flutter_ui_toolkit 0.0.3+9
flutter_ui_toolkit: ^0.0.3+9 copied to clipboard
Flutter UI Toolkit is a pre-built collection of the most used widgets to create apps. The idea is that you can use these widgets the way you use classes in HTML and CSS.
[0.0.3+8] - 12/05/2021. #
[0.0.3+7] - 12/05/2021. #
- Add UIBottomSheet
// Set up the bottom sheet
Future<void> _openBottomSheet(BuildContext context) async {
await UIBottomSheet.show(
context: context,
floatted: true,
hideHead: false,
content: Container(
alignment: Alignment.center,
height: 400,
child: UIHeading(
heading: 3,
text: 'Some cool content',
// Open the bottom sheet
label: 'Open Bottom Sheet',
onPressed: () async {
// and wait until it's closed
await _openBottomSheet(context);
// proceed
print('Bottom sheet closed');
[0.0.3+6] - 12/05/2021. #
- README - fixed content link anchors
[0.0.3+5] - 12/05/2021. #
- README - add content links
[0.0.3+4] - 11/05/2021. #
- minor tweaks
[0.0.3+3] - 11/05/2021. #
- Added default padding capabilities to button
[0.0.3+2] - 11/05/2021. #
- Fixed button padding
[0.0.3+1] - 10/05/2021. #
- Added UIContainer widget
as: errorContainer,
child: Text('This is a box with a nice shadow\nand a cool rounded border.'),
[0.0.3] - 10/05/2021. #
- Use UIAction for actions in UIDialog and UIActionSheet
- Improve documentation
[0.0.2+7] - 08/05/2021. #
- Fix styles for UIHeading
[0.0.2+6] - 08/05/2021. #
- add override styles for UIHeading
[0.0.2+5] - 08/05/2021. #
[0.0.2+4] - 08/05/2021. #
[0.0.2+3] - 06/05/2021. #
- Use universal_io for web support
[0.0.2] - 06/05/2021. #
- Upgraded to null-safety
[0.0.1+6] - 06/05/2021. #
- Use new buttons styling.
- Remove FlatButtons.
[0.0.1+5] - 05/05/2021. #
- Added UIDialog • Added UIActionSHeet
[0.0.1+4] - 05/05/2021. #
- Add example screenshots to readme
[0.0.1+3] - 05/05/2021. #
- Fixed readme typos
[0.0.1+2] - 04/05/2021. #
- Improved UIButton widget
- Created UIHeading widget
- Created UITextField widget
- Add documentation to readme
[0.0.1+1] - 28/04/2021. #
- Created UIButton widget