#650)
  • Fix bug text-align with padding (#651)
  • Fix anchor being stuck (#659)

0.8.2 #

  • Optimize HtmlListMarker (#623)
  • Fix leading and trailing whitespace within PRE being trimmed (#624)
  • Replace evaluateJavascript with runJavascriptReturningResult (#625)

0.8.1+1 #

  • Fix missing test/images directory

0.8.1 #

  • Mark enhanced HtmlWidget.webViewXxx properties as deprecated (#614)
  • Add support for flutter_svg@0.23 (#611)
  • Add support for ListView and SliverList constructor params (#616)

0.8.0 #

  • Update for Flutter 2.5 (#587)
  • BREAKING: Change WidgetBit.inline default alignment → bottom (#598)
  • BREAKING: Remove BuildMetadata.willBuildSubtree (#607)
  • BREAKING: Remove BuildTree.replaceWith (#607)
  • BREAKING: Remove WidgetFactory.buildBorder (#608)
  • Add support for DETAILS tag (#593)
  • Add support for BuildOp.onTreeFlattening (#607)
  • Add support for display: inline-block (#607)
  • Add support for border-radius (#608)
  • Fix bug extra space because of colspan (#600)
  • Fix bug render loop when TABLE's baseline is needed (#604)

0.7.0 #

  • Flutter 2.2
  • BREAKING: Remove HtmlWidget.buildAsyncBuilder (#575)
  • BREAKING: Remove HtmlWidget.hyperlinkColor (#571)
  • BREAKING: Change HtmlWidget.onTapUrl signature to return a FutureOr<bool>. (#563)
  • Show click cursor for A tag (#322)
  • Add support for HtmlWidget.renderMode (#484)
  • Add support for error & loading builder for network image (#547, thanks @DFelten)
  • Improve text-decoration support (#569)
  • Add support for HtmlWidgetState.scrollToAnchor (#577)
  • Implement HtmlWidget.onErrorBuilder and onLoadingBuilder (#575)
  • Fix bug border+background (#516)
  • Fix incorrect UL/OL tag closing
  • Fix CssSizingValue equality check
  • Fix missing block margins on empty tag (#580)

This release includes some changes that may require migration if you have a custom WidgetFactory:

  • Remove TextStyleHtml.maxLines and .textOverflow (#570)
  • Remove WidgetFactory.buildColumnPlaceholder param trimMarginVertical
  • Remove WidgetFactory.buildColumnWidget param tsh
  • Change WidgetFactory.buildImageWidget params
  • Replace WidgetFactory.getListStyleMarker with getListMarkerText
  • Remove WidgetFactory.imageLoadingBuilder and imageErrorBuilder (#575)
  • Replace WidgetFactory.onTapAnchor param anchorContext with scrollTo

0.6.2 #

  • Add support for AUDIO tag (#530)
  • Restore computeLineMetrics usage in Flutter web. (#561)
  • Improve whitespace handling (#551)
  • Fix negative margin/padding throwing exception (#510)
  • Fix bug padding+background+h2 (#523)
  • Fix min-width being ignored (#544)
  • Fix portrait video (#553)

0.6.1 #

  • Add support for white-space inline style (#483)
  • Add support for flutter_svg@0.22.0 (#498)
  • Change onTapUrl signature to accept a returning value (#499)
  • Fix _ListMarkerRenderObject invalid size
  • Fix anchor bugs (#485, #491, #493 and #500)
  • Fix TR display: none is still being rendered (#489)
  • Fix empty TD being skipped -> incorrect table layout (#503)

0.6.0 #

  • Flutter 2 with null safety 🚀
  • Implement new packages:
    • fwfh_webview (#448)
    • fwfh_url_launcher (#450)
    • fwfh_svg (#452)
    • fwfh_chewie (#461)
    • fwfh_cached_network_image (#463)
  • Use csslib to parse inline style (#379)
  • Implement computeDryLayout (#411)
  • Dispose recognizer properly (#466)
  • Add Flutter Web support for webViewMediaPlaybackAlwaysAllow (#468)

0.5.2+1 #

  • [CanvasKit] Add workaround for unimplemented computeLineMetrics (#441)

