flutter_sms_inbox 1.0.3
flutter_sms_inbox: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
Flutter SMS Inbox Plugin (Android only). This library allows users to easily query inbox messages.
Flutter SMS Inbox #
Flutter android SMS inbox library based on Flutter SMS.
Dependencies #
This package in turn uses the permission handler package for permission handling, Permission Handler.
You need to add it to your project:
permission_handler: ^10.2.0
Querying SMS messages #
Add the import statement for sms and create an instance of the SmsQuery class:
import 'package:flutter_sms_inbox/flutter_sms_inbox.dart';
void main() {
SmsQuery query = SmsQuery();
Getting all SMS messages #
List<SmsMessage> messages = await query.getAllSms;
Filtering SMS messages #
The method querySms
from the SmsQuery
class returns a list of sms depending of the supplied parameters. For example, for querying all the sms messages sent and received write the followed code:
await query.querySms(
kinds: [SmsQueryKind.inbox, SmsQueryKind.sent],
You can also query all the sms messages sent and received from a specific contact:
await query.querySms(
address: getContactAddress()