flutter_webview_plugin 0.4.0
flutter_webview_plugin: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview.
0.4.0 #
- migrated to null safety
0.3.10+1 #
- fixed android build
0.3.10 #
- add mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture parameter
- Add ignore ssl error parameter
0.3.9+1 #
- Fixed error methods on iOS
0.3.9 #
- Fixed error methods on iOS
- fixed build
- fixed ios clean cookies
- 4 Make plugin work in headless mode when extending FlutterApplication
- added canGoBack and canGoForward methods
0.3.8 #
- Fix iOS local URL support (fixes #114)
- bugfix: Added google() repository to allprojects to satisfy androidx build rules
- fixed min sdk for android
0.3.7 #
- Added reloading url with headers
- Added support for reloading url with headers
0.3.6 #
- Allow web contents debugging in Chrome
- Android: allow geolocation and file chooser simultaneously
- Add min sdk requirement and descriptions
- fix bug android webview httperror exception
- Exposes displayZoomControls, withOverviewMode and useWideViewPort settings for Android WebView
0.3.5 #
- Ability to choose from camera or gallery when using
- Support for webview’s estimated loading progress #255
- Fix back button handler to be compatible with the WillPopScope widget
0.3.4 #
- WebView always hidden on iOS
0.3.3 #
- BREAKING CHANGE - AndroidX support
0.3.2 #
- enable Javascript in iOS, support abort loading specific URLs
- add resizeToAvoidBottomInset to WebviewScaffold; #301
0.3.1 #
- Add support for geolocation Android
- fix No269: Can't load target="_blank" links on iOS
- fix: reloadUrl will not return Future
- Fix height of keyboard
- Fix Hide/Show WebView
- hotfix widget back to initialChild after webview is tapped on Android
0.3.0 #
- Fixes rect capture issue. Ensures WebView remains in the correct place on screen even when keyboard appears.
- Fixed iOS crash issue with Flutter
>= 0.10.2
. - Added new
feature. - Added support for
feature to show page loading view. - Added supportMultipleWindows: enables Multiple Window Support on Android.
- Added appCacheEnabled: enables Application Caches API on Android.
- Added allowFileURLs: allows
local file URLs. - iOS Now supports:
, andgoForward
. - iOS Bug fix
#77 - Updated Android
matching offical Flutter plugins. - Fixed Android
so settings are not cleared. - Enabled compatible
Mixed Content Mode
on Android.
0.2.1 #
- Added webview scrolling listener
- Added stopLoading() method
0.2.0 #
- update sdk
- prevent negative webview height in scaffold
- handle type error in getCookies
- Support file upload via WebView on Android
- fix WebviewScaffold crash on iOS
- Scrollbar functionality to Web view
- Add support of HTTP errors
- Add headers when loading url
0.1.6 #
- fix onStateChanged
- Taking safe areas into account for bottom bars
- iOS
- withLocalUrl option for iOS > 9.0
- Android
- add reload, goBack and foForward function
0.1.5 #
- iOS use WKWebView instead of UIWebView
0.1.4 #
- support localstorage for ANDROID
0.1.3 #
- support zoom in webview
0.1.2 #
- support bottomNavigationBar and persistentFooterButtons on webview scaffold
0.1.1 #
- support back button navigation for Android
- if cannot go back, it will trigger onDestroy
- support preview dart2
0.1.0+1 #
- fix Android close webview
0.1.0 #
iOS && Android:
- get cookies
- eval javascript
- user agent setting
- state change event
- embed in rectangle or fullscreen if null
- hidden webview
- adding Activity in manifest is not needed anymore
0.0.9 #
- Android: remove the need to use FlutterActivity as base activity
0.0.4 #
- IOS implementation
- Update to last version of Flutter
0.0.3 #
- Documentation
0.0.2 #
- Initial version for Android