0.5.2 #

  • Add support for TABLE attribute cellpadding (#365)
  • Add support for table cell attributes valign (#365)
  • Add WebView related params (#388, #431)
    • unsupportedWebViewWorkaroundForIssue375
    • webViewDebuggingEnabled
    • webViewMediaPlaybackAlwaysAllow
    • webViewUserAgent
  • Add support for HtmlWidget.onTapImage callback (#398)
  • Add support for sandbox="allow-scripts" (#420)
  • Add support for file:// images (#432)
  • Allow getting parsed inline styles from dom.Element directly (#367)
  • Improve support for inline styles border, border-collapse and box-sizing (#365)
  • Fix line metrics are unavailable on Flutter web (#383)
  • Fix IMG tag with dimensions being stretched (#429)

0.5.1+5 #

  • Add support for chewie 0.12 (#373, authored by @urakozz)

0.5.1+4 #

  • Improve RUBY baseline (#362)
  • Fix CssBlock loosing stretched width on render object updated (#360)
  • Fix nested sizing / text-align / vertical-align (#361)

0.5.1+3 #

  • Fix LI marker position on non-default line height

0.5.1+2 #

  • Fix bug null access (authored by @sweatfryash)
  • Fix bug customWidgetBuilder does not work for TABLE, VIDEO (#353)

0.5.1+1 #

  • Discard preferred width / height on infinity value. (#340)
  • Fix image with dimensions cannot scale down (#341)
  • Use a separated BuildOp for display: block (#342)

0.5.1 #

  • Add support for auto, percentage sizing (e.g. width: 50%)
  • Fix image cannot scale up (#337)

This release includes some changes that may require migration if you have a custom WidgetFactory:

  • Replace BuildMetadata.isBlockElement with .willBuildSubtree.
  • Replace BuildOp.isBlockElement with .onWidgetsIsOptional
  • Split display parsing into WidgetFactory.parseStyleDisplay
  • TextStyleHtml.crossAxisAlignment has been removed (no replacement)

0.5.0+7 #

0.5.0+6 #

  • Stop using singleton WidgetFactory by default
  • Update video_player version constraint as suggested by publisher (#333, authored by @dgilperez)

0.5.0+5 #

  • Use Stack.clipBehavior instead of .overflow (#321, authored by @bahador)

0.5.0+4 #

0.5.0+3 #

This is a big release with lots of improvements under the hood. If you don't extends WidgetFactory yourself then there are only two changes that may affect your app:

  • customStylesBuilder returns Map instead of List
  • onTapUrl is called for incomplete URL

Other changes:

  • Restore sizing support (#248)
  • Expand support for text-align with end/start/-moz-center/-webkit-center (#305)
  • Update UL bullet for correctness (#306)
  • Add support for colspan / rowspan in table (#157)
  • Add support for inline style text-overflow (#204)
  • Add support em/px in line-height and % in font-size (#220)
  • Add support for svg src in IMG (#233)
  • Add support for inline margin, padding (#237)
  • Add support for pt unit (#266)
  • Add support for inline style background (color only) (#275)
  • Bug fixes

Finally, BREAKING changes if you use a custom WidgetFactory:

  • BuildOp: callback params changed
  • BuiltPiece has been removed
  • NodeMetadata -> BuildMetadata
  • TextBit -> BuildBit
  • TextStyleBuilders -> TextStyleBuilder
  • WidgetFactory
    • All buildXxx methods now have BuildMetadata as first parameter
    • parseTag(NodeMetadata, String, String) -> parse(BuildMetadata)

0.4.3 #

  • Implement proper inline support for margin and padding (#237)
  • Rollback support for sizing
  • Make NodeMetadata.(op|styles) ignore null

0.4.2 #

  • Add support for latest Flutter dev channel (#227)
  • Add support for inline style sizing (#206): width, height, max-width, max-height, min-width and min-height
  • Add support for inline style text-overflow (#204)
  • Bug fixes

0.4.1 #

  • BREAKING: Remove TextStyleBuilders.recognizer (#168)
  • BREAKING: Remove lazySet method (#169)
  • BREAKING: Remove HtmlConfig and change factoryBuilder method signature (#173)
  • BREAKING: Remove bodyPadding
  • BREAKING: Replace builderCallback with customStylesBuilder and customWidgetBuilder (#169)
  • Add support for tag SVG (#133)
  • Add support for tag RUBY (#144)
  • Add support for attribute align (#153)
  • Add support for async build (#154)
  • Add support for inline style padding (#160)
  • Add support for multiple font families (#172)
  • Add support for line-height (#193)
  • Add support for attribute VIDEO.poster (#197)
  • Improve support for right-to-left (#141)
  • Improve inline color support (#201)
  • Bug fixes

0.3.3+4 #

  • Fix non-breaking space rendering (#185)

0.3.3+3 #

  • Switch to MIT license

0.3.3+2 #

  • Fix bug vertical-align with trailing whitespace (#170)

0.3.3+1 #

  • Fix conflict between TABLE and background-color (#171)

0.3.3 #

  • Improve whitespace handling (#137)
  • Add support for tag SUB, SUP and inline style vertical-align (#143)
  • Fix text bit loop initial state (#156)

0.3.2+2 #

  • Use minimum main axis size
  • Update dependencies

0.3.2+1 #

  • Fix IMG wrong size when device has scaled text (#127)
  • Update supported Flutter version >=1.12.13+hotfix.5 <2.0.0

0.3.2 #

  • Update supported Flutter version >=1.10.15 <2.0.0

0.2.4+4 #

  • Fix bug rendering ZERO WIDTH SPACE character (#119)

0.2.4+3 #

  • Improve BR rendering logic
  • Add enableCaching prop to control cache logic

0.2.4+2 #

  • Add basic detection and support for Directionality widget during LI/OL/UL rendering (#115)
  • Fix bug LI has empty A (#112)

0.2.4+1 #

  • Improve caching logic (#112)
  • Fix extra space after BR tag (#111)
  • Fix cached image not being rendered on first build (#113)

0.2.4 #

  • Add support for type/start/reversed (LI/OL/UL) (#91)
  • Add support for tag FONT (#109)

0.2.3+4 #

  • Improve IMG error handling (#96)
  • Fix bug rendering nested list (OL/UL) with single child (#88)
  • Fix bug related to null widget (#94, #95)

0.2.3+3 #

  • Improve BR rendering to be consistent with browsers (#83, #84)
  • Improve TABLE rendering to support multiple tables (#85, #86)

0.2.3+2 #

  • Fix bug rendering empty TD tag (#81)
  • Improve white space rendering
  • Improve IMG rendering

0.2.3+1 #

  • Build RichText with proper textScaleFactor (#75, #78)

0.2.3 #

  • Re-implement text-align support to avoid conflicts (#66, #74)
  • Fix WebView bug triggering browser for http 301/302 urls
  • Improve performance when being put in list views (#62)

0.2.2+1 #

  • Update coding convention

0.2.2 #

  • Intercept all navigation requests within IFRAME (#48)
  • Add support for InlineSpan / inline image (PR #53, issue #7)
  • Add support for asset:// image (PR #52, issue #51)
  • Add support for new tag: VIDEO (PR #47, issue #46)

0.2.1+1 #

  • Merge textStyle with default for easy usage (#45)
  • Fix bug in whitespace handling (#44)

0.2.1 #

  • Add unsupportedWebViewWorkaroundForIssue37 to address WebView issue temporary (#37)
  • Render IMG inline whenever possible
  • Use accent color for tag A
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

0.2.0 #

  • Add support for table tags: TABLE CAPTION THEAD TBODY TFOOT TR TD TH
  • Add support for background-color
  • Add support for em CSS unit
  • Improve support for existing tags: BR H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 IMG P PRE
  • Improve support for IFRAME: WebView can now resize itself to fit its contents
  • Simplify config for easy usage and customization
  • Fix bug using int.parse (#34)

0.1.5 #

  • Fix margin with partial invalid values (#21)

0.1.4 #

  • Update dependencies (#12)
  • Add support for web view (#19)

0.1.3 #

  • Update flutter_widget_from_html_core 0.1.3

0.1.2 #

  • Update flutter_widget_from_html_core 0.1.2

0.1.1 #

  • Update flutter_widget_from_html_core 0.1.1

0.0.1 #

  • First release
pub points


verified publisherdaohoangson.com

Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#widget #html #css #fwfh


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unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_widget_from_html_core, fwfh_cached_network_image, fwfh_chewie, fwfh_just_audio, fwfh_svg, fwfh_url_launcher, fwfh_webview, html


Packages that depend on flutter_widget_from_html